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王雷  周晶  金茂忠 《软件学报》2007,18(10):2393-2402
动态编译技术是非常有效的一项优化技术,但是,当前的信息采集与持续监控技术面临运行开销过大、信息精度不够以及代码过渡膨胀等问题.以Intel ORP(open runtime platform)作为基础平台,设计了基于在线反馈与持续监控的动态编译系统;根据当前信息采集技术存在的一些问题改进了代码插装机制;实现了对虚方法接收者对象的类型持续监控;编译系统根据在线采集和持续监控所获得的信息指导内联优化;针对持续监控过程中产生大量无用代码的问题,提出了已编译代码动态卸载方法.SpecJVM98和Java Grande Forum Benchmark等测试基准的运行结果表明,被测程序的平均性能得到了提高.同时,代码动态卸载算法也有效地减轻了系统的运行时负载.  相似文献   
Region-based compilation: Introduction, motivation, and initial experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most important task of a compiler designed to exploit instruction-level parallelism (ILP) is instruction scheduling. If higher levels of ILP are to be achieved, the compiler must use, as the unit of scheduling, regions consisting of multiple basic blocks—preferably those that frequently execute consecutively, and which capture cycles in the program’s execution. Traditionally, compilers have been built using the function as the unit of compilation. In this framework, function boundaries often act as barriers to the formation of the most suitable scheduling regions. Function inlining may be used to circumvent this problem by assembling strongly coupled functions into the same compilation unit, but at the cost of very large function bodies. Consequently, global optimizations whose compile time and space requirements are superlinear in the size of the compilation unit, may be rendered prohibitively expensive. This paper introduces a new approach, called region-based compilation, wherein the compiler, after inlining, repartitions the program into more desirable compilation units, termed regions. Region-based compilation allows the compiler to control problem size and complexity while exposing inter-procedural scheduling, optimization and code motion opportunities.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a design technique for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures targeting digital signal processing (DSP) applications. The design procedure is analyzed in detail and an area-time-power efficient reconfigurable kernel architecture is presented. The proposed technique inlines flexibility into custom carry-save (CS) arithmetic datapaths exploiting a stable and canonical interconnection scheme. The canonical interconnection is revealed by a transformation, called uniformity transformation, imposed on the basic architectures of CS-multipliers and CS-chain-adders/subtractors. Experimental results including quantitative and qualitative comparisons with existing reconfigurable arithmetic cores and exploration results of the proposed reconfigurable architecture are provided.  相似文献   
面向IXP网络处理器的内联优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内联优化是一种有效的编译优化技术,它通过将函数体直接嵌入到调用点来消除函数调用开销。然而,网络处理器特殊的体系结构对内联优化提出了新的要求,需要新的技术辅助传统内联优化来更好地适应这种特殊的体系结构。本文描述了如何利用关键路径提取技术和迭代编译技术对传统内联优化技术进行扩充和改造,来更好地适应IXP体系结构。实验数据表明,改进后的内联优化能够有效地提高网络系统的性能。  相似文献   
分析实际程序时往往需要分析程序中函数的调用, 一般使用过程间分析来实现全程序分析.函数内联是一种最为精确、易于实现的过程间分析方法.通过函数内联, 可以使得已有过程内分析方法和工具支持包含函数调用的程序的分析.但是, 函数内联后代码的规模急剧增加, 同时将产生大量中间变量, 增加程序分析的变量维度, 导致程序分析过程时空开销大大增加.本文考虑基于抽象解释框架下函数内联过程间分析的一些不足, 并提出相应优化方法.基于抽象解释的程序分析关注自动推导程序变量之间的不变式约束关系, 因此程序变量构成的程序环境大小(即各程序点处须考虑的相关变量集合)对分析的时空开销具有重要影响.为了减少函数内联后程序分析的开销, 本文提出了面向内联函数块的程序环境降维优化方法.该方法针对内联函数后的程序代码, 分析确定不同程序点处需维护的程序环境(即相关变量集合), 而不是所有程序点共享同一全局程序环境, 从而实现程序状态的降维.详细描述了基于该方法所实现的工具DRIP (Dimension Reduction for analyzing function Inlined Program) 的架构、模块及算法细节.并在WCET Benchmarks测试集开展了分析实验, 实验结果表明: DRIP在变量消除上取得的效果良好, 甚至在某些测试集上能减少一半以上的变量, 并在一定程度上降低了分析过程的时空开销.  相似文献   
We consider data exchange for XML documents: given source and target schemas, a mapping between them, and a document conforming to the source schema, construct a target document and answer target queries in a way that is consistent with the source information. The problem has primarily been studied in the relational context, in which data-exchange systems have also been built. Since many XML documents are stored in relations, it is natural to consider using a relational system for XML data exchange. However, there is a complexity mismatch between query answering in relational and in XML data exchange. This indicates that to make the use of relational systems possible, restrictions have to be imposed on XML schemas and mappings, as well as on XML shredding schemes. We isolate a set of five requirements that must be fulfilled in order to have a faithful representation of the XML data-exchange problem by a relational translation. We then demonstrate that these requirements naturally suggest the in-lining technique for data-exchange tasks. Our key contribution is to provide shredding algorithms for schemas, documents, mappings and queries, and demonstrate that they enable us to correctly perform XML data-exchange tasks using a relational system.  相似文献   
Reaching the best level of runtime performance from a high‐level, object‐oriented language is often considered challenging if not unattainable. The closed‐world assumption involves considering all of the source code of an application together at compile time. That assumption makes it possible to produce an efficient code. For instance, multiple inheritance can be implemented as efficiently as single inheritance. Our compilation strategy is the result of a prolonged project, tying together several compilation techniques: call graph analysis, dead code elimination, type flow analysis, code customization, implementation of dynamic dispatch, inlining, pointer optimization, switch optimization, objects layout, and so on. Merging all of these techniques into a global strategy appears to be quite problematic. Throughout the paper, two real‐world compilers are used as benchmarks to provide measurements for compiler writers to evaluate the applicability of our approach. Type flow analysis is a fundamental aspect of our strategy to resolve method calls. We have extended type flow analysis to deal with the content of arrays, enabling us to process additional expressions and thus making it possible to obtain a true global analysis. Typically, more than 90% of method call sites are statically resolved. Our experience indicates that the closed‐world assumption is suitable for numerous applications. Surprisingly, even library‐defined control statements from dynamic languages are perfectly processed with our strategy. The Smalltalk ifTrue:ifFalse: , whileTrue: , to:do: , and so on are, for the very first time, perfectly translated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In Java bytecode, intra-method subroutines are employed to represent code in “finally” blocks. The use of such polymorphic subroutines within a method makes bytecode analysis very difficult. Fortunately, such subroutines can be eliminated through recompilation or inlining. Inlining is the obvious choice since it does not require changing compilers or access to the source code. It also allows transformation of legacy bytecode. However, the combination of nested, non-contiguous subroutines with overlapping exception handlers poses a difficult challenge. This paper presents an algorithm that successfully solves all these problems without producing superfluous instructions. Furthermore, inlining can be combined with bytecode simplification, using abstract bytecode. We show how this abstration is extended to the full set of instructions and how it simplifies static and dynamic analysis.  相似文献   
Recent advances in Virtual Machine's technology have led to the diffusion of Java execution environments which provide performance levels comparable to those of traditional languages such as C/C++ and Fortran. This paper's focus is on method calls, a well researched area of compilers' optimization. In particular, we evaluate the impact on the performance of the Java virtual call mechanism and the advantages which can be obtained through the inlining optimization. Moreover, we propose a new heuristic methodology which allows us to consider whole sequences of methods for the inlining decision and not only simple couples of caller–callee methods. The proposed methodology operates at bytecode level and is applicable only to the calls that can be resolved at compile time. Thus, we execute a devirtualization algorithm before the inlining decision, in order to enlarge the basis for the optimization. We made empirical measures on three major platforms (Unix, Windows and Linux) by using the SPEC JVM98 benchmark suite. Results reveal an average performance improvement of 1.9% with devirtualization and 5.5% with inlining. We discuss the different behaviour of single benchmarks and virtual machines, arguing that dynamic compilers are not yet able to fully exploit the wider scope for intra‐procedural optimization offered by eliminating the calls. Finally, we show that taking into consideration whole sequences of calls—instead of single calls—is effective only on a few benchmarks where hotspots of execution involve cycles of nested methods. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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