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不同灌溉量对退化草地的生态恢复作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在希拉穆仁草原进行了为期3年的草地灌溉试验,对测试的试验地在灌溉3年期间及停灌后1年内进行了植被调查和土壤种子库发芽试验,结果表明:一是灌溉可以明显提高草地植被的生产性能且不同灌溉量间并无明显差异。当停止灌溉后,原灌溉样地的植被生产性能均略低于无灌溉对照区,且不同灌溉量间也无明显差异。二是不同灌溉量样地植被物种组成与无灌溉对照区的Bray-curtis相似性系数始终保持在0.8左右,表明灌溉期间群落结构并未发生很大变化。当停止灌溉后,原灌溉样地与无灌溉对照区的Bray-curtis相似性系数下降为充足灌溉区0.61和中度灌溉区0.55,表明灌溉对植物的生存策略有一定的影响且不同灌溉量基本相同。三是土壤中的种子总数量有所增加,但物种的数量有所减少。充足灌溉样地土壤种子库情况略差于无灌溉对照区,中度灌溉样地则略好于无灌溉对照区,表明不同灌溉量对植物的繁殖策略有一定的影响。  相似文献   
The leaf area index (LAI) product from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is important for monitoring and modelling global change and terrestrial dynamics at many scales. The algorithm relies on spectral reflectances and a six biome land cover classification. Evaluation of the specific behaviour and performance of the product for regions of the globe such as Australia are needed to assist with product refinement and validation. We made an assessment of Collection 4 of the MODIS LAI product using four approaches: (a) assessment against a continental scale Structural Classification of Australian Vegetation (SCAV); (b) assessment against a continental scale land use classification (LUC); (c) assessment against historical field-based measurement of LAI collected prior to the Terra Mission; and (d) direct comparison of MODIS LAI with coincident field measurements of LAI, mostly from hemispherical photography. The MODIS LAI product produced a wide variety of geographically and structurally specific temporal response profiles between different classes and even for sub-groups within classes of the SCAV. Historical and concurrent field measurements indicated that MODIS LAI was giving reasonable estimates for LAI for most cover types and land use types, but that major overestimation of LAI occurs in some eastern Australian open forests and woodlands. The six biome structural land cover classification showed some significant deviations in class allocation compared to the SCAV particularly where grasslands are allocated to shrubland, savanna woodlands are allocated to shrubland, savanna and broadleaf forest, and open forests are allocated to savanna and broadleaf forest. The land cover and LAI products could benefit from some additional examination of Australian data addressing the structural representation of Eucalypt canopies in the “space of canopy realisation” for savanna and broadleaf forest classes.  相似文献   
孙娜蒙  李雨红  许民 《华中建筑》2007,25(1):198-200
世界著名建筑大师赖特的有机建筑始终坚持"与自然和谐共生"的设计理念,创造了无数经典之作,在世界范围内引起了很大反响,至今仍为人们所迷恋.赖特的有机建筑分成草原式住宅和美国风住宅两个阶段,这两种风格的住宅创作均体现出中国哲学的"天人合一"思想.因此,挖掘中国传统哲学的内在精神,以此来诠释赖特的有机建筑,可以更加深入地体会建筑的内在涵义,并从中吸取一些对当代建筑创作有益的精髓.  相似文献   
本文通过牧场试验,探讨了黑龙江省西部草地土壤无机磷形态,结果表明,四种草地土壤均以Ca-P为主,约占无机磷总量的60%左右,O-P含量少于Fe-P和Al-P.草甸黑钙土无机磷总量最高,Ca2-P、Ca8-P和Al-P都是草甸黑钙土重要的贮磷库;草甸风沙土无机磷总量最低,但Ca8-P含量相对较高;草甸碱土无机磷总量、Ca2-P和Al-P含量显著高于碱化草甸土.向草甸碱土和碱化草甸土施磷酸二铵能显著增加土壤无机磷的总量,尤其显著提高土壤中Ca8-P和Al-P含量.  相似文献   
Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was evaluated as a method to predict the botanical composition of seminatural grassland in ‘dehesa’ systems. Samples of herbaceous biomass were harvested over four consecutive years, determining in each—by manual separation—the proportion by weight of the following taxonomic groups: grasses, legumes and the rest of the families in a single block (‘others’). After reconstructing the natural samples they were analysed by NIRS. One set of samples (calibration set) was selected for the development of the equations, assaying different mathematical treatments (log l/R, first derivative and second derivative). The ranges of coefficients of multiple determination and standard errors of calibration, respectively, for the various components were: grasses, 0.86 to 0.92 and 6.66 to 9.14; legumes, 0.77 to 0.81 and 6.82 to 7.43; and ‘others’, 0.85 to 0.88 and 8.17 to 9.54. The remaining samples not included in the development of the NIRS equations (prediction set) were used for the purposes of validating the best equations. Standard errors of performance were: grasses, 6.12; legumes, 7.56 and ‘others’, 7.70.  相似文献   
Extensive agricultural systems have been promoted all over Europe. Most studies of such systems have focused on plant species composition, while few studies have looked at soil effects. We report on an experiment at three upland sites where soil carbon, nitrogen and pH were measured twice a year for 12 years. There were four grazing treatments: no grazing, grazed to maintain a sward height of 8 cm, grazed to maintain 4 cm (all without fertiliser) and grazed to maintain 4 cm with the addition of fertiliser. There was no significant effect of treatment, but there were differences between sites over time. A simulation model, CENTURY, was adapted to the data. It also predicted little difference between treatments, but the fit to data was not very good. It was necessary to assume that the soils contained a store of undecomposed organic matter or peat that was now slowly decomposing as a result of liming. The need to modify the model to include a pH effect on decomposition in the model is highlighted.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) can play a key role in many environmental processes, including carbon cycling, nutrient transport and the fates of contaminants and of agrochemicals. Hydrophobic acids (Ho), the major components of the DOM, were recovered from the drainage waters from well-drained (WDS) and poorly-drained (PDS) Irish grassland soils in lysimeters, amended with N fertiliser (F) and with bovine urine (U) and were studied using 1D and 2D solution-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The Diffusion Edited (DE) 1H NMR spectra indicated that the Ho consisted largely of larger molecules, or of molecules that formed rigid aggregates, and the 1D and the 2D (Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence - HMQC, the Total Correlation Spectroscopy - TOCSY, and the Nuclear Overhauser Effect - NOESY) spectra indicated that the samples were composed of lignin residues, carbohydrates, protein/peptides, and aliphatic components derived from plant waxes/cuticular materials and from microbial lipids. The F amendments increased the concentrations of Ho in the waters by 1.5 and 2.5 times those in the controls in the cases of WDS and PDS, respectively. The lignin-derived components were increased by 50% and 300% in the cases of the Ho from the WDS and PDS, respectively. Applications of F + U decreased the losses of Ho, (compared to the F amendments alone) and very significantly decreased those of the lignin-derived materials, indicating that enhanced microbial activity from U gave rise to enhanced metabolism of the Ho components, and especially of lignin. In contrast the less biodegradable aliphatic components containing cuticular materials increased as the result of applications of F + U. This study helps our understanding of how management practices influence the movement of C between terrestrial and aquatic environments.  相似文献   
公共设施的适宜性布局是城乡居民享受基本的公共服务权利的基础,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,与公众生活质量息息相关的基本公共服务设施也越来越受到各界关注,合理规划基本公共服务设施建设的相关研究成为焦点。同时,由于经济发展水平与生产生活方式的不同,公共服务均等化推进差异较大,尤其是作为欠发达地区的内蒙古草原聚落,其离散型地域特征加剧了公共服务设施供给的难度。研究选择典型区域(内蒙古正镶白旗)草原聚落,以点带面对空间形态及住民生活状况进行调研分析,探讨草原聚落公共设施布局体系结构与公共服务设施适宜性布局方法,对可装配轻体系统的应用做相应的研究和讨论,提出适应性较强的公共服务空间建构模式。  相似文献   
草地作为地球上分布最广的植被类型,在陆地碳循环中发挥着重要作用。草地生产力是估算产草量的基础,准确模拟生产力对草原资源合理利用及生态保护具有重要意义。以东北草地生产力为研究核心,利用涡度相关通量观测数据、遥感数据和气象数据,构建和检验东北草地光能利用率模型。东北草地光能利用率模型以归一化物候植被指数(NDPI)代表光合有效辐射吸收比例,以地表水分指数(LSWI)+0.5表示水分胁迫因子。基于44个草原站的通量数据对东北草地光能利用率模型进行验证,东北草地光能利用率模型的R2为0.855,高于MODIS GPP产品(R2=0.719),略高于VPM GPP产品(R2=0.848),东北草地光能利用率模型的MAE和RMSE分别为0.374 g Cm-2和0.735 g Cm-2,低于MODIS GPP产品(MAE=0.562 g Cm-2,RMSE=1.026 g Cm-2)和VPM GPP产品(MAE=0.667 g Cm-2...  相似文献   
Agriculture currently accounts for 28% of national greenhouse gas emissions in Ireland. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils account for 38% of this total. A 2-year study was conducted, using the chamber technique on a fertilized and grazed grassland to quantify the effect of fertilizer application rate, soil and meteorological variables on N2O emissions. Three N fertilizer regimes (0, 225 & 390 kg N ha−1) were imposed with three replicates of each treatment. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied as urea (46% N) in spring with calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN-26% N) applied in the summer (June–September). Rotational grazing was practiced using steers. Nitrous oxide emissions arising from the unfertilized plots (0 N) were consistently low. Emissions from the N-fertilized plots (225 & 390 kg N ha−1) were concentrated in relatively short periods (1–2 weeks) following fertilizer applications and grazing, with marked differences between treatments, relative patterns and magnitudes of emissions at different times of the year and between years. Variation in N2O emissions throughout both years was pronounced with mean coefficients of variation of 116% in year 1 and 101% in year 2. The study encompassed two climatologically contrasting years. As a result the N2O–N loss, as a percent of the N applied in the cooler and wetter 2002 (0.2–2.0%), were similar to those used for N-fertilized grasslands under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) N2O emission inventory calculation methodology (1.25% ± 1). In contrast, the percentage losses in the warmer and drier 2003 (3.5–7.2%) were substantially higher.  相似文献   
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