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对天然气制乙炔装置火炬点火系统改进前后的优缺点进行对比,并论述了火炬点火系统改进的方法与成功经验。  相似文献   
云南东川铜矿田位于扬子板块西缘川滇铜多金属成矿带。东川铜矿区内面山-四棵树成矿带裂隙构造叠加成矿-控矿作用明显,但对其研究较薄弱。在对面山-四棵树成矿带坑道进行构造岩相学综合编录的基础上,结合区域地质背景,对典型中段的铜矿体进行裂隙要素测量,制作玫瑰花图进行分析并对岩相进行分带。研究表明:①面山-四棵树成矿带碱性铁质基性岩浆沿大角度切层断层侵入落雪组,由于岩浆的侵入挤压作用,侵入岩体与地层的接触带由内向外根据岩石变形程度可分为片理化相带→热液角砾岩相带→碎裂岩相带,其中,碎裂岩相带根据岩石碎裂程度由内向外可划分为强碎裂岩相带→碎裂岩相带→弱碎裂岩相带,铜矿品位也随之由高变低;②裂隙岩相学研究揭示主要存在3组含矿裂隙,走向分别为近EW向、近SN向和NEE向,其中近EW向裂隙(与地层产状基本一致)为最主要的含矿裂隙;③多期次的构造活动使岩石中裂隙发育程度高且交切关系复杂,以岩浆侵入改造成矿期为依据可将裂隙分为成矿前裂隙、成矿期裂隙和成矿后裂隙。通过对岩浆侵入-裂隙构造系统特征与成矿-控矿规律的研究,认为面山-四棵树成矿带侵入岩体附近的铜矿体受岩浆-裂隙构造系统改造富集作用明显,基性岩体附近碎裂岩相带为形成较高品位“裂隙矿”的有利靶区。  相似文献   
国家社会需求是构造岩相学创新技术研发和理论创新的动力源泉,构造岩相学填图技术研发过程推动了理论创新实现,逐渐形成了"五步式"研发范式为:解剖建相与技术研发→应用试验和深度研发→示范应用和理论创新→推广示范和普适验证→集成创新和融合建模.经对盆山原镶嵌构造区重要金属成矿盆地进行基底构造层(前盆地期)、成盆期、盆地改造期、...  相似文献   
在对花岗岩几种重要的侵位机制进行介绍的基础上,结合野外工作实践,从围岩蚀变、流体运移、断裂控制等几个方面对云南个旧新山花岗岩体的侵位机制类型进行了综合分析,认为新山花岗岩体侵位机制类型属于岩浆底拱作用,新山矿段内形成的矿床主要有接触带铜锡多金属矿床、层脉状铜锡矽卡岩硫化矿床、变质火山岩铜矿床。  相似文献   
在对滥泥坪铜矿区矿床地质特征进行分析和研究的基础上,应用矿产资源经济学理论和方法,分别计算了滥泥坪铜矿在不同铜价下的盈亏平衡地质品位,说明了滥泥坪铜矿综合经济品位的优势,通过对伴生元素的利用分析,提出了一些对矿山生产有利的建议。  相似文献   
The important Mesozoic-Cenozoic glutenite-type Cu-Pb-Zn-U metallogenic belts are located at the western of Tarim Basin. The large-size Sareke glutenite-type Cu deposit and Wulagen Pb-Zn deposit are in the development period. They still have high potential exploration; however, the metallogenic mechanism is not clear, so that it is difficult for metallogenic prediction and prospecting. The tectonic and geochemical lithofacies show that the basin system including foreland, intermountain and hinterland basins around Southwest Tianshan orogenic belt, has different controls on glutenite-type Cu, Pb-Zn and U deposits. Firstly, the Mesozoic intermontane pull-apart graben basin in Sarekebayi, which is a secondary basin attached to Tuoyun Mesozoic-Cenozoic hinterland basin, is located at the northern of Southwest Tianshan orogenic belt. The Sareke glutenite-type Cu deposit is hosted by amaranthine irony conglomerate in the upper part of the Upper Jurassic Kuzigongsu Formation in this basin. Secondly, Wulagen glutenite-type Pb-Zn deposit is hosted between the upper part of the Lower Cretaceous Kezilesu Group and the bottom of Palaeogene located at the foreland basin of the southern part of Southwest Tianshan orogenic belt. However, Bashibulake large-size glutenite-type U deposit is hosted in the Cretaceous Kezilesu Group of Jiashi foreland basin. Finally, the glutenite-type Cu deposit is hosted in the Oligocene-Miocene and the top of the Palaeogene in the foreland basin system. Tectonic petrography features identifying the hydrocarbon-rich basin fluid include bituminization alteration, bituminization-discolorous alteration, and multiple coupling patterns between cataclastic lithification and bituminization alteration. Nevertheless, the geochemical petrography features include the rich total organic carbon (TOC), and the hydrocarbon-bearing salt-water, gas-liquid-gas/liquid hydrocarbon, light oil and asphalt from organic matter inclusions in the mineral inclusions, and the ore-forming fluids with low and middle salinities, and the orebody of Cu-Ag-Mo intergrowth, and the oxidized facies Cu, sulfured facies Cu and Mo sulfides. Therefore, the metallogenic mechanism of glutenite-type Cu-Pb-Zn-U deposits is clear. Firstly, the hydrocarbon source rocks have given off the hydrocarbon feeders by the sny-faults after tectonic inversion from the strike-slip sag to compressional deformation. Secondly, the tectonic lithofacies zones, including tectonic inversion zones, regional uncomformity, detachment tectonic belts, conglomerates with high porosity and permeability, are the tectonic tunnels for the large-scale migration of hydrocarbon-rich basin fluid. Thirdly, the argillaceous siltstones and gypsum-bearing mudstones from the conglomerates with high porosity and permeability are the signs of tectonic petrography for lithostratigraphic traps. Finally, large-scale hydrocarbon-rich basin fluid and Cu-bearing amaranthine irony conglomerate (oxidized Cu) have multiple-phase fluids and multiple-coupling structure, and maybe the mechanism for the large-scale enrichment mineralization of glutenite-type Cu deposit; the mineralization of brine with lower temperature superimposed by hydrocarbon-rich basin fluid maybe the mechanism for the enrichment mineralization of glutenite-type Pb-Zn deposit; the multiple mixing of hydrocarbon-rich basin fluid and the reduction of oxidized U maybe the mechanism for the enrichment mineralization of glutenite-type U deposit.  相似文献   
云南东川铜矿田位于扬子板块西缘川滇铜多金属成矿带。东川铜矿区内面山—四棵树成矿带裂隙构造叠加成矿-控矿作用明显,但对其研究较薄弱。在对面山—四棵树成矿带坑道进行构造岩相学综合编录的基础上,结合区域地质背景,对典型中段的铜矿体进行裂隙要素测量,制作玫瑰花图进行分析并对岩相进行分带。研究表明:①面山—四棵树成矿带碱性铁质基性岩浆沿大角度切层断层侵入落雪组,由于岩浆的侵入挤压作用,侵入岩体与地层的接触带由内向外根据岩石变形程度可分为片理化相带→热液角砾岩相带→碎裂岩相带,其中,碎裂岩相带根据岩石碎裂程度由内向外可划分为强碎裂岩相带→碎裂岩相带→弱碎裂岩相带,铜矿品位也随之由高变低;②裂隙岩相学研究揭示主要存在3组含矿裂隙,走向分别为近EW向、近SN向和NEE向,其中近EW向裂隙(与地层产状基本一致)为最主要的含矿裂隙;③多期次的构造活动使岩石中裂隙发育程度高且交切关系复杂,以岩浆侵入改造成矿期为依据可将裂隙分为成矿前裂隙、成矿期裂隙和成矿后裂隙。通过对岩浆侵入-裂隙构造系统特征与成矿-控矿规律的研究,认为面山—四棵树成矿带侵入岩体附近的铜矿体受岩浆-裂隙构造系统改造富集作用明显,基性岩体附近碎裂岩相带为形成较高品位“裂隙矿”的有利靶区。  相似文献   
中元古界东川群因民组二段是稀矿山型铁铜矿床的主要赋存层位。为了分析稀矿山型铁铜矿床与因民组三段的铁铜矿体形成的物理化学条件,采集了云南东川因民矿区150勘探线上ZK150钻孔中的样品,研究认为从下到上具有明显的岩相学分带:火山喷发相(火山热水蚀变角砾岩)→次火山岩相(蚀变钛铁质辉绿玢岩)→火山热水浊流沉积相。在对绿泥石地质产状和镜下显微构造特征研究基础上,利用电子探针微区技术分析测试绿泥石的成分特征。将绿泥石主要类型分为密绿泥石和蠕绿泥石两类,指示绿泥石化形成于还原环境中。利用绿泥石温度计,估算绿泥石形成温度的结果显示,古地温场从下到上具有不断升温的结构,推测绿泥石化蚀变作用是在主火山喷发期(次火山岩相辉绿玢岩岩床+火山喷发相火山角砾岩)形成以后,在火山热水浊积岩相形成期,古地温场达到了最高温度,并形成了热水下渗对流循环,总体上属于中低温场范围。地球化学岩相学类型属中温-还原地球化学相,对形成铁铜和铜矿床属有利的地球化学岩相学类型。  相似文献   
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