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谢莱夫特奥市位于瑞典北部的北极圈内,有着悠久的木制建筑传统.这一传统构成了萨拉文化中心在项目国际竞争中脱颖而出的主要设计灵感,其口号是肩并肩.新的文化中心由市政府发起,被视作使谢莱夫特奥成为一个更有吸引力的地区的关键驱动力.建筑的选址和内容设计都通过市民对话向民众公布,公众还被邀请对国际建筑竞赛中的提案进行投票和评论,其意见形成总结供评委会参考.  相似文献   
新卡尔马艺术博物馆是根据2004年开放式国际设计大赛的一套获奖方案建造而成,并于2008年5月10日正式对公众开放。博物馆坐落于文艺复兴城市卡尔马的城市公园,毗邻一座20世纪30年代建成的餐厅,这家餐厅是瑞典现代主义建筑大师斯文伊瓦尔·林德(Sven-Ivar Lind)的设计作品。  相似文献   
The reactivity of three cytotoxic trans‐PtII complexes bearing aliphatic amine ligands, with transferrin and single‐stranded oligonucleotides as DNA models, was investigated by ESI‐MS and the results obtained are discussed in comparison with cisplatin. Tandem MS studies provided additional information on the preferential Pt binding sites. To determine whether trans‐PtII complexes can migrate from a peptide to an oligonucleotide, transfer experiments were also performed using ESI‐MS, and competitive binding of the trans‐PtII complexes toward a model peptide and different oligonucleotides was also investigated. Significant differences in the reactivity of the trans complexes with respect to cisplatin were observed. In general, adduct formation with the selected peptide is favored for the trans compounds, whereas cisplatin shows a preference for oligonucleotides, especially if adjacent G–G residues are present. The results are discussed in relation to the possible mechanism of action of the trans‐PtII complexes.  相似文献   
When developing systems based on COTS, components need to be adapted in most of the occasions to work under certain conditions which were not initially predicted by their developers. Thus, it is very important to provide systems with the skill to dynamically alter their behaviour while running, depending on the changing conditions of the environment. In this work we describe a context-dependent, dynamic mapping between the interfaces of the components being adapted, overcoming some of the limitations of the static mappings presented in previous works. This is achieved by means of contextual environments, which define flexible adaptation policies. We also present a case study, illustrating the proposal, and discuss the improvements these mappings represent in comparison with previous works, as well as some open issues.  相似文献   
Depression has been shown to be more common in Parkinson's disease (PD) than in other chronic and disabling disorders. Neurochemical and functional disturbances are important etiopathogenic factors. The prevalence and clinical features associated with depression in PD remain controversial. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of depressive symptoms in our patients, as related to other clinical data, and to assess clinical outcomes of these symptoms. A series of PD patients were evaluated over a 9-year period, using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), Hoehn and Yahr stage (HY), Schwab and England Scale (SE), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Presence of depressive symptoms was considered if GDS score was higher than 10: mild-moderate (MD) for GDS scores between 11 and 20 and moderate-severe (SD) for GDS scores greater than 20. Three hundred and fifty-three patients were included in this study and additional follow up information was obtained for 184 patients. MD and SD were found in 40.2 and 16.7% of PD patients, respectively. Female gender, high HY, high UPDRS total and subtotal, and low MMSE and SE scores were significantly associated with depressive symptoms. According to changes in GDS score, 34% of patients remained stable, 35% showed an improvement, and 30.9% worsened in the follow up study. Gender, age, age of onset, HY, UPDRS, and PD duration are not related to depression outcome.  相似文献   
<正>在丹麦,Juul Frost以"森林和林间沼泽"的设计理念提出了Herstedlund社区中心的总体规划方案。Dorte Mandrup建筑事务所延续这一理念完成了Herstedlund社区中心,他们设计的社区中心  相似文献   
Tele2体育场作为斯德哥尔摩重要的新建筑,提升了该城市的世界形象,并在城市的长期发展中发挥重要作用.这座多功能的综合体可以举办足球比赛、演唱会、会议和其他活动,会给每位参观者带来难以忘怀的经历. 在参与该项目设计的10年中,White事务所始终奉行运用视觉通透为大众营造一个有魅力的、易接近的建筑.与观众视线没有任何遮挡同等重要的是开放、受欢迎的建筑形式.穿孔金属表皮以柳条篮子的编织方式构成,从室外可以看到室内,从室内的任一角度也可以欣赏周围的城市景色.在变换的灯光下,建筑表皮反射日光的钢筋网在夜间变为透射出暖暖光线的灯笼.可开合屋盖使体育场更具灵活性,同时也增强了通透性和开放性.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Sustained hypoglycemia causes serious cerebral damage. The cortex, hippocampus and basal ganglia are particularly vulnerable to this. Exceptionally, there have been communications regarding neuroimaging visualization of cerebral lesions attributable to hypoglycemia only. We present the case of a woman who suffered hypoglycemic coma with permanent neurological damage. Lesions were seen on magnetic resonance (MR) and cranial computerized tomography (CT). CLINICAL CASE: A 22 year old woman with no vascular risk factors was admitted to hospital in hypoglycemic coma, after attempting suicide with oral antidiabetic drugs. The duration of the coma was unknown. On admission the glycaemia was 28 mg/dl. Cranial CT scan was normal during the first 24 hours. Cerebral MR scan one week late showed hyperintense lesions in T2, basal ganglia and left hippocampus. The cranial CT scan one year later showed diffuse atrophy, with bilateral lesions of low attenuation in the basal ganglia and dilatation of the ventricular system. CONCLUSIONS: It is unusual to see lesions secondary to hypoglycemia on neuroimaging investigations. The etiopathogenic mechanism is still unknown and it has generally been described in diabetic patients. In our case these lesions can only be attributed to hypoglycemia. MR is more sensitive than cranial CT scan for the detection of these lesions during the acute phase.  相似文献   
丹麦哥本哈根Horten律师事务所总部办公楼由丹麦3XN建筑师事务所设计,具有古典与现代的双重风格。建筑选用独特的高级建筑材料,使办公楼呈现出坚实感,也体现了Horten律师事务所的执  相似文献   
学生宿舍通常都是平庸至极,往往就是将简单的单元以尽可能便宜的方式彼此叠放,没有辅助设施,任其自我生长.Moholt 50 | 50项目就是对此所做的一种响应.通过向这个建于上世纪60年代的既有学生村注入新的集体住房、针对学生的支持服务和公共设施,创建了一个崭新而活跃的中心区域,从而消除了学生村与周边区域的心理边界.  相似文献   
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