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地震勘探技术在控制煤层赋存形态方面有高于其它物探方法的优势,尤其在准确圈定小窑采空区、岩浆岩侵蚀、煤层露头、火烧区及冲刷带、陷落柱等地质异常体方面已取得了很好的效果,对煤矿产业的生产和建设都起到了举足轻重的作用。本文通过河北、新疆和山西等地煤矿采区三维地震勘探实例介绍了如何根据地震时间剖面表现的不同特征来确定和解释各种煤层地质异常体,并取得了良好的地质成果。  相似文献   
本文在国内首次模拟了野外露头的埋藏史和地热史,并通过人工改变埋藏轨迹,预测了盆地内中侏罗统地下烃源岩的有机质成熟度.西宁盆地现今出露的中侏罗统烃源岩的镜质体反射率为0.59%,刚进人生油门限.模拟结果表明:地下同层位、同深度烃源岩的镜质体反射率为0.82%,达到了大量生油的成熟阶段.  相似文献   
安塞油田长61^1-2小层是主力开采油层,总体连片性较好、稳定性较强。但是细分到单砂体上,发现单砂体稳定性差,变化较快,常有尖灭,且单砂体间泥质夹层发育。这些特征说明建立一套单砂体划分方法、研究单砂体结构形态具有重要意义,单砂体研究可以给改善油藏开发效果提供新的思路。以长61^1-2小层为对象,通过野外露头和井下对比,研究单砂体形成背景及规律,建立了单砂体划分方法。划分标准以GR曲线为核心,划分界限为0.4-0.5(归一化值,无量纲)。  相似文献   
This paper presents an approach to the evaluation of reservoir models using transient pressure data. Braided fluvial sandstones exposed in cliffs in SW England were studied as the surface equivalent of the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone, a reservoir unit at the nearby Wytch Farm oilfield. Three reservoir models were built; each used a different modelling approach ranging in complexity from stochastic pixel‐based modelling using commercially available software, to a spreadsheet random number generator. In order to test these models, numerical well test simulations were conducted using sector models extracted from the geological models constructed. The simulation results were then evaluated against the actual well test data in order to find the model which best represented the field geology. Two wells at Wytch Farm field were studied. The results suggested that for one of the sampled wells, the model built using the spreadsheet random number generator gave the best match to the well test data. In the well, the permeability from the test interpretation matched the geometric average permeability. This average is the “correct” upscaled permeability for a random system, and this was consistent with the random nature of the geological model. For the second well investigated, a more complex “channel object” model appeared to fit the dynamic data better. All the models were built with stationary properties. However, the well test data suggested that some parts of the field have different statistical properties and hence show non‐stationarity. These differences would have to be built into the model representing the local geology. This study presents a workflow that is not yet considered standard in the oil industry, and the use of dynamic data to evaluate geological models requires further development. The study highlights the fact that the comparison or matching of results from reservoir models and well‐test analyses is not always straightforward in that different models may match different wells. The study emphasises the need for integrated analyses of geological and engineering data. The methods and procedures presented are intended to form a feedback loop which can be used to evaluate the representivity of a geological model.  相似文献   
以湖南省炎汝高速公路梅子山隧道为依托,根据冲沟段的地形地质条件,通过数值模拟研究浅埋偏压和拱部出露两种情况的施工力学行为,辨识施工中存在的不利因素,进行施工风险分析,提出隧道穿越冲沟段施工存在塌方、大变形、渗漏水、边仰坡失稳等风险事件,并有针对性地提出风险控制措施.结合现场施工与监测情况,讨论现场实施效果,洞内外变形正...  相似文献   
致密低渗透储层多尺度裂缝及其形成地质条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据限制致密低渗透砂岩储层天然裂缝扩展的岩石力学层及其界面特征,提出了多尺度裂缝的划分标准,探讨了多尺度裂缝形成的地质条件。根据油藏内天然裂缝规模及其控制界面,将天然裂缝分为大尺度裂缝、中尺度裂缝、小尺度裂缝和微尺度裂缝4级。大尺度裂缝在砂层组内发育,切割夹层,受隔层控制,延伸长度通常为百米级;中尺度裂缝在复合砂体内发育,切割层面,受夹层控制,延伸长度通常为数十米级;小尺度裂缝在单砂体内发育,受层面控制,延伸长度一般为米级至十米级;微尺度裂缝需要借助微观分析手段进行观察和识别,延伸长度一般为厘米级以下。不同尺度裂缝具有幂律分布的特点。裂缝尺度越大,数量越少;裂缝尺度越小,数量越多。多尺度裂缝的形成主要受岩石力学性质差异、岩石力学边界厚度和构造应力的控制。构造应力越大,越容易形成穿层的大尺度裂缝,较大的岩石力学性质差异和较厚的岩石力学边界才能够限制裂缝扩展;构造应力越小,越容易形成小尺度裂缝,较小的岩石力学性质差异和较薄的岩石力学边界就能够限制裂缝扩展。不同尺度裂缝对致密低渗透油藏的作用不同。微尺度裂缝主要起储集空间作用,改善了致密低渗透储层的储渗性能,是致密低渗透油藏稳产的重要因素;小...  相似文献   
湖北兴山大峡口二叠系剖面沉积相分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大量前人研究的基础上,通过野外实测,运用沉积相分析方法,结合露头层序地层学、生物地层学、储层成岩作用等方面研究,初步对湖北兴山大峡口二叠系剖面进行了沉积相分析研究,认为该剖面由下至上可划分为两个沉积体系单元,即碳酸盐缓坡沉积体系(相)和碳酸盐台地沉积体系(相)。同时,初步总结出了该剖面的沉积相模式。海平面的升降变化是控制该区沉积相发育和分布的主要因素。  相似文献   
特低渗透砂岩大型露头模型单相渗流特征实验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用电阻率测井的电极系测量原理,建立了一套测量平板模型平面流场的方法。同时利用特低渗透天然砂岩露头制作大型平板模型,进行了特低渗储层单相渗流实验。实验测定了平板模型单相渗流曲线,平面压力梯度场以及流场。利用压力梯度场和平行岩样非线性渗流曲线将模型渗流区域划分为不流动区、非线性渗流区和拟线性渗流区。研究表明,特低渗透多孔介质在平面渗流过程中存在非线性,平板模型视渗透率随着注采压差的增大而增加,模型平面流场存在未波及区域,提高平板模型注采压差后,平面渗流区域随之改变,流场中未波及区域消失。  相似文献   
Due to inherent limits of data acquisition and geophysical data resolution, there are large uncertainties in the characterization of subsurface fractures. However, outcrop analogies can provide qualitative and quantitative information on a large number of fractures, based on which the accuracy of subsurface fracture characterization can be improved. Here we take the tectonic fracture modeling of an ultra-low permeability sandstone reservoir based on an outcrop analogy, a case study of the Chang6t~ Formation of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Group of the Wangyao Oilfield in the Ordos Basin of China. An outcrop at the edge of the basin is a suitable analog for the reservoir, but the prerequisite is that they must have equivalent previous stress fields, similar final structural characteristics, relative timing and an identical depositional environment and diagenesis. The relationship among fracture density, rock type and bed thickness based on the outcrop is one of the most important fracture distribution models, and can be used to interpret fracture density in individual wells quantitatively. Fracture orientation, dip, geometry and scale, also should be described and measured in the outcrop, and can be used together with structure restoration and single well fracture density interpretation to guide fracture intensity prediction on bed surfaces and to constrain the construction of the 3D fracture geometry model of the subsurface reservoir. The application of the above principles shows the outcrop-based tectonic fracture models of the target ultra-low permeability sandstone reservoir are consistent with fractures inferred from microseismic interpretation and tracer tests. This illustrated that the fracture modeling based on the outcrop analogy is reliable and can reduce the uncertainty in stochastic fracture modeling.  相似文献   
根据渗流力学的理论计算,分析认为地下现今地层中水的运动不可能导致油水界面的倾斜;同时,又根据岩石物理的有关理论,分析了岩石物性导致油水界面倾斜的原因。分析研究认为,古水流导致岩石物性的差异,岩石物性的差异又导致毛细管压力曲线的不同,继而导致了油水界面沿古水流方向向上倾斜的现象。  相似文献   
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