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木材的应用极为广泛,在每一座建筑结构中,木材有可能已被用作建筑构件,也可能附属在其它材料上变成具有特定功能的物品,由于木材属于易燃材料,这就注定了它与建筑火灾结下的不解之缘。一旦发生火灾,这些充斥于房间中数以分斤计甚至百公斤计的木材,对火灾将起推波助澜的作用。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONOrganic intercalatedlayeredsolidshavebeenstudiedbyscientistsindifferentfieldsformanyyearsbecauseoftheirnew physicalandchemicalpropertiessuchaselectricalproperties[1] ,mechanicalproper ties ,thermalbehavior[2 ] ,surfaceandinterfacialproperties[3] .Graphiteoxide (GO)hasbeenstudiedformany years ,itsstructuralmodel[4 6 ] ,formationprocessandkinetics[7,8] havebeenstudiedindetail.IthasbeenreportedthatGOpossessesC OHande poxidefunctionalgroups[9] whichmakegraphiteox ideeasilyabs…  相似文献   
According to control theories, mine fires can be considered as an unsteady process after the normal ventilation system is disturbed. Applied the principal of physical chemistry and thermal fluid mechanics, the parameters models of the unsteady state system have been given, such as fuel combustion rate, heat of combustion, concentration, temperature, heat losses, heat resistance, work of expansion and heat pressure difference. The results of the calculation agree approximately with the results of the test. By the computer simulation, it is shown that the main factor of producing the throttling effect is the fire rate, second is the heat resistance and the heat pressure difference. The rate of heat flow that passes through the airway wall is the maximum on the surface, and decrease with time. The heat transfer progresses only within the range of 0..5 m away from theairway wall during combus-tion for 2 hours. It‘s variable for the mass flux rate and the percentage concentration of the gas along the airway of the downstream. When the delayed time is very small, the varidtion can be neglected. Viscosity resistance is the main part of the heat resistance, second is the expansion resistance that is less than tens Pascal when Mach number is very small. Work of expansion is principally tumed into heat losses, only a very small part is consumed by the work of the heat resistance and the inertia acceleration.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONMinefireisoneofthecriticaldisastersinunder groundcoalmining[1] .Oncefireaccidentshappen ,theycausealargelossoflivers ,destroygenerouscoalresourcesandequipment.Iftheyarenothandledproperlyandtimely ,theymaybeinducemoreseriousconsequencessuchasga…  相似文献   
磁场对旋转火焰特性影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过磁场对旋转火焰特性影响的研究,发现磁场能够改变旋转火焰的燃烧特性和燃烧规律,使火焰的温度和高度都会发生一定程度的变化。因此,可以更准确地了解实际火灾过程中火旋风的燃烧特性,掌握实际火灾中火焰的燃烧特点,当实际火灾发生并产生火旋风时,了解地球磁场的存在对实际的火旋风的影响程度,从而根据其燃烧的规律性,采取有效的措施,控制火旋风的发展。  相似文献   
应用两步法热碱丝光的基本原理,在常规布铁丝光机上进行热碱丝光工艺的试验,取得了提高质量、缩短流程、节能降耗等综合效果。从而提出了对74型布铗丝光机进行适应性改造的初步建议。  相似文献   
林火蔓延初期的增长模型与室内模拟实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了均匀水平燃料床从一个点火源的着火过程,建立了林火蔓延初期的增长模型,采用数值法计算了蔓延初期的加速度与速度的变化趋势,并通过室内模拟实验,在燃料床上测取了林火初期蔓延速度。通过对着火后100s的实验数据与计算结果的比较,说明所使用的初期蔓延过程的增长模型在物理上是合理的。从实验结果分析看出,在着火后20s以内,及在着火的80s-100s锥形火焰向环形火焰转化时,火蔓延速度与加速度剧烈地波动。  相似文献   
沈锡  王清安 《印染》2003,29(2):42-45
阐述我国练漂技术的发展过程,并对发展过程中出现的各种工艺和设备进行了评价,重点介绍了近年来各种短流程工艺的进展情况以及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   
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