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多灰度级显示器上的曲线绘制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光栅扫描显示器的屏幕是由位置固定的,离散的象素点所组成的,因而在其上生成的曲线只能是实际曲线的某种近似表示,并不是很美观的,例如有曲线的阶梯效应及曲线亮度不均度等问题,该文说明利用多灰度光栅显露器可以在一定程度上解决这些问题,并且用给出的主些算法绘制曲线时,可以较好地解决上述问题,这些算法在动画制作中也可有典型的应用。  相似文献   
It is believed that the microseismicity induced by mining effect and gas gradient disturbance stress is a precursor to the essential characteristics of roadway unstability. In order to effectively identify and evaluate the stability of coal roadways in the process of mine development and extraction, a microseismic monitoring system was deployed for the study of the stress evolution process, damage degree and distribution characteristics in the tailgate and headgate. The mine under study is the 62113 outburst working face of Xin Zhuangzi coalmine in Huainan mining area. The whole process of microfractures initiation,extension, interaction and coalescence mechanisms during the progressive failure processes of the coal rock within the delineated and typical event clusters were investigated by means of a two dimensional realistic failure process analysis code(RFPA2D-Flow). The results show that the microseismic events gradually create different-sized event clusters. The microseismicity of the tailgate is significantly higher than that of the headgate. The study indicates that the greater anomalous stress region matches the area where microfractures continuously develop and finally connect to each other and form a fissure zone.Due to the mine layout and stress concentration, the ruptured area is mainly located on the left shoulder of the tailgate roof. The potential anomalous stress region of the coal roadway obtained by numerical simulation is relatively in good agreement with the trend of spatial macro evolution of coal rock microfractures captured by the microseismic monitoring system. The research results can provide important basis for understanding instability failure mechanism of deep roadway and microseismic activity law in complex geologic conditions, and it ultimately can be used to guide the selection and optimization of reinforcement and protection scheme.  相似文献   
In order to study the evolution laws during the development process of the coal face overburden rock mining-induced fissure,we studied the process of evolution of overburden rock mining-induced fissures and dynamically quantitatively described its fractal laws,based on the high-precision microseismic monitoring method and the nonlinear Fractal Geometry Theory.The results show that:the overburden rock mining-induced fissure fractal dimension experiences two periodic change processes with the coal face advance,namely a Small→ Big→ Small process,which tends to be stable;the functional relationship between the extraction step distance and the overburden rock mining-induced fissure fractal dimension is a cubic curve.The results suggest that the fractal dimension reflects the evolution characteristics of the overburden rock mining-induced fissure,which can be used as an evaluation index of the stability of the overburden rock strata,and it provides theoretical guidance for stability analysis of the overburden rock strata,goaf roof control and the support movements in the mining face.  相似文献   
页岩气水平井重复压裂层段优选与效果评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对页岩气储层实施初次体积压裂后,生产测井监测显示1/3的射孔簇不产气或产气量较少,而且投产后产量递减也普遍较快。为此,应用微地震解释数据与裂缝网络扩展结果,建立压裂缝网预测模型与压裂井产能预测模型,在综合考虑岩石物性、微地震、生产动态等影响因素的条件下,提出了页岩重复压裂开发潜力评价指数(RDPEI),建立了重复压裂设计与评估方法,实现了针对性的层段优选与评价,并进行了现场应用。研究结果表明:(1)天然裂缝的非均质性导致压裂缝网存在着较大的差异,易形成明显的"死气区",具有较大的重复压裂挖掘潜力;(2)初次压裂裂缝网络受天然裂缝的影响大,裂缝网络主体沿最大水平主应力方向扩展,局部改造段裂缝扩展呈双翼扩展,液体波及裂缝网络长度为地震解释结果的52%~70%;(3)RDPEI模型避免了单因素分析的局限性,实现了对可采性、可压性与重复压裂3类指数的定量预测;(3)实例井重复压裂测试页岩气产量提高了38.9%,1年累计产气量提高了62.5%,增产效果明显。结论认为,重复压裂是提高页岩气单井最终可采储量的有效可行手段,该研究方法为页岩水平井重复压裂层段优选与效果评估提供了理论与技术支撑。  相似文献   
长水平井段多井拉链式水力压裂是提高四川盆地蜀南地区页岩气产量和降本增效的重要手段。微地震压裂监测因其能够对水力压裂裂缝进行实时成像而被广泛应用于页岩气压裂效果评估和压裂参数优化调整。但目前国内页岩气微地震压裂监测仅能按照压裂监测前设计的参数完成平台井压裂作业后才能评估压裂效果,其评估结果只能为下一个平台井的压裂参数提供指导,缺少对正实施井进行实时优化压裂参数的经验,致使微地震压裂监测的实时作用失效。为此,利用放射状排列微地震地面监测和微地震井中联合监测技术,采用实时定位方法,对四川盆地蜀南地区页岩气长水平井段多井拉链式水力压裂裂缝进行实时成像,实时评估压裂效果,现场实时指导了前置液参数、射孔、暂堵剂的投放时间等参数的优化,有效避免了重复压裂、压裂效果不均等现象,提升了压裂改造效果。2口井组的实践结果表明,微地震压裂实时监测在实时评估压裂效果和实时优化压裂参数方面能够发挥重要作用,平均测试页岩气产量增加2~5倍,值得进一步借鉴和推广。  相似文献   
深部高应力区采矿研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入深部的高应力区采矿是未来几十年内我国矿业发展的必然趋势.阐述了南非、加拿大、澳大利亚、波兰、印度和智利等国的深部高应力区采矿的研究现状,介绍了对高应力区诱发的岩爆等地质灾害的破坏机理、预防预测、支护控制等的最近的研究成果,并提出了未来我国矿山的主要发展方向,为我国硬岩矿山探索和研究深部高应力区的采矿技术与灾害预测、控制理论和确保矿山的安全生产打下了基础.  相似文献   
为了减少断层活化对煤炭安全生产带来的威胁,本文以河南某矿11011工作面过断层为工程背景,通过FLAC~(3D)三维数值模拟软件和微震监测等方法,研究了在不同顶板岩性组合结构下,工作面向逆断层推进时,煤层顶板的运动特征、断层带应力演化规律以及工作面过断层期间微震事件特征。研究表明,断层受到的开采扰动随工作面推进而逐渐增加,活化程度也越剧烈,在距断层10~20m时,断层活化危险性最大;受工作面回采的影响,顶板不同岩性组合结构下,断层发生活化难易程度为:软硬硬软软软硬硬硬软软硬硬硬软软;在工作面回采过程中,断层带B监测点的相对下沉量大于监测点A,说明断层上方高位处先发生活化失稳;随着工作面不断接近断层,断层受开采扰动的影响也越大,断层附近区域岩体微裂隙越多,断层附近区域微震事件越多,断层活化越剧烈。研究成果为断层发育区煤炭资源安全开采提供理论依据与技术参考。  相似文献   
屈成民  何峰  冯冠一 《金属矿山》2012,41(6):129-132,141
在我国,近距离煤层赋存和开采所占比例很大,而吕梁矿区木瓜煤矿层间距小于10 m的可采储量占总储量的80%,所以研究近距离下煤层开采岩层破断微震监测技术具有重要的现实意义。针对木瓜煤矿近距离下煤层109工作面巷道支护、区段煤柱的合理宽度确定的技术难题,基于微震监测原理理论,采用现场监测的方法,对工作面回风巷的上覆岩层破断的时空位置、能量和微震事件分布形态特征等随工作面推进的变化进行监测,确定109工作面侧向矿山压力分布规律、上覆岩层的破断规律及破坏程度,为确定区段煤柱的合理宽度提供现场科学数据,实现近距离煤炭资源的安全高效回采。  相似文献   
煤矿中发生的岩爆、煤和瓦斯突出等地质灾害与岩体中的微震现象有着必然的联系,通过监测地下微震信号可以确定地下岩石破裂的范围和程度,为矿山的地下安全监测提供有力的证据。以往基于DSP或其他单片机的微震系统,其资源的有限性很难达到理想的采集效果,并且难以完成先进算法的实现;而本系统实现了对多路微震信号采集及先进的小波变换处理算法,充分发挥了虚拟仪器的优势。该系统的监测结果与实际矿震十分吻合,得到的定位结果小于规定的误差上限,很好地完成了对微震的实时监测及分析。  相似文献   
Velocity calibration for microseismic event location using surface data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because surface-based monitoring of hydraulic fracturing is not restricted by borehole geometry or the difficulties in maintaining subsurface equipment, it is becoming an increasingly common part of microseismic monitoring. The ability to determine an accurate velocity model for the monitored area directly affects the accuracy of microseismic event locations. However, velocity model calibration for location with surface instruments is difficult for several reasons: well log measurements are often inaccurate or incomplete, yielding intractable models; origin times of perforation shots are not always accurate; and the non-uniqueness of velocity models obtained by inversion becomes especially problematic when only perforation shots are used. In this paper, we propose a new approach to overcome these limitations. We establish an initial velocity model from well logging data, and then use the root mean square (RMS) error of double-difference arrival times as a proxy measure for the misfit between the well log velocity model and the true velocity structure of the medium. Double-difference RMS errors are reduced by using a very fast simulated annealing for model perturbance, and a sample set of double-difference RMS errors is then selected to determine an empirical threshold. This threshold value is set near the minimum RMS of the selected samples, and an appropriate number of travel times within the threshold range are chosen. The corresponding velocity models are then used to relocate the perforation-shot. We use the velocity model with the smallest relative location errors as the basis for microseismic location. Numerical analysis with exact input velocity models shows that although large differences exist between the calculated and true velocity models, perforation shots can still be located to their actual positions with the proposed technique; the location inaccuracy of the perforation is <2 m. Further tests on field data demonstrate the validity of this technique.  相似文献   
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