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洋口港LNG码头栈桥工程位于西太阳沙人工岛东北侧海域,水流条件复杂,海床泥沙活动性强,LNG栈桥建成后沿程桩基周围即产生不同规模的冲刷坑.通过对比栈桥建设前后海床地形变化,分析了桩基冲刷坑形成、发展过程.结合工程海域水沙动力环境,阐明了桩基冲刷坑分布规律、原因,总结出强潮流粉沙质海岸工程建设所引起的局部冲刷一般规律.研究结果表明:LNG栈桥沿程桩基冲刷形态分布与涨、落潮优势密切相关,而冲刷范围与强度则受流速大小和桩基规模的影响.冲刷坑早期发展迅速,在平面形态基本稳定后仍有进一步冲深的可能,应采取适当的工程护底防护措施.  相似文献   
Very limited modeling studies were available of the wave-induced current under the complex hydrodynamic conditions in the South Yellow Sea Radial Sand Ridge area(SYSRSR). Partly it is due to the difficulties in estimating the influence of the waveinduced current in this area. In this study, a coupled 3-D storm-surge-wave model is built. In this model, the time-dependent varying Collins coefficient with the water level method(TCL) are used. The wave-flow environment in the Lanshayang Channel(LSYC) during the "Winnie" typhoon is successfully represented by this model. According to the modelling results, at a high water level(HWL), the wave-induced current similar to the long-shore current will emerge in the shallow area of the ridges, and has two different motion trends correlated with the morphological characteristics of the ridges. The wave-induced current velocity could be as strong as 1 m/s, which is at the same magnitude as the tidal current. This result is verified by the bathymetric changes in the LSYC during the "Matsa" typhoon. Thus, the wave-induced current may be one of the driven force of the ridge erosion and channel deposition in the SYSRSR. These conclusions will help to further study the mechanism of the ridge erosion and channel deposition in the SYSRSR.  相似文献   
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