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The world of information technology is more than ever being flooded with huge amounts of data, nearly 2.5 quintillion bytes every day. This large stream of data is called big data, and the amount is increasing each day. This research uses a technique called sampling, which selects a representative subset of the data points, manipulates and analyzes this subset to identify patterns and trends in the larger dataset being examined, and finally, creates models. Sampling uses a small proportion of the original data for analysis and model training, so that it is relatively faster while maintaining data integrity and achieving accurate results. Two deep neural networks, AlexNet and DenseNet, were used in this research to test two sampling techniques, namely sampling with replacement and reservoir sampling. The dataset used for this research was divided into three classes: acceptable, flagged as easy, and flagged as hard. The base models were trained with the whole dataset, whereas the other models were trained on 50% of the original dataset. There were four combinations of model and sampling technique. The F-measure for the AlexNet model was 0.807 while that for the DenseNet model was 0.808. Combination 1 was the AlexNet model and sampling with replacement, achieving an average F-measure of 0.8852. Combination 3 was the AlexNet model and reservoir sampling. It had an average F-measure of 0.8545. Combination 2 was the DenseNet model and sampling with replacement, achieving an average F-measure of 0.8017. Finally, combination 4 was the DenseNet model and reservoir sampling. It had an average F-measure of 0.8111. Overall, we conclude that both models trained on a sampled dataset gave equal or better results compared to the base models, which used the whole dataset.  相似文献   
为了进一步提升红外和可见光图像的融合效果,提出了一种基于多尺度卷积算子和密集连接网络的图像融合模型.该模型首先使用多尺度卷积算子计算图像的直接多尺度特征,然后使用密集连接网络计算图像的间接多尺度特征.为了得到图像像素信息在不同尺度下的融合权重,通过叠加的方式将各个尺度密集连接网络的输出进行融合,并使用活动图方法计算两类图像的融合权重,最后根据权重计算结果得到融合图像,实验在THO数据集和CMA数据集获得较好的识别率.  相似文献   
传统人体动作识别算法无法充分利用视频中人体动作的时空信息,且识别准确率较低。提出一种新的三维密集卷积网络人体动作识别方法。将双流网络作为基本框架,在空间网络中运用添加注意力机制的三维密集网络提取视频中动作的表观信息特征,结合时间网络对连续视频序列运动光流的运动信息进行特征提取,经过时空特征和分类层的融合后得到最终的动作识别结果。同时为更准确地提取特征并对时空网络之间的相互作用进行建模,在双流网络之间加入跨流连接对时空网络进行卷积层的特征融合。在UCF101和HMDB51数据集上的实验结果表明,该模型识别准确率分别为94.52%和69.64%,能够充分利用视频中的时空信息,并提取运动的关键信息。  相似文献   
通过肺部CT影像进行肺结节检测是肺癌早期筛查的重要手段,而候选结节的假阳性筛查是结节检测的关键部分.传统的结节检测方法严重依赖先验知识,流程繁琐,性能并不理想.在深度学习中,卷积神经网络可以在通用的学习过程中提取图像的特征.该文以密集神经网络为基础设计了一个三维结节假阳性筛查模型—三维卷积神经网络模型(TDN-CNN)...  相似文献   
基于DenseNet的低分辨CT影像肺腺癌组织学亚型分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现在低剂量、低分辨率CT扫描影像中对肺腺癌组织学亚型的分类鉴别,提出一种基于DenseNet的深度学习方法,从混合性磨玻璃结节(mGGNs)5 mm层厚的低分辨率CT影像中预测IAC和MIA病理分类. 从丽水市中心医院105例患者的105个5 mm层厚低分辨率CT图像中选取样本,划分训练集和测试集后,对训练集进行数据扩展,构建深度学习2D和3D DenseNet模型,分类鉴别IAC和MIA. 2D DenseNet模型的分类准确度为76.67%,敏感性为63.33%,特异性为90.00%,受试者工作特征曲线下的区域面积为0.888 9,显著优于3D DenseNet模型和其他几种深度学习网络模型. 深度学习技术,尤其是2D DenseNet模型,可辅助并指导医生在肺癌CT筛查中对患者的肺腺癌组织学亚型进行预判,特别是在图像分辨率较低的情况下,仍能够快速提供较为准确的诊断.  相似文献   
Glaucoma disease in humans can lead to blindness if it progresses to the point where it affects the oculus' optic nerve head. It is not easily detected since there are no symptoms, but it can be detected using tonometry, ophthalmoscopy, and perimeter. However, advances in artificial intelligence approaches have permitted machine learning techniques to diagnose at an early stage. Numerous methods have been proposed using Machine Learning to diagnose glaucoma with different data sets and techniques but these are complex methods. Although, medical imaging instruments are used as glaucoma screening methods, fundus imaging specifically is the most used screening technique for glaucoma detection. This study presents a novel DenseNet and DarkNet combination to classify normal and glaucoma affected fundus image. These frameworks have been trained and tested on three data sets of high-resolution fundus (HRF), RIM 1, and ACRIMA. A total of 658 images have been used for healthy eyes and 612 images for glaucoma-affected eyes classification. It has also been observed that the fusion of DenseNet and DarkNet outperforms the two CNN networks and achieved 99.7% accuracy, 98.9% sensitivity, 100% specificity for the HRF database. In contrast, for the RIM1 database, 89.3% accuracy, 93.3% sensitivity, 88.46% specificity has been attained. Moreover, for the ACRIMA database, 99% accuracy, 100% sensitivity, 99% specificity has been achieved. Therefore, the proposed method is robust and efficient with less computational time and complexity compared to the literature available.  相似文献   
内泄漏作为电液换向阀常见的故障类型,其故障振动信号具有非平稳性、非线性等特点,且容易被其他信号淹没、破坏。对此提出了一种经验模式分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)和一维密集连接卷积网络(Densely Connected Convolutional Networks,DenseNet)的电液换向阀内泄漏故障诊断方法。该方法首先利用EMD对振动信号进行分解得到一系列本征模态分量(Instrinsic Mode Function,IMF),并将IMF分量和原始振动信号依次进行并联堆叠;然后将并联堆叠信号作为一维密集连接卷积网络的输入进行特征的自动提取,并进行故障分类;最后通过DenseNet与传统的一维卷积神经网络(CNN)对比验证得出,该方法能准确、有效地对电液换向阀内泄漏故障进行诊断。  相似文献   
针对传统YOLOv3的网络结构存在曝光过度或光线较暗等异常图片在提取特征时鲁棒性较差,导致车型识别率低下的问题,提出了一种用于交通车辆检测的Dense-YOLOv3模型.该模型集成了密集卷积神经网络DenseNet和YOLOv3网络的特点,加强了卷积层之间的车型特征传播和重复利用,提高了网络的抗过拟合性能;同时,对目标车辆进行了不同尺度的检测,构建了交叉损失函数,实现了车型的多目标检测.经过在BIT-Vehicle标准数据集上对模型进行训练和测试,实验结果表明,基于Dense-YOLOv3车型检测模型平均精度达到了96.57%,召回率为93.30%,表明了该模型对车辆检测的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   
针对使用深层卷积神经网络进行场景分类往往需要消耗大量的时间与存储空间来训练、测试并保存模型的问题,将DenseNet的密集连接的思想应用于轻量化网络MobileNetv2中,借助特征复用来提高网络性能。同时利用一个扩张系数为1、步长为1的瓶颈与一个扩张系数为1、步长为2的瓶颈的组合压缩特征图的通道数,并将部分瓶颈的扩张系数减小以控制网络的整体规模。将改进的网络在NWPU-RESISC45遥感影像数据集上进行实验分析。结果表明,改进网络在保持分类准确率的同时缩减了网络规模,提高了计算速度,对遥感影像场景分类具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   
针对传统图像超分辨率重建算法存在网络训练困难与生成图像存在伪影的问题,提出一种利用生成式对抗网络的超分辨率重建算法.去除生成式对抗网络的批量归一化层降低计算复杂度,将其中的残差块替换为密集残差块构成生成网络,使用VGG19网络作为判别网络的基础框架,以全局平均池化代替全连接层防止过拟合,引入纹理损失函数、感知损失函数、...  相似文献   
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