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基于Myrinet/GM的多通道通信   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通信子系统对并行系统的计算效率有重要影响,大规模应用对并行平台的通信性能和可用性提出了挑战性的要求.多通道通信技术通过并行采用多路网络链路互连来提高并行系统通信性能和可用性.首先分析了多进程复用网络对通信性能的影响,然后以Myrinet/GM网络平台为基础,提出了基于网络接口层的通信链路动态选择与分配策略,设计和实现了支持多路Myrinet网络并行通信的协议层MNC.MNC支持通信进程平等,充分地利用多路Myrinet网络链路资源.在使用2路Myrinet互连的PC机群平台上,MNC进程间通信带宽相对于单链路提高了约34%,有效地提高了应用层通信性能.  相似文献   
戴永涌 《计算机工程》2005,31(22):78-80
在对MPI程序的检查点系统LAM/MPI以及互联技术Myrinet的通信过程等进行简单介绍的基础上,采用协调一致性的设计方法,实现了一个基于Myrinet及其通信协议GM的检查点系统。描述了设计过程,并对实现结果进行了测试,结果表明了该设计与实现的可行性,并在结论中对还存在的问题进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
In this paper, we conduct an in-depth evaluation of a broad spectrum of scheduling alternatives for clusters. These include the widely used batch scheduling, local scheduling, gang scheduling, most prior communication-driven coscheduling algorithms-Dynamic Coscheduling (DCS), Spin Block (SB), Periodic Boost (PB), and Co-ordinated Coscheduling (CC)-and a newly proposed HYBRID coscheduling algorithm on a 16-node, Myrinet-connected Linux cluster. Performance and energy measurements using several NAS, LLNL and ANL benchmarks on the Linux cluster provide several conclusions. First, although batch scheduling is currently used in most clusters, the blocking-based coscheduling techniques such as SB, CC and HYBRID and the gang scheduling can provide much better performance even in a dedicated cluster platform. Second, in contrast to some of the prior studies, we observe that blocking-based schemes like SB and HYBRID can provide better performance than spin-based techniques like PB on a Linux platform. Third, the proposed HYBRID scheduling provides the best performance-energy behavior and can be implemented on any cluster with little effort. All these results suggest that blocking-based coscheduling techniques are viable candidates to be used in clusters for significant performance-energy benefits.
Chita R. DasEmail:
在当前并行计算环境中的通信网络中,MPICH-1并行系统可以使用Internet和Myrinet千兆位包交换网络,而MPICH-2并行系统只能使用Internet,由于通信时间的限制而影响了整个系统性能.对MPICH-1和MPICH-2中的作业提交模式进行了研究,给出了一种在MPICH-2中使用Myrinet网络来提交作业的应用,从而达到减少了通信时间的目的.  相似文献   
并行集群系统的Linpack性能测试分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
§1.引言 近些年随着计算机软硬件技术的提高,尤其是网络部件性能的提高,集群技术得到不断的发展。传统的PVP(Parallel Vector Processor)超级计算机以及MPP(Massively Parallel  相似文献   
随着硬件技术和网络技术的发展,在簇计算系统中出现了存储子系统和计算、网络通讯子系统性能不匹配的问题,文中提出的设计以最小代价将通讯网络和存储网络结合起来,这一设计在Myrinet上通讯脱机I/O实现:在将数据传递到远端节点以前,先将从SCSI磁盘异步读出送入Myrinet接口的嵌入式存储器,体现了高效和低成本的特性。  相似文献   
基于快速消息传递的高性能PVM   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
并行虚拟机(parallelvirtualmachine,简称PVM)是并行工作站机群系统中流行的并行软件环境之一.分析了PVM的实现机制,指出PVM低效的原因,并给了基于高速精简通信层调整消息传递(fastmessagepassing,简称FMP)的高性能PVM(high-performancePVM,简称HPVM)的详细设计和实现.  相似文献   
Although extremely high-speed interconnects are available today, the traditional protocol stacks such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP are not able to utilize the maximum network bandwidth due to inherent overheads in the protocol stacks. Such overheads are a big obstacle for high-performance computing applications to exploit high-speed interconnects in cluster environments. To address this issue, many researchers have been presenting analyses of protocol overheads and suggesting a number of optimization approaches to harness the TCP/IP suite over high-speed interconnects. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no study that analyzes and optimizes the protocol overheads thoroughly in an integrated manner. In this paper, we exploit a set of protocol optimization mechanisms in an integrated manner while dealing with the full spectrum of the protocol layers from the transport layer to the physical layer. To evaluate the impact of each protocol overhead, we apply the optimization mechanisms one by one and perform detailed analyses at each step. The thorough overhead measurements and analyses reveal the dependencies between protocol overheads. With our comprehensive optimizations, we show that UDP/IP can utilize more than 95% of the maximum network throughput a Myrinet-based experimental system can provide.
Chuck YooEmail:
集群高性能通信系统综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析对比了集群系统中几种主要的高性能通信系统: Myrinet, Infiniband和 Quadricso,在硬件方面对比了链路,交换设备与主机适配器,指出各自的组成与特点,在软件方面则描述了各自的软件实现:Myrinet/GM, Infiniband/VAPI 以及 Quadrics/Elanlib的主要特点和功能,最后给出各个系统的实际性能,结果表明:Infiniband系统性能高,结构简单,对应的体系结构具有良好的前景.  相似文献   
论文介绍了基于BCL机群底层通信协议的高性能TCP/IP通信(BCL/IP)在机群系统域网(SANs)中的设计与实现方法。作为曙光4000L超级服务器系统的重要组成部分,BCL/IP在充分发挥底层高效BCL协议和高速Myrinet网络性能的同时,还实现了同现有多数网络应用程序的二进制兼容。最后给出了Linux平台上BCL/IP的性能测试结果和简要分析。另外还提供了一种在对系统核心不做(或尽可能小)修改的前提下利用现有底层通信协议在机群系统域网中实现高性能TCP/IP协议的方法。  相似文献   
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