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Flotation performances of polymorphic pyrrhotite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The floatability of different crystalline structures of pyrrhotite (monoclinic and hexagonal) was studied. It is shown that the floatability of monoclinic and hexagonal has obvious difference, and that the flotation recovery of monoclinic pyrrhotite is larger than that of hexagonal pyrrhotite using different collectors. When butyl dithiophosphate is used as the collector, the recovery is larger than that by sodium butyl xanthate and sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate. At the pH values ranging from 6 to 9, monoclinic pyrrhotite can be floated well, and the flotation recovery is higher than 90%. Monoclinic and hexagonal pyrrhotites are more easily activated by Cu2+ in acidic conditions than in alkaline conditions. But Cu2+ cannot activate hexagonal pyrrhotite using sodium diethyldithiocarbamate as the collector. By the measurement of contact angle, it is indicated that monoclinic and hexagonal pyrrhotites float well and are easily activated by Cu2+ when dithiophosphate is used as the collector. Using sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate as a collector, the relationship between potential and pH range for pyrrhotite flotation is established. At pH 5, the optimal potential range for flotation of monoclinic pyrrhotite is about 125–580 mV (vs SHE), with the maximum flotation occurring at about 350 mV (vs SHE); the optimal potential range for flotation of hexagonal pyrrhotite is 200–580 mV (vs SHE), with the maximum flotation occurring at about 300 mV (vs SHE).  相似文献   
细粒锡石浮选研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
对蒙自矿冶有限责任公司白牛厂矿区铅锌浮选流程中的磁选尾矿进行了浮锡研究。以BY-9为捕收剂, P86为辅助捕收剂, BY-5和碳酸钠为脉石抑制剂, 一次浮锡可获得锡品位8.56%,回收率61.61%的锡粗精矿,锡粗精矿再浮, 锡精矿锡品位达到53.58%,作业回收率81.35%; 尾矿锡品位1.84%, 回收率18.65%。两次浮锡获得高品位锡精矿锡总回收率50.12%,尾矿锡回收率11.49%。  相似文献   
对蒙自产出的含铟氧化锌进行了铟的浸出动力学研究, 考察了酸度、温度、物料粒度、搅拌强度等因素对铟浸出的影响。高酸条件下铟浸出过程受内扩散控制, 反应级数为1.194, 同时测得其反应活化能为10.97 kJ/mol;反应速度常数k与物料粒径的平方成反比。试验结果表明: 高酸条件下浸出含铟氧化锌才能获得较高的铟浸出速度, 通过提高温度、降低物料粒度等方式可以强化铟的浸出。  相似文献   
为高效开发利用云南某硫化锑矿,在原矿工艺矿物学研究的基础上,对其进行了详细选矿试验研究。结果表明:矿石中主要有价元素锑品位为2.16%,锑主要以硫化物的形式存在,氧化率仅为4.15%;锑矿物主要为辉锑矿,硫化物主要为黄铁矿,脉石矿物以石英、绢云母和方解石为主;辉锑矿的嵌布粒度较粗,主要分布在0.02~2.56mm粒级,磨矿细度-0.074 mm占74.56%时锑矿物的单体解离度大于90%。基于矿石性质研究结果,在磨矿细度-0.074 mm占74.56%的条件下,以六偏磷酸钠为分散剂、硝酸铅为活化剂、M7为捕收剂、松醇油为起泡剂,采用“1粗3精2扫”的闭路浮选流程,可获得锑品位为35.30%、锑回收率为93.52%的锑精矿。研究结果可为矿山后续中深部硫化矿石的选别及现有流程的优化提供有益参考。  相似文献   
含有钒、钨和钛的选择性催化还原催化剂在许多工业应用中被广泛还原氮氧化物。各行业脱硝催化剂正在进入报废更换高峰期,处理废催化剂回收有价金属迫在眉睫。将回收的钒、钨、钛用于生产新型催化剂或其他产品,可形成循环经济。对废脱硝催化剂钒钨提取工艺进行详细综述,重点介绍钒钨浸出和钒钨分离方法。  相似文献   
设计并合成了一种可以抑制硫化矿的小分子有机抑制剂甘油基黄原酸钠,通过浮选试验考察了该抑制剂对硫化矿物的浮选抑制行为。结果表明,用丁黄药作捕收剂,在甘油基黄原酸钠存在下铁闪锌矿能被Cu^2+活化从而具有良好的可浮性,而黄铁矿不能被Cu^2+活化,从而实现两种矿物的选择性分离。通过动电位分析表明,甘油基黄原酸钠在有Cu^2+存在条件下不能阻止丁黄药的阴离子在铁闪锌矿表面的吸附,但能阻止丁黄药的阴离子在黄铁矿表面的吸附,与浮选结果一致。  相似文献   
研究抑制剂甘油基黄原酸钠(SGX)在铁闪锌矿与黄铁矿浮选分离过程中的作用机理。通过浮选实验考察该抑制剂对硫化矿物的浮选抑制行为。结果表明,用丁黄药作捕收剂,在SGX存在下铁闪锌矿能被Cu2+活化从而具有良好的可浮性,而黄铁矿不能被Cu2+活化;在pH为4-11的范围,SGX的用量小于50mg/L时,可以实现两种矿物的选择性分离。动电位分析表明,SGX在Cu2+存在的条件下不能阻止丁黄药的阴离子在铁闪锌矿表面的吸附,但能阻止丁黄药的阴离子在黄铁矿表面的吸附。吸附等温测试结果表明,SGX在黄铁矿表面的吸附量远比在铁闪锌表面量大。  相似文献   
采用碳酸钠熔盐法处理废SCR脱硝催化剂, 回收其中有价金属钒、钨, 在热力学计算基础上, 研究了焙烧温度、碳酸钠加入量、焙烧时间等工艺条件对熔盐反应效果的影响。结果表明, 当焙烧温度1 000 ℃、碳酸钠与废催化剂质量比1.2∶1、焙烧时间60 min时, 催化剂中钒、钨、钛的氧化物分别转变为Na3VO4、Na2WO4、Na16Ti10O28和少量的Na2TiO3, 此时钒和钨的浸出回收率分别达到99.70%和99.48%。  相似文献   
The electrochemical behavior of Mengzi lead-silver-zinc ore flotation system was studied. Based on the electrochemical characteristics of sulfide mineral flotation system, a stage potential control flotation was developed with the main parameters of pulp potential(φp), pH value and collector dosage. Using N,N' diphenylamino-dithiolphosphoric acid(NNDDC) as a collector, which has good selectivity for galena flotation at pH 8.8 and pulp potential 330 mV, DDTC is used as secondary collector to improve both the grade and recovery of Pb and Ag. The pulp potential values significantly influence the floatability of practical minerals and single minerals when using NNDDC as the collector. The flotation recovery of galena reaches 85% at about 0.3 V and pH8.8. With the usage of pulp potential control during grinding and flotation, the new pulp electrochemical technology for Mengzi lead-silver-zinc ore flotation was developed. The results show that the grades of Pb and Ag of galena concentrate are 55% and 1 800 g/t, respectively, while the recoveries of Pb and Ag are 86.5% and 65%, respectively, the grade of Zn of marmatite concentrate is 42.5%, and the recovery of Zn is 91.25%.  相似文献   
蒙自铅锌矿选矿废水净化处理与回用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较了聚合硫酸铁、聚合氯化铝和明矾3种混凝剂对蒙自铅锌矿选矿废水的处理效果。在此基础上,选择聚合硫酸铁并配合使用助凝剂聚丙烯酰胺,通过混凝沉降去除废水中的金属离子,然后再用活性炭吸附废水中的残留有机药剂,使废水的金属离子含量和化学耗氧量均达到了排放标准。采用处理后的废水对蒙自铅锌矿矿石进行铅锌浮选试验,获得了与采用新鲜水时相近的选别指标,证明处理后废水完全可以回用于选矿生产。  相似文献   
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