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Mass spectrometry-based high-throughput screening methods combine the advantages of photometric or fluorometric assays and analytical chromatography, as they are reasonably fast (throughput ≥1 sample/min) and broadly applicable, with no need for labelled substrates or products. However, the established MS-based screening approaches require specialised and expensive hardware, which limits their broad use throughout the research community. We show that a more common instrumental platform, a single-quadrupole HPLC-MS, can be used to rapidly analyse diverse biotransformations by flow-injection mass spectrometry (FIA-MS), that is, by automated infusion of samples to the ESI-MS detector without prior chromatographic separation. Common organic buffers can be employed as internal standard for quantification, and the method provides readily validated activity and selectivity information with an analytical run time of one minute per sample. We report four application examples that cover a broad range of analyte structures and concentrations (0.1–50 mM before dilution) and diverse biocatalyst preparations (crude cell lysates and whole microbial cells). Our results establish FIA-MS as a versatile and reliable alternative to more traditional methods for screening enzymatic reactions.  相似文献   
Objective: To examine the role of feelings of vulnerability in postamputation adjustment problems such as depression and diminished quality of life. Participants: Eighty-four patients with a lower extremity amputation. Setting: Five affiliated prosthetic clinics in Chicago. Main Measures: The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), a 3-item quality-of-life measure, and a 2-item vulnerability measure. Participants' prosthetists completed a single-item rating of perceived adjustment. Results: Vulnerability accounted for significant portions of the variance in CES-D scores, quality-of-life ratings, and prosthetists' adjustment ratings. Conclusion: Feelings of vulnerability significantly affect adjustment in persons with amputations, and this impact is not limited to a single domain. Clinicians should assess feelings of vulnerability, the degree to which such feelings are realistic, and any past experiences with victimization. These issues need to be addressed with both individual counseling and community interventions aimed at reducing victimization of individuals with disabilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Eddy-current stimulation of both phrenic nerves at the base of the neck in human subjects was carried out to provide inspiration resulting from tetanic diaphragm contraction. The inspired volume obtained was in excess of spontaneous tidal volume.  相似文献   
The past decade has seen a renewed interest in vascular dementia. Key epidemiologic studies have examined the prevalence, incidence, course and risk factors of vascular dementia. New classification systems have been developed to improve the reliability of the diagnosis, and there have been advances in diagnostic methodology, such as neuroimaging and neuropsychological assessment. New treatments for vascular dementia are being developed to protect the brain from cerebral ischemia and to limit progression of cognitive impairment. Diagnostic criteria for vascular dementia remain to be validated by carefully designed, systematic, clinicopathologic study. Once such criteria are validated, meaningful study of subgroups of vascular dementia can be explored. Until the relationship between vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease is better defined, the nosology for vascular dementia may be defined best as dementia associated with stroke.  相似文献   
Obtaining functional magnetic resonance images of the brain is a challenging measurement process having a low characteristic signal-to-noise ratio. Images contain various forms of noise, including those induced by physiologic processes. One of the prevalent disturbances is hypothesized to result from susceptibility fluctuations caused by abdominal volume changes during respiration. To test this hypothesis and characterize the contribution of respiration noise to both magnitude and phase images, a mechanical model of a respiring human was constructed. The model was tested by comparing data from the model with that of a resting human. Power spectrum analyses show that the model induces both phase and magnitude disturbances similar to those in the human. The disturbances are directly related to the frequency of the respiration, with the noise most prevalent in the phase images. Though magnitude image noise is hard to identify in the human, the manikin demonstrates the presence of this disturbance. The construction of the manikin rules out motion as the primary source of the observed fluctuations and variation of the electrical properties of the manikin also indicates that signal fluctuations are not primarily due to eddy currents. Therefore, the changes are most probably induced by bulk susceptibility changes correlating with respiration.  相似文献   
A heterogeneous model of the human body and the scalar potential finite difference method are used to compute electric fields induced in tissue by magnetic field exposures. Two types of coils are considered that simulate exposure to gradient switching fields during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These coils producing coronal (y axis) and axial (z axis) magnetic fields have previously been used in experiments with humans.The computed fields can, therefore, be directly compared to human response data. The computed electric fields in subcutaneous fat and skin corresponding to peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) thresholds in humans in simulated MRI experiments range from 3.8 to 5.8 V/m for the fields exceeded in 0.5% of tissue volume (skin and fat of the torso). The threshold depends on coil type and position along the body, and on the anatomy and resolution of the human body model. The computed values are in agreement with previously established thresholds for neural stimulation.  相似文献   
Current self-report depression scales may overestimate depression symptoms in medical patients by including items measuring symptoms inherent to many medical conditions. They may therefore reflect a patient's medical rather than psychological state. We present the Chicago Multiscale Depression Inventory (CMDI), a factorially derived self-report depression scale that includes Mood, Evaluative, and Vegetative subscales. The CMDI and its subscales were designed to be used separately or combined; we posit that the nonvegetative CMDI subscales are the most accurate means of examining depression in medical patients. In this study we outline the development, standardization, and initial validation of the CMDI, a multistep process that required a total sample of 1,062 adults. We show the CMDI and each of its subscales to be internally consistent, reliable, and valid. Confirmatory factor analysis supports the CMDI factor structure. Finally, we report standardization scores for each of the CMDI scales, derived from an age-, race- and gender-stratified standardization sample of 420 adults.  相似文献   
There are three principal magnetic fields in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that may interact with medical implants. The static field will induce force and torque on ferromagnetic objects. The pulsed gradients are of audio frequency and the implant may concentrate the induced currents, with a potential for nerve stimulation or electrical inference. The currents induced in the body by the radio frequency (RF) field may also be concentrated by an implant, resulting in potentially dangerous heating of surrounding tissues. This paper presents basic information about MRI interactions with implants with an emphasis on RF-induced heating of leads used for deep brain stimulation (DBS). The temperature rise at the electrodes was measured in vitro as a function of the overall length of a DBS lead at an RF frequency of 64 MHz. The maximal temperature rise occurred for an overall length of 41 cm. The method of moments was used to calculate the current induced in the lead. From the induced currents, the RF power deposition near the electrodes was calculated and the heat equation was used to model the temperature rise. The calculated temperature rises as a function of lead length were in good agreement with the measured values.  相似文献   
Examined whether body image (BI) and perceived social stigma (PSS) are important predictors of psychosocial adjustment (PA) to leg amputation, in 112 clients (aged 21–83 yrs) from 5 prosthetic clinics. Two scales were developed to measure BI disturbances and PSS resulting from amputation. The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, a quality of life scale, and prosthesist ratings, were used to measure PA. BI was an independent predictor of all 3 adjustment measures after controlling for effects of age at the time and site of amputation, time since amputation, self-rated health, and perceived social support. PSS made a significant contribution to depression, but was not an independent predictor for the other 2 measures of adjustment. The overall rate of depression was 28%, indicating that this is both a short-, and a long-term adjustment problem following amputation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage von 100 nordwestdeutschen Jagdkreisen wurde die relative Abundanz (Jagdstrekken) des Feldhasen (Lepus europaeus) mit der Landschaftsstruktur und den Bewirtschaftungsformen des Agrarlandes in Beziehung gebracht. Für 98% der Jagdkreise bringt die EDV-Analyse eine befriedigende Aufklärung über die möglichen Gründe für die Höhe der relativen Abundanz. Es wird besonders auf die positive Bedeutung des Wintergetreides, der Mähweiden und auf die saisonale Saumhabitat-Attraktivität der Feldgehölze verwiesen. Herausgestellt wird, daß keiner der Faktoren den Feldhasen einzeln beeinflußt, sondern daß ihn die integrierte Wirkung mehrerer Faktoren trifft. Dafür wird das Ergebnis einer rotierten Hauptachsenfaktorenanalyse vorgestellt, die deutlich getrennt die Gunst bzw. Ungunst von intensiv und extensiv bewirtschafteten Flächen hervorhebt. Mit Hilfe der Korrelationsanalyse kann schließlich darauf hingewiesen werden, daß für den Feldhasenbesatz sehr große Monokulturen nachteilig sind. Der Feldhase benötigt in der maschinell landwirtschaftlich genutzten Landschaft Saumhabitate für die durch die Ernte hervorgerufenen Hungerperioden.
The importance of landscape structure for the density of population of the hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas 1778)
Summary Based on studies of 100 north-west German game-preserves, a relationship between the relative abundance of the hare (Lepus europaeus) and the types of countryside and the ways in which they are utilized was established. For 98% of the game-preserves the EDV-analysis provides a satisfactory explanation for the possible reasons for the size of the relative abundance. The positive significance of wintergrains, hay-grazing meadows and of the seasonal attractiveness of the habitat provided by edges of bordering woodland (Saumhabitat) became especially apparent. It was determined that no single factor alone influenced the hare, but that the result of the combination of several factors did. This was achieved by subjecting the results to Rotated Analysis (Equimax) which emphasized and clearly divided the favourable and the unfavourable from intensive and extensive utilization of the areas. With the help of the correlation analysis it can be finally pointed out that very large monocultures must be disadvantageous for the hare. Especially in countryside where farming is predominantly mechanised the hare relies on Saumhabitat during the famine periods caused by harvesting.

La structure paysagère comme facteur déterminant de la densité de population chez le Lièvre brun (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778)
Résumé C'est en se basant sur l'étude de 100 districts cynégétiques du nord-ouest de l'Allemagne que l'abondance relative (tableaux de chasse) du Lièvre (Lepus europaeus Pallas 1778) a été mise en corrélation avec la structure paysagère et les modes d'exploitation agricole. Pour 98% des districts cynégétiques, l'analyse de l'EDV apporte une explication satisfaisante quant aux causes probables des taux d'abondance relative. On souligne l'effet favorable des céréales d'hiver, des pâtures de fauche ainsi que l'attrait saisonnier des habitats de lisière constitués de bosquets. Il apparaît qu'aucun des facteurs considéré isolément n'influence le Lièvre mais que ce dernier est affecté par l'effet conjoint de plusieurs facteurs. Dans ce sens, on présente le résultat d'une analyse de type Equimax qui fait très clairement la part entre les effets favorables ou défavorables des surfaces exploitées de façon intensive ou extensive. L'analyse de corrélation permet finalement de montrer que de très grandes monocultures sont défavorables aux populations de lièvres. Dans l'habitat axé sur l'agriculture mécanisée, le Lièvre nécessite des biotopes constitués de lisières pour affronter les périodes de disette résultant des récoltes.

Die Aufnahme der Abhandlung in dem vorliegenden Umfang wurde durch die Verwendung eines Druckkostenzuschusses des Stifterverbandes für Jagdwissenschaften e. V., VorsitzenderRudolf Hoesch, ermöglicht, für dessen Gewährung auch an dieser Stelle zu danken ist.  相似文献   
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