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绿色空间正义是城市空间正义的典型代表,意为在人群中公平分配维护绿色空间的责任和享有绿色空间的权益。根据其定义,以北京市东城区为例,从责任和权益2个角度着眼,一方面基于百度街景地图数据提炼街道空间绿视率的空间分布特点,表征街道绿色空间的客观可感知水平;另一方面将街道绿视率和实时人口热力叠加,探讨街道绿色空间的实际被感知程度,从而完成对北京市东城区街道绿色空间维护和享有情况的评估。发现邻近使用者维护街道绿色空间的责任对绿化客观可感知水平的重要性,以及合理的道路断面设计对同时提升街道空间活力和绿视率即绿化实际被感知程度的有效性。由此总结出2点街道绿色空间规划设计建议,即明晰权责边界并保证公共权益优先级,以及加强落地性设计导则中对绿色空间正义问题的关注,并对未来研究提出展望。  相似文献   
试论城市的自然保护及绿地建设途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论述了城市自然保护的内容及特点,认为拓展城市绿地建设内容,用生态学理论来指导城市绿地建设,重视景观生态过程的重建是实现城市自然保护的主要措施,城市绿地生态网络是指导绿地生态规划的一个新的空间概念。  相似文献   
While contemporary urban theories suggest that individuals have transcended their geographical community, evidence suggests that urban residents still feel ‘attached’ to place. In the literature, several socio-demographic characteristics are associated with place attachment. Scholars suggest physical features, such as community ‘greenspace’, may also influence place attachment. Yet research does not consider the relationship between one's objective proximity to greenspace or the objective availability of community greenspace on residents' place attachment. This study employs multi-level models and draws on police incident data, census data, two spatial data sets and survey data from over 4000 residents living across 148 state suburbs in Australia to assess the relationship between greenspace proximity and greenspace availability on place attachment. Our findings indicate that greater proportions and more accessible greenspace may not improve residents' attachment to their local community.  相似文献   
气候变化和生物多样性快速丧失对人类生存和发展 构成重大威胁。生物多样性是适应环境变化的基础,也与人类 健康密不可分。迄今生物多样性水平与心理健康和福祉的因果 机制仍是研究缺口。系统性综述总结了生物多样性水平对心理 健康与福祉影响的研究方法、研究结果和影响机制。使用横断 面分析的文献初步揭示了生物多样性水平和心理健康与福祉存 在相关关系,后续文献使用实验法对因果途径进行了检验。总 体上,以植物、鸟类为指示物种的研究表明,高生物多样性水 平对人类心理健康与福祉具有促进作用,但也有少量研究显示 相反结果。由于现有实证研究数量较少且研究对象高度异质, 因此其影响机制尚不明确。未来可关注时间序列变化,验证影 响结果是否存在持续性与滞后性;关注二者在全球性、多尺 度、多人群中的变化规律,确定调节因素;基于更加稳健的实 验设计确定因果途径。  相似文献   
黄骏  刘宇峰  林燕 《南方建筑》2020,(2):112-119
随着城市土地紧缺和大学校园扩建产生的矛盾日益凸显,如何科学合理地处理这一冲突成为越来越重要的研究方向。新加坡有完善的城市绿化规划体系和成熟的绿色建筑实践,在其大学绿色校园设计中体现得尤为突出,可以提供值得参考的应对方式。因此通过对新加坡城市绿化空间发展历程的梳理和思考、以及对新加坡主要大学的建筑绿化空间设计实践的分析,总结出新加坡大学建筑绿化空间中庭院、平台、屋顶、垂直绿化这四种主要模式和与之对应的设计策略,以期对气候条件相似的我国粤港澳大湾区的大学校园建筑绿化空间设计提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The social profiles of residential communities exert differential effects on expectations and demands on urban greenspaces. We studied the diversity of public perception towards urban greenspaces in compact urban Hong Kong. Random household samples were selected from four dominant residential communities: old-core public housing (OP), old-core residential (OR), suburban residential (SR), and new-town public housing (NP). They denote gradations in income, housing quality, physical and social milieu, and development age. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire. Residents’ attitude, visiting pattern, greenspace preference, and assessment of neighborhood quality were investigated. SR presented distinctive results in comparison with others. The moderate differences between the remaining three communities were mainly linked to local traits in park environs. OP more emphasized the function of communal places for neighborly interactions associated with better social relationship of an older population. Parks in OR were the more frequently visited, even though its residents were sensitive to the negative impacts of urban greenspaces, which was related to urban blight in the environs. SR respondents highly appreciated greenspaces as pleasant settings for family activities and aesthetic enjoyment. NP residents were less frequent visitors despite generous park provision, due to the youthful population, weak social cohesion, and limited integration of new migrants. Community quality factors such as neighborhood relationship and urban density influenced the perception. Social qualities were more important than the physical aspects of parks in influencing visitorship. The findings suggest future research to deepen understanding of public perception towards urban greenspaces to inform park design.  相似文献   
自然生态系统中各种要素相互关联,而生态城市的发展理应遵循这种系统思想。在城市发展中,绿化是人们改善人居环境品质的手段之一,不应被视作目的或结果。现代主义运动中的某些发展模式可为我们提供警示,新近一些成功案例则很好地体现了生态城市理念,包括建筑与城市绿地系统的有机混合、城市与乡村的相互交融、公共绿地与私家庭院的和谐并存、绿地系统建设的大众参与和渐进式生长、低层发展模式、资源循环利用、不同年龄人群的共生等。  相似文献   
吴正旺  杨鑫  马欣 《新建筑》2012,(4):32-35
当前,我国城市绿地率已达相当高的比例,但环境恶化之势仍未得到根本扭转,其主要原因之一,在于城市景观综合生态机能的衰退。将建筑设计与城市植物群落结合,按照植物群落最小面积要求设置大中型绿地斑块、合理限定人为干扰并引导群落演替,就能减少绿地系统的人工维护,完善群落组织,改善城市小气候。而将建筑设计与绿地系统的生态补偿结合,兼顾绿地景观的关键生态过程和重要节点的保育,以绿地系统改善自然采光、通风与景观视觉,则能有效地弥补、修正城市绿地的格局与构成。最后,在建筑设计中结合绿地进行节能设计,利用绿地做功,还能降低建筑全生命周期的运营费用,有利于城市可持续健康发展。  相似文献   
Research suggests that children living in areas with more greenspace may have better self-regulation, but to date no studies have investigated this capacity immediately following exposure to natural vs. urban environments. To explore this, two studies using between-subjects experimental designs were conducted. Participants, between eight and eleven years old, completed a delay of gratification task (as an indicator of self-regulation) before and after a short (3 min) video of either a natural or built environment or a control display. Potential cognitive and emotional mechanisms underpinning any self-regulation effects were explored using a selective attention task (Stroop test) and by monitoring mood (adapted Cantril’s ladder). Results were mixed. Supporting earlier work, post-test delay of gratification scores were significantly better after exposure to a natural than urban environment, however, compared to controls, it appeared that this effect was due to the depleting effect of the built condition, rather than any restorativeness of the natural condition. Although we also found a marginally significant increase in mood after exposure to the natural environment, this did not mediate the effects of environment on self-regulation.  相似文献   
以上海城市及其绿地系统为研究对象,参考国内外相关领域的研究成果,结合上海城市政治、经济、文化的发展和人们对绿地系统要求与认识的改变,对城市绿地系统规划指导思想、绿地建设、规划指标、布局结构和保障体系等方面的历史演变进行比较分析,揭示其城市绿地系统进化的内在动因和原始动力。  相似文献   
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