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矿业权兼具物权的私法属性与行政许可的公法属性,流转中存在国家干预与私人自治的内在张力和冲突。在煤炭资源整合背景下,这种冲突表现为:以阴阳合同的方式进行矿业权转让,名为整合、实为挂靠;登记权利人与实际权利人分离交易;合同解除权行使与整合政策冲突,强制关闭在采矿许可证有效期限内的煤矿等。调适路径在于:理论层面,澄清矿业权的法权属性,突出其物权性质;立法层面,调整涉矿业权的法律法规中限制矿业权流转的规范安排;司法层面,合理定位公法与私法在矿业权流转中的调整范围,融贯公私法共治并存的模式。从长远看,应借助《矿产资源法》修订的契机建立现代矿业制度。  相似文献   
通过对目前就业形势的分析,指出独立学院依托母体办学的不足之处,从师资队伍、学生、校企合作等方面就学生培养如何与人才市场的需求接轨进行阐述。以就业为导向,学以致用的教学理念是独立学院的发展之本。  相似文献   
The widespread diffusion of mobile devices has led to a new method of value transfer that retains the features of mobile devices: mobile payments. Many researchers have investigated consumers’ responses to mobile payment services, which is a key indicator of the success of a service, and have examined determinants of consumer adoption. Although many studies have addressed consumer adoption of mobile payment services, only the general and abstract factors affecting adoption (e.g., perceived usefulness) have been intensively investigated. However, these studies have rarely examined the idiosyncratic and concrete aspects of mobile payment services. To improve our understanding of why consumers adopt certain mobile payment services, this study investigated consumers’ evaluations of the explicit attributes of the services. Three hundred seventy-three consumers of mobile payment services participated in an online conjoint survey. Their preference structure was generated from a conjoint analysis including five service attributes (mobile payment platform, assurance policy, mileage program, authentication method, and affiliated stores), which were identified through a literature review and focus group discussion. The results showed that an assurance policy is the most critical factor influencing consumers’ choices, and a mileage program is considered to be as imperative as the platform. We also compared the findings by two consumer clusters (safety seekers vs. platform adherers), which were classified by preference. Because this study examines concrete and specific attributes of mobile payment services beyond abstract and general adoption factors, it provides insights into consumers’ actual adoption of services.  相似文献   
吴炜 《建筑学报》2005,(12):76-78
通过对上海市公共卫生中心设计实践和工程实施的分析与介绍,从功能分区、防护隔离、病房设计、医院环境、人性化设计等多方面对烈性传染病医疗综合体的设计与功能组织进行了探讨,以求为传染病医院设计的发展提供参考.  相似文献   
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