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Device-quality GaAs thin films have been grown on miscut Ge-on-Si substrates by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. A method of two-step epitaxy of GaAs is performed to achieve a high-quality top-layer. The initial thin buffer layer at 360 ℃ is critical for the suppression of anti-phase boundaries and threading dislocations. The etch pit density ofGaAs epilayers by KOH etching could reach 2.25 × 10^5 cm^-2 and high-quality GaAs top epilayers are observed by transmission electron microscopy. The band-to-band photoluminescence property of GaAs epilayers on different substrates is also investigated and negative band shifts of several to tens of meVs are found because of tensile strains in the GaAs epilayers. To achieve a smooth surface, a polishing process is performed, followed by a second epitaxy of GaAs. The root-mean-square roughness of the GaAs surface could be less than 1 nm, which is comparable with that of homo-epitaxial GaAs. These low-defect and smooth GaAs epilayers on Si are desirable for GaAs-based devices on silicon substrates.  相似文献   
研究建立了含硫化物、硫氰酸盐水质中总氰化合物的测定方法,选择EDTA-二钠和磷酸作为预蒸馏试剂,硝酸银作为掩蔽剂,结合二次蒸馏去除干扰,馏出液采用氢氧化钠溶液进行吸收;对于吸收液中总氰化合物含量较高的样品采用硝酸银滴定法测定,含量较低的样品采用异烟酸-吡唑啉酮分光光度法测定。该方法测定结果的相对标准偏差为0. 19%~5. 21%,加入标准物质回收率为92. 7%~99. 9%,准确度和精密度良好,且具有操作简单、快速、成本低等优点,适合大批量样品的测定。  相似文献   
2011—2012年中国金分析测定的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过查阅2011-2012年国内发表的金分析测定文献,分类综述了这两年度金分析测定的进展概况,主要包括金的分离富集和各种测定方法,并对金分析方法的研究发展方向提出建议和展望,引用文献101篇。  相似文献   
粗金的分析测定对黄金矿山和黄金冶炼企业具有重要意义。研究建立了火试金重量法测定粗金(w(Au)=20.00%~99.95%)中金量的方法,并通过一系列条件实验分别确定了称样量、铅箔用量、灰吹温度、灰吹时间、金银合粒厚度、一次分金条件、二次分金条件及杂质元素干扰等影响因素。该方法测定结果的相对标准偏差0.005 9%~0.010 8%,测定结果的重复性和再现性好,为粗金交易提供了很好的分析方法。  相似文献   
粗金中的锌质量分数超过5%时影响金的测定结果,研究建立了容量法测定粗金中锌量的方法。通过对比实验选用水合肼溶液(1+9)沉淀分离金,条件实验确定了氢氧化钠溶液和30%过氧化氢的用量,采用原子吸收光谱法补正沉淀中的锌。该方法测定结果的相对标准偏差小于0.50%,加入标准物质回收率为98.67%~102.50%,且操作简单快速,适合批量粗金样品中锌量的测定。  相似文献   
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