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Based on the ARTFL version of theProfession and excerpts fromEmile, high frequency function and content words, as defined by Brunet, are analyzed via Pearson chi square tests. Next, four measures of narrative voice from the same populations are compared using Markovian chains and further chi square tests. In a third analysis the two orders of evidence are juxtaposed. The lexical and narratological preferences of theVicaire and theGouverneur, while not resolving the problematic of chronological composition (Burgelin, 1969), highlight the distinctiveness of each character.Richard L. Frautschi, professor of French at Penn State University, is studying relationships between quantitative enunciation and lexicology.  相似文献   
卢梭和马尔库塞对于异化问题的解决,带有乌托邦的色彩。参照马克思主义异化理论,对比分析了两位大师异化理论的内涵和特点,对处在现代化进程中的中国具有一定的启迪意义。  相似文献   
Guest-Editor Christian Hermansen Cordua describes how the work of Norwegian practice Rintala Eggertsson Architects is informed by the principals' strong socio-cultural convictions. They believe that raw capitalism alone cannot create a positive environment; as it renders the landscape no more than a site of mechanised production in which as little as possible is invested with a view to gaining as much as possible in the shortest time possible.  相似文献   
姜虹 《科普研究》2015,10(3):75-81
《植物学消遣》(Botanical Pastime )是19世纪初一款寓教于乐的问答游戏,这款游戏的植物学知识和插图主要参考了韦克菲尔德的《植物学入门》,让参与者了解当时盛行的林奈植物学。从知识的原创者林奈和植物学实践者卢梭的《植物学通信》到游戏的参考源《植物学入门》,植物学知识经过了科学家到科普作家和科普作家之间的两种传播方向。这款游戏是当时科学传播的新尝试,也是公众消费科学的一种方式。  相似文献   
人民主权思想是卢梭对人类社会存在和发展的理想状态的描绘,卢梭从分析社会不平等的起源出发,探究了如何建立一个平等自由的国家和实现人民主权的途径。但任何理论都有其时代的局限性,社会的发展需要理论指导,而理论本身也需要不断发展和完善,辩证地认识卢梭的人民主权思想,对指导当今的社会发展不无意义。  相似文献   
卢梭是法国启蒙运动时期著名的思想家,其社会契约思想对后世影响深远。《社会契约论》一书是卢梭这一思想的集中体现。也正是在这本名著中,卢梭的思想前后冲突,相互矛盾。从《社会契约论》一书中所体现的矛盾之处入手,分析了卢梭政治思想的矛盾之处以及产生这种矛盾的原因。  相似文献   
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