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多中心城市的概念内涵与空间特征解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"多中心"是当前国内外大城市发展的一般特征和趋势。本研究通过对大量国内外多中心城市相关研究的分析,首先梳理了多中心城市研究的历史脉络,从理论推导和空间特征两个方面,总结提出了多中心城市的概念和内涵;其次,分别从空间形态特征、规模等级特征、功能体系特征、"互动流"特征、区域协同特征和空间演化的阶段性特征方面,详细解析了多中心城市在各表现维度上的特征;最后,提出了对于我国大城市空间发展的启示与借鉴,并针对当前大城市空间结构引导实践中的困惑,提出未来的研究展望。本研究旨在为新型城镇化过程中我国大城市空间可持续发展和科学引导提供基础依据。  相似文献   
基于客运交通流的长江三角洲功能多中心结构研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
选取长江三角洲城市间每日公路长途客运班次和高速铁路每日经停班次作为城市间客运交通流的替代数据,从联系强度和节点关系两个方面对长三角城市区域功能多中心结构的特征及演化趋势进行解析。认为在长三角城市区域层面,南北两翼的城市间联系网络相对独立,两翼城市与上海的联系以及两翼内部城市间的联系均呈现出北强南弱的现象,这一现象与南、北两翼产业发展的总体特征和升级路径具有较强的相关性。上海作为长三角的核心枢纽,南京、杭州、宁波作为长三角次级枢纽的格局较为清晰,苏州、南通和无锡作为上海大都市区的直接腹地甚至通勤区的态势进一步显现。随着高速铁路的发展完善,长三角城市区域"等级+网络"的演化趋势日益明显,一方面上海的极化趋势进一步增强,与此同时整个区域产业发展与基础设施的发展将呈现出进一步均衡的态势。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: The monocentric development pattern in the Alonso–Mills–Muth model underpinned theoretical discussions of urban form in the 1960s and 1970s and truly dominated theory up to the point when Joel Garreau published Edge City: Life on the New Frontier in the early 1990s. Monocentric development patterns remain dominant to this day among smaller metropolitan areas in the United States. However, for larger metropolitan areas in the United States, regional transportation plans suggest a paradigm shift to a polycentric structure. We review 126 regional transportation plans in the United States and find that a hierarchy of centers connected by high-quality transit has become the dominant vision for most of them. The plan for Salt Lake City (UT), for example, strives for a multicentered region even though secondary centers are only beginning to emerge beyond a dominant downtown. Generally missing from regional transportation plans are quantitative criteria for designating and guiding centers: In no case are the quantitative criteria empirically based on proven transportation benefits. Here we investigate how the built environment characteristics of centers are associated with people’s travel mode choices and vehicle use. We employ visual and exploratory approaches through a generalized additive model (GAM) to identify nonlinear relationships between travel outcomes and “D” variables (density, diversity, design, destination accessibility, and distance to transit) within centers. The model and plots help us recommend the built environment characteristics of centers.

Takeaway for practice: The built environment thresholds and relevant tools provided here can enable planners to make informed decisions about future growth patterns, set realistic—yet visionary—goals, and improve the overall health of its residents and communities. We provide strategies and tools that planning agencies, such as metropolitan planning organizations, transit agencies, and municipalities, can adopt to channel developments into centers.  相似文献   
Urban-geographical research using location-based social media (LBSM) has itself been characterized by uneven geographies in that most studies deal with Europe and North America. This implies a relative dearth of studies focusing on countries such as China, and this in spite of the country having the largest number of Internet users in the world. This paper proposes to address this lacuna by showing the research potential of LBSM services associated with Weibo, by far the most popular online social microblogging and networking service in China. To this end, we map inter-city connections within the Yangtze River Delta based on three million individuals’ space-time footprints derived from Weibo. Empirical results reveal that the inter-city connections derived from Weibo present both common and specific spatial patterns associated with inter-city travel. We find that a small percentage of cities and city-dyads constitute the backbone of this inter-city network. The dominant direction of individual flows tends to be from primary cities to sub-primary cities, and from peripheral cities to primary cities. In addition, city-dyad connectivities do not strictly follow cities’ positions in terms of their centralities in the hierarchical distribution. Furthermore, the effects of administrative boundaries and cities’ administrative level are significant. We benchmark these insights by re-examining our findings against the backdrop of polycentric developments in the Yangtze River Delta, which confirms the potential usefulness of LBSM data for analyzing urban-geographical patterns.  相似文献   
Although professional planning in China is relatively new, Chinese urban planning has roots in governance practices that predate both Mao and the current era of market-oriented reform. Government and social responses to the unprecedented contradictions caused by current reforms suggest some likely future directions for planning in China. I expect the discipline of planning will diversify from the current emphasis on enabling economic growth to include a stronger regulatory function, greater emphasis on maintaining environmental quality, and stronger analytical, communicative, and advocacy roles. Efforts to revive and strengthen property rights and reformulate urban communities will affect planning practice, but I expect politics to be more influential than institutional or bureaucratic changes.  相似文献   
Territorial cohesion discourse represents normative and ideological vision of ideal spatial practices that should be applied in order to ensure balanced and polycentric spatial development. However, spatial diversity of existing territorial settings often diverge from political representations of spaces. Using the Czech Republic as a case study, the paper focuses on the development of urban system hierarchy by analysing the changes of work-commuting flows in the post-socialist period. The results show that the configurations of everyday spatial routines and functioning of real urban systems differ from political imaginaries to a great extent and are moving towards a more polarized pattern.  相似文献   
广州市就业次中心和多中心城市研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1980年代后期,一种新的城市空间结构现象--"就业次中心(Em-ployment Subcentre)"和"多中心城市(Polycentricity)" 出现在北美和西欧的大都市,并成为学者们的研究热点.基于2004年广州市第一次经济普查中的就业人员数据,运用空间分析方法对广州市城市空间结构研究,旨在揭示"就业次中心"和"多中心城市"已经在中国的一些大都市中形成,并解剖其后的动力机制.最后笔者认为"就业次中心"和"多中心城市"已经存在于中国大都市,其形成机制来源于第二产业,与西方的第三产业不尽相同.  相似文献   
新区域主义在新大伦敦空间总体规划中的诠释   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
杨滔 《城市规划》2007,31(2):19-23
回顾了英国区域主义的发展,重点分析了新的大伦敦空间总体规划中的新区域主义思想,包括区域空间网络的模型促进了模糊边界与多中心空间格局,公平的可达性保证了区域的社会整合,即新的区域平衡,有限制的自下而上的合作机制决定了区域空间的最终形态等,最后了反思新区域主义是否能带来新的区域平衡。  相似文献   
孙斌栋  郭睿  陈玉 《城市规划》2019,43(9):37-42,85
城市群已经成为我国新型城镇化深入推进的主要空间支撑形态,厘清哪种空间结构更有利于提高城市群的经济绩效,有助于为“十四五”乃至更长时期的城市群空间规划提供决策依据.本文基于陆地扫描全球人口数据库和欧洲航天局全球土地利用数据识别城市实体,并从单中心-多中心视角测度城市群空间结构,运用固定效应模型和工具变量法检验城市群空间结构对劳均GDP和劳均GDP增长率的影响.结果显示,多中心的空间结构更有助于促进城市群经济绩效的提高.未来空间规划应在发挥首位城市辐射带动作用的基础上,促进经济要素在城市群中整体均衡分布,形成各城市协调发展、合理有序的空间结构体系.  相似文献   
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