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黄河下游高含沙洪水河床形态及调控指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用水库调控高含沙洪水是维持黄河下游主槽不萎缩的重要途径。基于黄河下游实测高含沙洪水冲淤特性的分析,按流量大小对高含沙洪水进行了分类,提出了黄河下游高含沙洪水的分类调控思路及相应的调控指标。大漫滩高含沙洪水,在满足黄河下游防洪要求的前提下,控制洪峰流量大于1.5倍的平滩流量,来沙系数在0.012~0.04 kg·s/m~6范围内。一般高含沙洪水,控制黄河下游洪水流量接近平滩流量,并尽可能控制来沙系数在临界值附近。高含沙小洪水,控制黄河下游洪水流量在2 500 m~3/s以下,洪水沙量小于2亿t。高含沙洪水经过分类调控后,可较大限度地利用滩地淤沙、主槽输沙能力排沙及花园口以上较大的主槽库容滞沙,维持或提高黄河下游主槽过流能力。  相似文献   
黄泛平原古城“环城湖”与城市防洪减灾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄泛平原为研究背景,以该地城内形态相似的“环城湖”为研究对象,通过对其构成要素、历史成因、演变过程、空间格局等方面的研究,探讨了“环城湖”在黄河洪水与泥沙作用下的生成机制与演变规律.认为:古城“环城湖”是特定自然条件下黄河泛滥引起生态环境改变与古代城市营建模式共同作用的结果,在古城营建过程中承担着泄洪、排涝等防洪减灾功能,并在当今城市建设中仍发挥着重要作用;只有充分了解古城“环城湖”的形成过程与演变机制,才能重新认识和定位“环城湖”的当代价值,从本质上把握古城“环城湖”的特色与精华.  相似文献   
李秀霞 《红水河》2011,30(1):32-34
在已有研究的基础上,定量分析了津槽分流与水深比、糙率比、河宽比的相互关系,并根据分析结果,综合考虑影响滩槽流量的主要因素和滩槽间的交互作用,构造了概化断面的潍槽流量比的计算结构式.最后采用滩、槽分流比的实测资料对该式进行验证.结果表明,该公式计算的滩槽分流比与实测值较为接近,可供相关工作者参考.  相似文献   
哈岸英  吴腾  陈刚 《水利学报》2012,43(1):10-14
通过理论分析与数值计算,研究了冲积河流漫滩水流水力因子的变化特性。结果表明,断面平均流速在漫滩瞬间迅速减小,然后逐渐增大;断面综合动能修正系数、动量修正系数均随水深而缓慢增加,在漫滩瞬间迅速增大,随即快速减小。根据漫滩水流水力因子沿水深的变化特性,提出采用断面横向平均流速为判别因子以定量划分复式断面的滩与槽。此外,文中将其应用于黄河下游漫滩水流的水沙数值模拟,其结果与实际情况符合较好。  相似文献   
The approaches used to manage rivers have been developed and adapted to many different problems and settings. Because of their relatively low cost, vegetation‐based approaches implemented at the reach, landholder and catchment scales have become the foundation for river management in most landscapes. In many dryland agricultural catchments, secondary (anthropogenic) salinity caused by clearing native vegetation has resulted in rising saline groundwater, streamflow salinity values that exceed seawater and severe the degradation of riparian vegetation communities. The potential effectiveness of vegetation‐based strategies in these landscapes remains largely unknown, yet these strategies are still widely pursued. This study initially investigated the patterns of vegetation recovery and recolonization following a large flood in a saline river that disturbed the system. A conceptual model was developed to describe spatial patterns of where different vegetation types had regrown and recovered in relation to controls exerted by streamflow salinity, surface texture characteristics, topography and reach morphology. Using this model, vegetation‐based river management options for different reaches were developed, and their potential effectiveness in stabilizing reaches was investigated using a 1‐D hydraulic modelling approach. This study finds that in a dryland catchment with high stream salinity (20 000–93 000 mg L?1), there is still a strong potential for successful vegetation‐based management, but only in selected reaches. Results showed that changes in stream power and channel velocity were not associated with the areas of most severe vegetation degradation. Rather, there is a complex interplay between channel morphology, channel slope and places of potential vegetation growth within a reach. This paper outlines an approach to evaluate the potential success of vegetation‐based river management in saline landscapes. It identifies the need to prioritize investment based on the following: an understanding of factors controlling revegetation potential, the likely impact of revegetation in mitigating adverse channel changes and the proximity of reaches to high‐value infrastructure and biodiversity assets. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
我国西南山区山洪灾害频发,严重威胁山区社会发展和人民生命财产安全。由于地形限制,山区常见弯曲河道,而弯曲段时常发生山洪灾害。以往弯曲河道水沙运动及河床演变的研究成果难以有效识别弯曲河道漫滩洪水下凹岸易灾区域范围。基于四川省芦山县王家村弯曲河道漫滩洪水灾害的现场观测,本文设计了弯曲水槽模型,测量了不同水沙条件下弯道水面超高、河床地形、凹岸水位和滩槽纵向流速,探讨了漫滩洪水的致灾机制,识别了漫滩洪水下弯曲河道易灾区范围。结果表明,上游流量是弯道漫滩洪水致灾的关键因素,而上游泥沙补给是次要因素。弯道水面超高随泥沙补给增加而增大,经对比计算,兰运长等的率定参数能较好预测河床冲淤稳定的弯道水面超高。水流不漫滩时,泥沙补给仅造成弯道凸岸轻微淤积,对弯道凹岸水位提升的影响很小。洪水漫滩后,上游流量增大造成凹岸水位和滩地流速显著增加。随着泥沙补给不断增大,弯曲主河道河床整体淤积,但淤积对水位和滩地流速的影响较小。30-60°断面区域是90°弯曲河道的易灾区范围,这是因为该区域内的滩地流速大于主河道流速和上游来流流速,滩地最大流速出现在弯道50°断面,其值可达上游来流流速的1.3倍。从水动力学角度分析,洪水漫滩时,滩地流速显著增大是王家村弯曲河段弯顶附近滩地成灾的原因。  相似文献   
We conducted a regional classification and analysis of riverine floodplain physical features that represent key attributes of salmon rearing habitats. Riverine habitat classifications, including floodplain area and river channel complexity, were derived at moderate (30 m) spatial resolution using multispectral Landsat imagery and global terrain data (90 m) encompassing over 3 400 000 km2 and most North Pacific Rim (NPR) salmon rivers. Similar classifications were derived using finer scale (i.e. ≤ 2.4‐m resolution) remote sensing data over a smaller set of 31 regionally representative flood plains. A suite of physical habitat metrics (e.g. channel sinuosity, nodes, floodplain width) were derived from each dataset and used to assess the congruence between similar habitat features at the different spatial scales and to evaluate the utility of moderate scale geospatial data for determining abundance of selected juvenile salmon habitats relative to fine scale remote sensing measurements. The resulting habitat metrics corresponded favorably (p < 0.0001) between the moderate scale and the fine scale floodplain classifications; a subset of these metrics (channel nodes and maximum floodplain width) also were strong indicators (R2 > 0.5, p < 0.0001) of floodplain habitats defined from the finer scale analysis. These relationships were used to estimate the abundance and distribution of three critical shallow water floodplain habitats for juvenile salmon (parafluvial and orthofluvial springs, and shallow shore) across the entire NPR domain. The resulting database provides a potential tool to evaluate and prioritize salmon conservation efforts both within individual river systems and across major catchments on the basis of physical habitat distribution and abundance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Channelization and embankment of rivers has led to major ecological degradation of aquatic habitats worldwide. River restoration can be used to restore favourable hydrological conditions for target species or processes. However, the effects of river restoration on hydraulic and hydrological processes are complex and are often difficult to determine because of the long‐term monitoring required before and after restoration works. Our study is based on rarely available, detailed pre‐restoration and post‐restoration hydrological data collected from a wet grassland meadow in Norfolk, UK, and provides important insights into the hydrological effects of river restoration. Groundwater hydrology and climate were monitored from 2007 to 2010. Based on our data, we developed coupled hydrological/hydraulic models of pre‐embankment and post‐embankment conditions using the MIKE‐SHE/MIKE 11 system. Simulated groundwater levels compared well with observed groundwater. Removal of the river embankments resulted in widespread floodplain inundation at high river flows (>1.7 m3 s?1) and frequent localized flooding at the river edge during smaller events (>0.6 m3 s?1). Subsequently, groundwater levels were higher and subsurface storage was greater. The restoration had a moderate effect on flood peak attenuation and improved free drainage to the river. Our results suggest that embankment removal can increase river–floodplain hydrological connectivity to form a more natural wetland ecotone, driven by frequent localized flood disturbance. This has important implications for the planning and management of river restoration projects that aim to enhance floodwater storage, floodplain species composition and biogeochemical cycling of nutrients. © 2016 The Authors. River Research and Applications Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
A history of land clearance and riparian tree and wood management has resulted in limited riparian woodland and wood along British rivers. However, river management approaches are now being promoted that ‘work with natural processes’ to reduce flood risk through measures intended to restore, protect and emulate the natural function of catchments, rivers, estuaries and coasts. Wood has started to be reintroduced into river channels during river restoration and natural flood management activities, but this needs to be undertaken using appropriate quantities, locations and designs that mimic natural tree‐wood features. This paper reviews the knowledge that is needed to support wood reintroduction activities including (i) the characteristics of the riparian tree species and wood that are present; (ii) the importance of river size relative to that of trees and wood pieces; and (iii) the way trees, wood and geomorphic processes interact across rivers and floodplains of different energy and style.  相似文献   
黄河下游为典型的游荡性河段,横河、斜河等畸形河势时有发生,从理论和实践两方面论证了裁弯取直工程是规顺黄河下游畸形河势、减小两岸工程出险几率的一种有效措施.着重介绍了黄河下游大宫至王庵河段裁弯取直工程的方法和措施,可作为其他畸形河势治理时参考.  相似文献   
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