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苏省镇江市是国家历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市,有着深厚的历史文化底蕴和秀美的自然风景.  相似文献   
湖南省矿山尾砂土壤污染现状分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对湖南省10 个矿区的尾砂土壤进行了采样调查, 分析了尾砂土壤的pH 值、烧失量、阳离子交换容量、重金属含量以及重金属各种化学形态的含量。结果显示大部分土样中的Pb 、Cd 、Cu 和Zn 都超过了土壤中植物正常生长的最高容许浓度。各种重金属在土样中主要以残留态、硫化物和有机物结合态、或是Fe/Mn 氧化物结合态存在, 可交换态与碳酸盐结合态的含量极少。对各矿区尾砂土壤的污染指数(PI)与危险指数(DI)的计算表明, 土样的PI 与DI 值分析显示1 号永州铜矿、5 号宝山铜铅锌矿、10 号湘潭锰矿和7 号冷水江铅锌矿需要尽快得到治理。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONApplicationsofelectrokineticsphenomenatore moveheavymetalsfromsoilshavebeenstudiedinre centyearsasoneofthepromisingtechnologies .Thismethodhascertainadvantagesoverothertechnolo gies ,e .g .itcanbepracticedinsitu ,anditisnotdif ficulttoimplementinthefinetexturedsoilswithlowhydraulicconductivity .Usingthistechnology ,somefieldtrialandcleanup projectshaveremovedtoxicheavymetalsfromindustriallypollutedsoils[13] .Thetheoryandprinciplesofthetechnologyhavebeenex tensivelydiscussed…  相似文献   
Characteristics of tailings from metal mines in Hunan Province, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tailing soils were from 10 mining areas in Hunan Province. To predict the potential impact of tailings on nearby environments, the characteristics such as the pH value, loss on ignition, cation exchange capacity, and the concentration and speciation of heavy metals in the railings were investigated. Based on these characteristics, the pollution index and danger index were calculated so as to evaluate the priorities of remediation. The results show that the concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn exceed the tolerable levels of the phytotoxicity in the most railings. The large proportion of heavy metals exists in the form of residual fraction in most railings, followed by sulfides/organic and Fe/Mn oxide fractions, and a little in the exchangeable and carbonate fraction. The calculated pollution indices for the tailing samples range from 1.41 to 83.42, which indicates that all the railings contain heavy metals at a level that causes toxicity to the ecosystem. The danger indices for the tailing samples range from 0.06 to 387.00. The highest value of the danger indices is that of Yongzhou sample, reaching 387. 00; the lowest one is that of Xikuangshan sample, only 0.06. Considering the results of pollution index and danger index in combination, the priority of remediation is determined to be Yongzhou, Baoshan, Xiangtan and Lengshuijiang.  相似文献   
腐殖酸做表面活性剂对加油站油污土壤的修复   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
对比研究了腐殖酸、生物表面活性剂鼠李糖脂和阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)溶液对加油站地下油污土壤的修复。实验发现,3种表面活性剂溶液去除土壤中污染油的效果与蒸馏水相比都有明显提高。鼠李糖脂的去除效果最好,除油率最高达到了61.4%;腐殖酸与SDS相比,除油率相差不多,最高分别达到56.6%和57.1%。表面活性剂溶液质量浓度和油污土壤性质都影响除油效果,在溶液质量浓度小于或等于临界胶团浓度(CMC)时,除油率随着溶液质量浓度的增加而增加,而当溶液质量浓度大于CMC时,除油率提高并不显著;3种表面活性剂溶液对新鲜土壤的除油效果都好于处理过的土壤。由于腐殖酸与化学合成表面活性剂相比易于生物降解,因此腐殖酸可以作为一种理想的化学表面活性剂的替代品来处理油污染比较严重的土壤。  相似文献   
Some key factors on the heavy metals removal efficiencies were studied when soil washing technology was used in the remediation of soils contaminated by multiple heavy metals. The results show that the dissolubilities of Cu and Zn are promoted by humic acids, but Pb and Cd are inhibited by humic acids; heavy metals in the clay are more difficult to be extracted than silt; the strong acidic soils can cause the protonation of EDTA and weaken its extracting ability; EDTA is effective for extracting Pb and Cd, while oxalate (OX) is effective for extracting Cu and Zn; and biosurfactant can be used as additive to improve the removal of some particular heavy metals. Foundation item: Project(20050532009) supported by the Doctoral Foundation of Ministry of Education of China; Projects(2006BAD03A1704, 2006BAD03A1706) supported by the National 11th-Five Technology Supporting Project  相似文献   
镇江 ,是江苏省的 13个省辖市之一 ,位于长江下游南岸 ,是一座有着 30 0 0多年历史的国家级历史文化名城 ,也是集港口、工贸、风景旅游为一体的中心城市。需要指出的是 ,镇江地处宁镇扬 ,紧靠苏锡常 ,是沪宁都市带上 (或者说城市群中 )规模最小、人口最少的地级市。在未来新一轮的城市竞争中 ,如何发掘资源 ,打造优势 ,把镇江城市做强、做大、做优、做美 ,在强市如林的苏南经济板块中脱颖而出 ,赢得一席之地 ,这是摆在我们面前的一个重大课题。依山傍水 ,灵山秀水 ,为镇江构筑山水城市奠定了良好的物质基础“特色” ,是一个城市的生命和灵魂…  相似文献   
中国政府承诺到2020年,单位GDP二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%~45%,到2030年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放量比2005年下降60%~65%。这意味着节能降耗工作将继续进行下去。建筑陶瓷是佛山的主要产业之一,品牌、规模和技术工艺在全国处于领先地位,在我市一百多家国家万家用能企业中,陶瓷企业能源消耗总量占36%,而生产过程中,原料加工工序能耗约占总能耗的30%,所以深入挖掘原料加工过程的节能潜力,对全面完成"十三五"节能目标有重要意义。本文通过对多家陶瓷生产企业调研,对一些正在实施的节能新技术进行分析评估,对"立磨预粉磨+连续球磨技术"、"干法制粉技术"等可应用于原料加工工序的节能技术进行分析,供同行业参考。  相似文献   
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