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Search‐based techniques have been applied successfully to the task of generating unit tests for object‐oriented software. However, as for any meta‐heuristic search, the efficiency heavily depends on many factors; seeding, which refers to the use of previous related knowledge to help solve the testing problem at hand, is one such factor that may strongly influence this efficiency. This paper investigates different seeding strategies for unit test generation, in particular seeding of numerical and string constants derived statically and dynamically, seeding of type information and seeding of previously generated tests. To understand the effects of these seeding strategies, the results of a large empirical analysis carried out on a large collection of open‐source projects from the SF110 corpus and the Apache Commons repository are reported. These experiments show with strong statistical confidence that, even for a testing tool already able to achieve high coverage, the use of appropriate seeding strategies can further improve performance. © 2016 The Authors. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
用JUnit实现Java程序的自动测试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在采用反复型手法开发软件时,为了降低开发费用,提高软件质量,程序测试的自动化变得非常重要,介绍JUnit的使用方法,并讨论JUnit的扩充应用。  相似文献   
软件测试课程是软件技术专业的核心课程之一。软件测试过程可分为单元测试、集成测试、系统测试、验收测试等。依据软件测试过程来组织教学内容,引入自动化测试工具,基于先进工作过程来进行教学设计,可提高软件测试课程的教学效果。  相似文献   
在极限编程实践中,TDD是一个很重要的测试方法.它是一种先定义测试代码,然后实现程序功能的开发过程.JUnit在实现测试驱动开发过程中是Java开发人员的得力助手,在测试驱动开发思想的指导下,配合使用该工具,可以极大地提高开发效率,增强软件的质量,最大程度地降低开发成本.  相似文献   
赵力  王红熳  杨放春 《计算机工程》2005,31(2):59-60,190
提出了一个基于JUnit的比较通用的智能网自动测试系统模型,可以向被测智能网系统发出呼叫请求,将响应与期望值作出较,并向测试人员报告测试结果。此模型可以帮助测试人员自动完成智能网的协议测试和业务测试,并降低回归测试的成本。  相似文献   
HOL-TestGen/CirTA is a theorem-prover based test generation environment for speci cations written in Circus, a process-algebraic speci cation language in the tradition of CSP. HOL-TestGen/CirTA is based on a formal embedding of its semantics in Isabelle/HOL, allowing to derive rules over speci cation constructs in a logically safe way. Beyond the derivation of algebraic laws and calculi for process re nement, the originality of HOL-TestGen/ CirTA consists in an entire derived theory for the generation of symbolic test-traces, including optimized rules for test-generation as well as rules for symbolic execution. The deduction process is automated by Isabelle tactics, allowing to protract the state-space explosion resulting from blind enumeration of data. The implementation of test-generation procedures in CirTA is completed by an integrated tool chain that transforms the initial Circus speci cation of a system into a set of equivalence classes (or "symbolic tests"), which were compiled to conventional JUnit test-drivers. This paper describes the novel tool-chain based on prior theoretical work on semantics and test-theory and attempts an evaluation via a medium-sized case study performed on a component of a real-world safety-critical medical monitoring system written in Java. We provide experimental measurements of the kill-capacity of implementation mutants.  相似文献   
测试驱动开发及开发实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张扬  黄厚宽 《微机发展》2006,16(5):74-76
极限编程是适应于中小型团队在需求不明确或迅速变化的情况下进行软件开发的轻量级方法学。测试驱动开发作为极限编程思想的一种主要实践,可以有效地让程序开发人员开发出更高品质的、经过完整测试的程序。文中介绍了测试驱动开发思想,对测试驱动开发过程给出了清晰的流程,总结了测试驱动开发的多种模式。最后介绍了如何用JUnit进行测试驱动开发。  相似文献   
面向对象测试的研究是面向对象开发方法不可缺少的一环,传统的测试技术已经不能有效地运用在面向对象的软件测试上.对面向对象软件测试技术进行了分析,剖析了面向对象自动测试框架,采用VSS(版本控制)+Ant(项目管理)+JUnit(集成测试)的模式实现了一个面向对象的自动化测试.  相似文献   
在多线程并发测试需求面前,Junit和TestNG这两个简单的单元测试框架一直被拿来作比较,而用户一般更偏向于配置简单、灵活、易操作且满足测试要求的测试框架.本文对Junit和TestNG两种多线程并发测试方式进行实验对比,目的在于验证两种框架对多线程并发测试的实现方式,为用户在实际测试场景中选择工具提出了依据.  相似文献   
基于JUnit自动化单元测试的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件测试在软件质量控制过程中起着非常重要的作用,单元测试尤为重要。JUnit是非常强大的单元测试工具,主要用于测试基于java语言编写的类和方法,而且它还能把不同的测试用例组织成测试用例集来进行测试,使测试运行自动化。文章分析了应用JUnk单元测试方法以及使用JUnit结合Ant构建工具来实现单元自动化测试及增量开发。  相似文献   
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