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Existing buildings constitute a large portion of the UK’s housing stock. Refurbishment of existing buildings can, therefore, have an important role in achieving the UK government’s CO2 reduction targets. While building regulations and rating frameworks mainly focus on the improvements of the operational performance of buildings, Life Cycle Analysis is considered to be a more appropriate framework to account for long–term CO2 savings. This study evaluates a range of retrofit approaches (simple, medium, and deep), in terms of Life Cycle Carbon Footprint applied on a terraced house—one of the most common housing archetypes in London. The initial state of the original building has also been examined assuming three initial states (never refurbished, refurbished in compliance with the 1976 and with the 2000 building regulations). Results showed that for all initial state scenarios, deep retrofit achieved the lowest life cycle carbon emissions, in absolute figures, compared to the simple and medium retrofits. Simple retrofit packages, on the other hand, achieved quick and significant improvements, especially in buildings with poor initial thermal conditions. The study also indicated that retrofit packages applied on highly efficient building fabrics result in longer carbon payback time periods. The study recommends establishing a ‘staggered’ retrofitting approach, which pushes for ‘older building first’ and ‘simple retrofit packages first’, as these gain quick CO2 savings. Deep retrofit packages and treatment of relatively new buildings should be implemented at a later stage, to push buildings further to Zero–Carbon target.


Professionals engaged in the design of new or retrofit of existing school buildings currently struggle to find comprehensive guidelines for achieving healthy and energy-efficient school environments. Recently, two major and independent research projects aimed at improving indoor environmental quality and energy performance of school buildings in Europe have been completed: SINPHONIE and School of the Future. Their guidelines reflect the distinct priorities and limited scope of each project. This paper compares for the first time and, as far as possible, synthesizes these outputs to facilitate their use in practice and research. Overall, SINPHONIE is most useful in addressing indoor environmental quality of schools in terms of the physical, chemical and microbiological stressors that impact and potentially affect human health. It aims to influence the future development of policy and regulations. By contrast, School of the Future presents a broader design-oriented approach based on best practice in four European countries. For the most part they complement each other in their recommendations; however, this review highlights several areas that require further clarification and research including links between indoor environmental quality and cognitive performance, the consequent appropriate level for the designed ventilation rate, and the role of adaptive thermal comfort in schools.  相似文献   
The method behind the UK Display Energy Certificate (DEC) improves the comparability of benchmarking by accounting for variations in weather and occupancy. To improve the comparability further, the incorporation of other features that are intrinsic to buildings (e.g. built form and building services) deserve exploration. This study investigates the impact of these features and explores ways to improve further comparability in benchmarking the energy performance of schools. Statistical analyses of approximately 7700 schools were performed, followed by analyses of causal factors in 465 schools in greater detail using artificial neural networks (ANNs), each designed to understand and identify the factors that have significant impact on the pattern of energy use of schools. Changes in the pattern of energy use of schools have occurred over the past four years. This fact highlights issues associated with static benchmarks. A significant difference in energy performance between primary and secondary schools meant that it was necessary to re-examine the way non-domestic buildings are classified. Factors were identified as having significant impact on the pattern of energy use. The characteristics raise new possibilities for developing sector-specific methods and improving comparability.  相似文献   
Theatres are the most complex of all auditorium structures environmentally. They usually have high heat loads, which are of a transient nature as audiences come and go, and from lighting which changes from scene to scene, and they generally have full or nearly full occupancy. Theatres also need to perform well acoustically, both for the spoken word and for music, and as sound amplification is less used than in other auditoria, background noise control is critically important. All these factors place constraints on the ventilation design, and if this is poor, it can lead to the deterioration of indoor air quality and thermal comfort. To analyse the level of indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a typical medium-sized mechanically ventilated theatre, and to identify where improvements could typically be made, a comprehensive post-occupancy evaluation study was carried out on a theatre in Belgrade. The evaluation, based on the results of monitoring (temperature, relative humidity, CO2, air speed and heat flux) and modelling (CFD), as well as the assessment of comfort and health as perceived by occupants, has shown that for most of the monitored period the environmental parameters were within the standard limits of thermal comfort and IAQ. However, two important issues were identified, which should be borne in mind by theatre designers in the future. First, the calculated ventilation rates showed that the theatre was over-ventilated, which will have serious consequences for its energy consumption, and secondly, the displacement ventilation arrangement employed led to higher than expected complaints of cold discomfort, probably due to cold draughts around the occupants’ feet.  相似文献   
Currently, most local authorities in the UK use well-established Gaussian-type dispersion models to predict the air quality in urban areas. The use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in integrated urban air quality modelling is still in its infancy, despite having an enormous potential in assessing and improving natural ventilation in built-up areas. This study assesses the suitability of a general CFD code (PHOENICS) for use in integrated urban air quality modelling for regulatory purposes. An urban air quality model of a designated air quality management area in the city centre of Glasgow has been developed by integrating traffic flow data for urban road networks, traffic pollutant emission data and a three-dimensional CFD dispersion model of a complex configuration of street canyons.

The results are in good agreement with field measurements taken during the continuous monitoring campaign, and show that a general CFD code has indeed the potential for regulatory use. Although this numerical tool has demonstrated satisfactory performance, it is observed that small differences in monitoring station positioning may yield significant variations of the measured mean concentration, due to large values of horizontal and vertical local concentration gradients. Although, at this stage, the accuracy of the developed Glasgow urban air quality model is highly dependent on the experience of its users, it is believed that use of a CFD code (such as PHOENICS) could benefit urban planners, architects, HVAC engineers and all other professionals interested in public health.  相似文献   

Efficient and rational implementation of building stock CO2 emission reduction strategies and policies requires the application of comprehensive building stock models that have the ability to: (a) estimate the baseline energy demand of the existing building stock, (b) explore the technical and economic effects of different CO2 emission reduction strategies over time, including the impact of new technologies, and (c) to identify the effect of emission reduction strategies on indoor environmental quality.  相似文献   
Indoor air quality (IAQ) in classrooms has a significant impact on children's academic performance, health, and well-being; therefore, understanding children's perception of IAQ is vital. This study investigates how children's perception of IAQ is affected by environmental variables and thermal sensation. In total, 29 naturally ventilated classrooms in eight UK primary schools were selected and 805 children were surveyed during non-heating and heating seasons. Results show that air sensation votes (ASVs) are more correlated to CO2 levels than to operative temperatures (Top) during non-heating seasons and more correlated to Top than CO2 levels during heating seasons. The impact of Top on ASVs decreases with an increase in CO2 levels, and the effect of CO2 levels on ASVs decreases with increase in Top. The most favorable ASVs are given when children feel “cool” and have “as it is” preference. By keeping CO2 < 1000 ppm and Top within children's thermal comfort band, ASVs are improved by 43%. The study recommends that standards should consider the impact of both temperature and CO2 levels on perceived IAQ. Perception of IAQ also affects children's overall comfort and tiredness levels; however, this influence is more significant on tiredness level than that on overall comfort level.  相似文献   
Previous studies have found that classrooms are often inadequately ventilated, with the resultant increased risk of negative impacts on the pupils. This paper describes a series of field measurements that investigated the indoor air quality, thermal comfort and acoustic performance of nine recently built secondary schools in England. The most significant conclusion is that the complex interaction between ventilation, thermal comfort and acoustics presents considerable challenges for designers. The study showed that while the acoustic standards are demanding it was possible to achieve natural ventilation designs that met the criteria for indoor ambient noise levels when external noise levels were not excessive. Most classrooms in the sample met the requirement of limiting the daily average CO2 concentration to below 1500 ppm but just a few met the need to readily provide 8 l/s per person of fresh air under the easy control of the occupants. It would seem that the basic requirement of 1500 ppm of CO2 is achieved as a consequence of the window areas being just sufficient to provide the minimum of 3 l/s per person at low and intermittent occupancy. Thermal comfort in the monitored classrooms was mostly acceptable but temperatures tended to be much higher in practice than the design assumed.  相似文献   
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