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利用混沌信号的优良特性,结合彩色位级图像的内在特点,提出了一种新的彩色图像混沌加密算法。首先将彩色图像的RGB三基色分别划分为8幅位级图像并将其作为一个整体,利用超混沌系统生成混沌序列,进行位级图像置乱,然后利用Logistic混沌序列进行图像像素扩散,最后进行仿真测试和性能分析,结果表明所提算法具有较强的安全性和有效性。  相似文献   
Linear operators for digital contour smoothing are described. These operators are defined by circulant Toeplitz matrices and allow to smooth digital contours in the least-squares sense. They minimize the undersampling, digitizing and quantizing error and allow to calculate invariants, such as curvature, which are not possible to calculate without smoothing. A bit-level systolic array which is capable of realizing the proposed operator is described. This array is easy to implement in VLSI, because the array cells involved are very simple. Furthermore, the array is completely pipelined on the bit-level, so that it operates with a high clock frequency achieving very high throughputs.  相似文献   
基于约瑟夫和Henon映射的比特位图像加密算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的图像加密算法,加密策略与待加密图像无关且对像素的置换和混淆往往被拆分为两个耦合性较低的孤立环节所带来的安全问题,提出基于约瑟夫遍历和广义Henon映射的图像比特位加密算法,将待加密图像安全哈希算法1(SHA-1)摘要和用户选定的加密参数联合作为密钥,驱动广义Henon映射对改进的用于位点置换的约瑟夫遍历映射的起始位置、报数间隔和报数方向进行随机扰动,从而使不同的加密图像和加密参数实质对应于不同的位点置换过程,并添加了位点混淆过程以提高位点置换的安全性.实验表明,所提算法可有效地抵抗选择性明文攻击,具有较大的密钥空间和较好的加密性能.  相似文献   
基于FIOS类型的Montgomery双域模乘器设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对FIOS类型的Montgomery模乘扩展算法的比特级-字级和字级-字级的两种实现形式进行研究,设计多处理单元的流水线组织结构实现算法,并对模乘器进行双有限域统一结构设计,使之能够同时支持两个有限域GF(p)和GF(2n)上的运算。最后对设计的两种模乘器用Verilog硬件描述语言进行代码描述,采用Synopsys公司的Design Compiler在Artisan SIMC 0.18μm typical工艺库下综合。实验结果表明,该模乘器不仅在运算速度和电路面积方面各具有优势,而且具有运算长度可变的灵活性。  相似文献   
提出了两级FEC的机制来解决单向信道的信息可靠传输的问题。数据包级FEC(第一级)通过添加冗余数据包来恢复传输过程中数据包的丢失。比特级FEC(第二级)通过添加冗余比特来纠正数据在传输过程中比特差错。鉴于包头信息是数据包级FEC的关键,提出数据包包头FEC机制来尽量保证包头信息的正确。提出的方案能很好地恢复丢失的数据包,特别是连续数据包的丢失,能很好地纠正比特差错。  相似文献   
目的 针对基于位平面信息量分布的选择性加密算法安全性不高、像素置换加密算法不能很好抵抗统计攻击问题,提出一种基于位级同步置乱扩散和像素级环形扩散的图像加密算法(BSPDPAD算法),提高图像加密效率和安全性。方法 BSPDPAD算法首先通过分段线性混沌映射产生两组混沌序列,其中一组混沌序列对图像进行随机分块,另一组混沌序列分解到位平面构成位级密钥流;然后,将各像素块分解到位平面,利用位级密钥流同步置乱扩散高位平面、置乱低位平面,实现位平面上块内置乱扩散及块间扩散;最后,再次迭代分段线性混沌映射产生新的密钥流,利用该密钥流对经过位级加密的中间密文图像进行横向顺序扩散和纵向逆序扩散,完成图像加密。结果 灰度图像及彩色图像上的计算机仿真实验与性能分析表明:BSPDPAD算法密钥空间大于2100,信息熵接近于8,密文图像直方图趋近于均匀分布;与其他加密算法相比,BSPDPAD算法密文图像相邻像素相关性系数绝对值减小约12数量级,像素变化率和归一化平均强度明显提高,说明BSPDPAD算法在密钥、明文敏感性、抵抗多种攻击能力等性能上优于其他加密算法,且算法扩散效果好,仅一轮加密就能获得较理想的加密效果。结论 将位级选择性加密与像素级环形扩散相结合的BSPDPAD算法可有效抵抗各种攻击,安全性高,适合各种类型的灰度及彩色图像加密,潜在应用价值大。  相似文献   
We describe an approach to verifying bit-level pipelined machine models using a combination of deductive reasoning and decision procedures. While theorem-proving systems such as ACL2 have been used to verify bit-level designs, they typically require extensive expert user support. Decision procedures such as those implemented in UCLID can be used to automatically and efficiently verify term-level pipelined machine models, but these models use numerous abstractions, implement a subset of the instruction set, and are far from executable. We show that by integrating UCLID with the ACL2 theorem-proving system, we can use ACL2 to reduce the proof that an executable, bit-level machine refines its instruction set architecture to a proof that a term-level abstraction of the bit-level machine refines the instruction set architecture, which is then handled automatically by UCLID. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach by applying it to verify a complex, seven-stage, bit-level interface pipelined machine model that implements 593 instructions and has features such as branch prediction, exceptions, and predicated instruction execution. Such a proof is not possible using UCLID and would require prohibitively more effort using just ACL2. This research was funded in part by NSF grants CCF-0429924, IIS-0417413, and CCF-0438871.  相似文献   
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