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秘一芳  安全福 《化工进展》2020,39(6):2093-2104
纳滤因其分离效率高、操作压力低、环境友好等优点,在废水处理、海水淡化和工业分离纯化等众多领域有着重要的应用。界面聚合法制备的聚酰胺(PA)纳滤膜是最为常用的纳滤膜种类之一。然而界面聚合反应速度快,如何通过调控界面聚合过程,优化纳滤膜选择分离层的结构从而提高渗透选择性,以满足不同领域对纳滤膜需求仍是亟需解决的问题。本文从影响界面聚合单体扩散因素的角度出发,综述了近年来PA纳滤膜渗透选择性能优化的研究进展,包括新型PA纳滤膜、纳米材料/PA混合基质膜及超薄PA纳滤膜3个方面,探讨了选择分离层结构调控与纳滤膜渗透选择性能优化的关系,最后指出目前界面聚合制备高渗透选择性PA纳滤膜在规模化、稳定性及可控性存在的问题,并对未来界面聚合纳滤膜在微观结构和聚合过程调控方面的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
快速、准确、高效的纺织品颜色测量方法一直是纺织领域的研究热点,成像技术在纺织品颜色测量中的应用有较好的研究前景。为此,介绍了光电积分法和分光光度法的特点及其用于纺织品颜色测量存在的局限性。阐述了成像技术中数码摄像法、多光谱成像法、高光谱成像法的成像特点,分析了相机颜色特征化、光谱重建算法、图像分割法等对纺织品颜色测量的影响,并对不同成像技术在纺织品颜色测量应用中的研究现状进行总结。最后从纺织品颜色特点、纺织品颜色测量要求以及高光谱成像技术的优点等角度,展望了高光谱成像技术用于未来纺织品颜色测量的发展方向。  相似文献   
Mulberry silk is composed of the two major parts of two triangle-like silk fibroin fibers and sericin covering the fibers and a few lipids. After removing the sericin on the raw silk what is left is the silk fibroin fiber. Silk fibroin is the main part of silk accounting for about 75% of the total weight. Silk fibroin contains 18 natural amino acids such as glycine Gly alanine Ala serine Ser serine aspartic acid Asp and tyrosine Tyr . The secondary structure of silk fibroin has three main conformations α-helix β-fold and random coil. Under certain conditions the three conformations can transform into each other and change the mechanical properties of the silk fibroin material. Silk fibroin extracted from silk fiber is a natural polymer with biocompatibility and biodegradability. It can be further processed into different forms of materials nanoparticles films hydrogels sponges etc. It has been applied in many fields such as biomedicine and cosmetics. In order to meet the needs of different fields researchers have conducted further chemical modification treatment based on the original excellent properties of silk fibroin. Meanwhile the active groups on various amino acid residues in silk fibroin also provide chemical reaction sites for the chemical modification of silk fibroin. The chemical modification methods of silk fibroin mainly include amino acid residue modification macromolecular grafting modification and crosslinking reaction modification. Among them amino acid residue modification can modify protein amino acid residues by chemical reagents and some groups can be introduced into the side chains of silk fibroin macromolecules. Grafting modification of silk fibroin macromolecules is one of the main means to bind functional compounds to silk fibroin macromolecular chains. The properties of grafted silk fibroin are affected by the type and grafting rate of the grafts. The chemical crosslinking reaction modification of silk fibroin macromolecules is to make the macromolecular chains connected by covalent bonds and form a network structure by means of crosslinking agents enzymes or ultraviolet irradiation. The cross-linking reaction can not only form covalent bonds within and between the molecular chains of silk fibroin thus changing its structural properties and improving its stability but be used to form covalent bonds with other polymers. At present the chemical modification of silk fibroin is mainly applied in the fields of silk textiles biomedicine and environmental science. In the field of silk textiles graft copolymerization modification of vinyl and other monomers crosslinking agent modification and other methods are used to overcome the shortcomings of silk like being easy to wrinkle. The graft modified monomers mainly include ethylene methacrylate and methylacrylamide. The active groups on crosslinking agents such as polycarboxylic acid / anhydride and epoxide are covalently combined with carboxyl hydroxyl and amino groups on macromolecules of silk fibroin to improve the wrinkle resistance of silk fabrics. In the field of biomedicine silk fibroin materials with appropriate chemical modification have better biological activity drug delivery ability antimicrobial properties and mechanical properties. The optimization of these properties enables silk fibroin materials to show great potential in drug control delivery tissue regeneration and wound repair. The applied research in the field of environmental science mainly focuses on the adsorption separation and catalysis of impurities in water. Therefore the modification of amino acid residues grafting and cross-linking of protein macromolecules can change some important properties of silk fibroin and meet the requirements of various applications and functionalization of silk fibroin. In many fields of chemical modification and application of silk fibroin protein fruitful results have been achieved which has laid a good foundation for the further development of related fields and also shows that the chemical modification of silk fibroin material has great potential and application prospects. However there are still some problems that need to be overcome and further improved in the current chemical modification methods such as mild modification conditions and accurate adjustment of the degree of modification which will be the research direction of related fields in the future. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
与金属压力容器相比,采用纤维缠绕工艺制备的复合材料压力容器具有很好的减重效果,改变了氢气、天然气等一次性能源储存和运输原则。首先介绍了网格理论提供了纤维缠绕压力容器壳体设计解决方案;其次指出了非测地线缠绕工艺的研究引领了对纤维缠绕线型设计的发展;然后对不同缠绕工艺进行对比分析综述出复合材料压力容器在缠绕层成型工艺、缠绕层质量以及缠绕层检测标准3个方面的研究进展;最后总结了目前纤维缠绕工艺在复合材料压力容器上的发展趋势并进行展望。  相似文献   
针对目前纺纱车间加工工序复杂多样、生产部门间信息交互闭塞、订单按期交货能力不足以及人力物力调配不合理等痛点问题,以企业实际生产车间为对象,在对生产现状分析的基础上进行排产流程设计以及生产订单分析,并采用微服务架构进行合理的纺纱排产信息化系统设计。应用结果显示该系统为以订单为导向的生产计划排产和车间作业执行提供了科学、高效的管理模式,保证了纱线订单正常生产进度和按期交货,为企业后续信息化发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   
针对桑蚕丝织物常规脱胶方法脱胶时效低且脱胶废液污染环境等问题,提出采用一种高效无污染的蒸汽处理方法对桑蚕丝双绉织物进行脱胶,通过对蒸汽脱胶工艺的温度和时间进行探究,并选择脱胶完全的两种蒸汽脱胶工艺与常规碳酸钠脱胶法处理得到的桑蚕丝织物性能对比分析。结果表明:在105℃和110℃条件下,织物脱胶率与脱胶时间呈线性正相关,在115、120、125℃条件下,织物脱胶率与脱胶时间呈对数函数关系;当蒸汽温度为125℃,脱胶处理45 min的蒸汽脱胶工艺得到的织物力学性能最优,悬垂性能略差,其微观形貌和二级结构均未受到明显影响,且脱胶总时长缩短了45.83%。该蒸汽脱胶工艺对桑蚕丝双绉织物的脱胶具有可行性和可控性,并提高了脱胶效率,同时可为代替传统脱胶工艺提供理论参考。  相似文献   
为制备一种隔热的功能纺织品,分别以涤棉混纺机织物、PP熔喷无纺布、PP纺粘无纺布为骨架材料,将经2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶氧化物(TEMPO)介导氧化后的纤维素微纤维与Zr4+、SiO2前体溶液的混合液浇筑到织物表面,经冷冻干燥后制备ZrO2和SiO2改性的隔热纤维素微纤维(CMF)气凝胶复合织物。通过傅立叶红外(FTIR)、X-射线衍射(XRD)、热成像仪、厚度仪、强力拉伸仪等对气凝胶复合织物进行表面形貌、化学组成、隔热性能及服用性能分析。结果表明:气凝胶复合织物具有较高孔隙率,且气凝胶层与织物表面结合良好;FTIR和XRD表明Zr和Si成功附着在织物表面构成耐高温层;随着气凝胶层厚度的增加,复合织物的隔热性能也有所提升。本文制备的气凝胶复合织物具备优良的隔热性能,且服用性能良好。  相似文献   
为进一步提升丝素基纤维膜的抗菌性能,以六氟异丙醇和三氟乙酸为溶剂分别溶解丝素蛋白和壳聚糖,制备一定质量比的混合纺丝溶液,然后利用静电纺丝技术制备丝素蛋白/壳聚糖(SF/CS)复合纤维膜。对不同质量比下复合纤维膜的微观形貌、吸水率、止血性能和抗菌性能进行测试与分析。结果表明:SF/CS复合纤维膜中纤维呈光滑致密、无串珠的网状结构;随着壳聚糖添加量的增加,复合纤维膜的抗菌性呈显著增强趋势,当丝素蛋白与壳聚糖质量比为5∶2时,复合纤维膜对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌圈直径分别为(11.88±0.04)和(15.34±0.04) mm,抑菌率分别达到(73.93±0.85)%和(93.27±0.97)%;同时,在该条件下制备的复合纤维膜具有较高的吸水率((967.59±9.76)%),止血性能优于市售止血纱布。  相似文献   
为了开发出一款具有隔音降噪多功能的墙布面料,采用浸轧工艺对经编涤纶织物进行防水整理,使其获得一定疏水性;通过聚氨酯(PU)发泡涂层对防水基布进行功能性整理。探究了不同制备工艺参数对涂层织物的涂层剥离牢度以及隔音性能的影响,也分析了PU发泡涂层织物作为墙布面料的应用优势。结果表明:当涂层浆料配方PU用量为100 g,云母粉为30 g,热膨胀微球为2 g时,采用焙烘温度为170℃,焙烘时间为60 s,刀距为0.58 mm,制备得到的PU发泡涂层织物的涂层剥离牢度为17 N,平均隔音量可达26 dB,涂层剥离牢度及隔音性能达到综合最佳,该类防水隔音降噪多功能涂层织物在墙布市场具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
为提高纺织品文物中天然染料鉴定的准确性和便捷性,利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用(HPLC-MS)技术对68种天然染料化合物标准品进行分析,收集化合物分子质量、碎片离子及丰度、检测离子模式、保留时间等信息,建立了基于美国国家标准技术研究院质谱数据库的天然染料质谱数据库。通过设置合理的检索条件,确定质谱库检索最佳参数,对代表性蒽醌类(茜素)、黄酮类(槲皮素、木犀草素)、生物碱类(小檗碱)化合物进行了分子碎裂机制解析。应用自建的质谱数据库成功实现了2件古代纺织品文物中天然染料的快速鉴定,质谱数据库检索结果显示其含有茜素、茜紫素、木犀草素、小檗碱、巴马汀等染料化合物,且在文物样品的检索过程中,质谱数据库正向检索匹配度与反向检索匹配度均大于800,匹配率均在95%以上。利用质谱数据库检索技术鉴定天然染料具有可行性,为纺织品文物中天然染料的研究工作提供了新思路。  相似文献   
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