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The Global Precipitation Measurement(GPM)mission is designed to provide the next generation of global satellite precipitation products.The GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) carried on the Core Observatory adds high\|frequency channels which can detect light rain and snow.The Dual\|Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) combining the data of Ku\|band and Ka\|band helps to obtain more information of cloud and precipitation particles.To detect the cloud and precipitation structure in the typhoon,lots of information from both bands such as precipitation distribution,vertical structure,rain top height and structure of stratus cloud and convective cloud of typhoon ‘Mujigae’ occurring in early October 2015 are analyzed,using 1C\|GMI and 2A\|DPR products of GPM.The results show that the Ku\|band of DPR is better at detecting precipitation and bright band.However,Ka\|band has better effects on detecting small particles of the cloud top.The near\|surface precipitation rate centers upon values below 20mm/hr and partly focuses on 20\|60mm/h.The maximum value of near\|surface precipitation rate is 88.68mm/hr.The rain top height centers on values between 5km and 10km,and the maximum value exceeds 15km.The proportion of stratus cloud precipitation in the typhoon reaches 63.4%,but its average rainfall rate per unit area is lower than convective cloud precipitation by 37%.The detecting results of DPR and ground\|based SA\|band radar are very close which proves the reliability of DPR data.  相似文献   
余振兴  冯军 《电子学报》2015,43(2):405-411
本文提出了一种超宽频带毫米波混频器电路.混频器采用分布式拓扑结构和中频功率合成技术,具有宽带宽和高转换增益.该混频器采用TSMC 0.18-μm CMOS工艺设计并制造,芯片总面积为1.67mm2.测试结果表明:混频器工作频率从8GHz到40GHz,中频频率为2.5GHz时的转换增益为-0.2dB至4dB,其本振到中频端口和射频到中频端口间的隔离度均大于50dB.整个电路的直流功耗小于32mW.  相似文献   
Group communications (real‐time and non‐real‐time) refer to one‐to‐many or many‐to‐many communications. On the one hand, multicast is considered as an appropriate solution for supporting group communication‐oriented applications (we distinguish IP network multicast from application layer multicast). On the other hand, peer‐to‐peer model tends to be a good candidate for supporting today Internet applications (e.g. P2P IPTV, P2P VoIP, etc.). In this context, P2P has attracted significant interest in the recent years. This is mainly due to its properties that also make P2P well adapted to today social networks. In this paper, we propose GPM (Generic P2P Multicast): a novel generic and scalable approach, that optimizes multicast tree depth in P2P networks (structured and unstructured), and contributes to control the network overlay latency. For multicast tree construction, the approach we propose is based on a distributed algorithm using a specific data structures (adjacency and forwarding matrixes). GPM model inherits from P2P attributes such as scalability, flexibility and fault tolerance, while taking into consideration the respective characteristics of one‐to‐many and many‐to‐many type of applications. We also give a performance evaluation for validation and comparison purposes while considering some main existing application layer multicast protocols. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
新一代GPM(Global Precipitation Measurement)IMERG(Integrated Multi-satellit E Retrievals for GPM)卫星遥感反演降水数据产品提供了覆盖范围更大、精度和时空分辨率更高的新的降水数据来源。本文以北江流域为例,基于高精度融合降水数据产品定量评估了新一代准实时"early-run"和"late-run"IMERG产品(IMERG-E和IMERGL)以及非实时后处理的"final-run"IMERG产品(IMERG-F)的精度,并结合VIC(Variable Infiltration Capacity)分布式水文模型评估了该系列产品的水文效用。结果表明:(1)研究区域内非实时IMERG-F产品有着较高的精度,网格尺度上日尺度相关系数为0.65,相对偏差为5.87%,优于上一代3B42-V7产品,而准实时的IMERG-E及IMERG-L产品的日相关系数则为0.6左右,精度同样令人满意;流域平均尺度上各产品精度均进一步提高;(2)情景I(基于站点观测降雨数据率定模型)的水文模拟结果表明,非实时IMERG-F产品表现出较好的水文效用,纳西效率系数为0.622;准实时的IMERG-E及IMERG-L产品虽总体上表现较差,但在汛期表现较好,说明该产品有应用于短期洪水预报的潜力;(3)情景II(基于3B42-V7数据率定模型)的结果表明,各IMERG产品的水文模拟表现均有显著改善,说明3B42历史数据适合在使用IMERG产品进行水文模拟时用于水文模型率定。  相似文献   
为评价GPM卫星降水产品在长江流域的探测精度,利用长江流域224个气象站点2014年4月1日至2017年12月31日的逐日实测降水数据和GPM卫星遥感探测数据,通过相关系数R、平均绝对误差MAE、均方根误差RMSE、相对偏差RB四种指标评价了GPM卫星降水产品在长江流域年、月、日尺度上的探测精度,并运用探测率POD、误报率FAR、偏差率BIAS、公正先兆评分ETS四种指标衡量了GPM对不同量级降水的捕捉能力。结果表明:①年尺度上,GPM卫星与实测降水的R、MAE、RMSE和RB值分别为0.92,0.44,0.57 mm/d和5.68%,表现出较高的探测精度;②月尺度上,GPM卫星在冬夏两季月份与实测值的一致性较差,并明显低估了冬季月份的降水,且对夏季月份的降水估计存在较高误差;③日尺度上,GPM对弱降水的捕捉能力较强,对强降水探测能力较差;④总体而言,GPM在年月尺度上通过表现出较高的相关系数R和较低的MAE和RMSE误差值,显示出比日尺度上更高的探测精度。  相似文献   
Most residents of Canada's 300 remote communities do not have access to natural gas and must rely upon higher cost and/or less convenient heat sources such as electric heat, heating (furnace) oil, propane, and/or cord wood. This research sought to determine the techno-economic feasibility of increasing biomass utilization for space and hot water heating in remote, off-grid communities in Canada and abroad using a two-option case study approach: 1) a district energy system (DES) connected to a centralized heat generation energy centre fuelled by wood chips; and 2) a decentralized heating option with wood pellet boilers in each individual residence and commercial building. The Nuxalk First Nation Bella Coola community was selected as a case study, with GIS, ground surveys, and climate data used to design DES routes and determine heat demand. It was determined that biomass has the potential to reduce heat costs, reduce the cost of electricity subsidization for electrical utilities, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase energy independence of remote communities. Although results of the analysis are site-specific, the research methodology and general findings on heat-source economic competitiveness could be utilized to support increased bioheat production in remote, off-grid communities for improved socio-economic and environmental outcomes.  相似文献   
高分辨率的降水数据对于复杂地形区的精确水文预报和气候模拟至关重要.利用青藏高原的植被、地形和地理位置特征,建立了与降水的回归模型,将全球降水测量(GPM)IMERG的年降水量从0.1°降尺度至1 km,通过分解年降水获得月降水量数据,并用气象站点的实测数据进行校准.得出以下结论:①GPM IMERG月降水量略大于地面观...  相似文献   
基于淮河流域上游区(洪河口以上) 2014年4月-2015年12月的实测逐日和小时降水数据,采用综合评价指标评估了TRMM 3B42 v7和GPM IMERG卫星产品在逐日和小时尺度上的监测精度。结果表明:逐日尺度上,对于流域面平均降水和网格降水,GPM产品与实测降水的相关性略优于TRMM,相关系数为0. 87,误差略大于TRMM,但均控制在0. 8 mm/d以内;降水探测能力方面,GPM与实测降水的一致性较高,尤其表现在小雨和中雨降水事件上,可用于日尺度的水文模拟和水资源评价等研究。小时尺度上,TRMM对6场极端降水的监测能力比较稳定,略有低估(BIAS均值为-6%),GPM对不同的极端降水事件监测能力不一,可靠性相对较低,相对于TRMM卫星降水产品,GPM在对极端降水的监测能力方面还有待提高。  相似文献   
雅鲁藏布江流域GPM和TRMM遥感降水产品精度评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析雅鲁藏布江流域降水的时空变化规律,是高原地区水文研究的重要基础。以雅鲁藏布江流域为研究区,基于中国区域地面气象要素数据集,利用平均误差、相关系数、相对偏差、均方根误差等评价指标和误差分析方法,系统评估了GPM与TRMM降水产品数据在不同时空尺度的精度。结果表明,日、月尺度上两个产品数据平均相对误差值均与降水量呈正相关,出现西低东高现象,TRMM在高降水地区平均相对误差值更大,GPM冬季拟合效果不及TRMM产品;两种降水产品的精度在流域不同区域也有明显差异,西部区域TRMM产品数据误差更小;而中东部区域,GPM产品虽然相对偏差更大,但均方根误差更小,数据精度整体更高;另外,GPM对于强降水事件及其降水过程具有更好的监测能力;整体上,两个产品对于产生降雨均有较好的观测能力,GPM、TRMM产品对于连续无雨日的相关性拟合较差,观测精度一般,GPM相对于TRMM产品在雅鲁藏布江流域的提升并不明显。研究成果可为区域水资源管理与水文研究提供依据。  相似文献   
针对GPMIMERG降水数据存在系统误差的问题,以关中地区为例,在筛选海陆位置、地形、植被指数(NDVI)变量的基础上,运用支持向量机(SVM)、随机森林(RF)、高斯过程回归(GPR)模型对IMERG月降水数据进行订正,并通过34个站点数据验证订正模型。结果表明,关中地区IMERG数据具有良好的可替代性,其决定系数R2达0.76,平均绝对误差MMAE、均方根误差RRMSE分别为6.94、9.77 mm;经机器学习模型订正后星地数据之间的R2提升了2.05%~58.33%,RRMSE、MMAE分别降低了0.85%~71.23%、0.10%~73.47%;与GPR、RF模型相比,SVM模型的RRMSE、MMAE分别减小16.76%、9.76%和24.73%、14.11%,对IMERG数据订正具有更好的适用性。  相似文献   
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