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Video events recognition is a challenging task for high-level understanding of video sequence. At present,there are two major limitations in existing methods for events recognition. One is that no algorithms are available to recognize events which happen alternately. The other is that the temporal relationship between atomic actions is not fully utilized. Aiming at these problems,an algorithm based on an extended stochastic contextfree grammar ( SCFG) representation is proposed for events recognition. Events are modeled by a series of atomic actions and represented by an extended SCFG. The extended SCFG can express the hierarchical structure of the events and the temporal relationship between the atomic actions. In comparison with previous work,the main contributions of this paper are as follows: ① Events ( include alternating events) can be recognized by an improved stochastic parsing and shortest path finding algorithm. ② The algorithm can disambiguate the detection results of atomic actions by event context. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can recognize events accurately and most atomic action detection errors can be corrected simultaneously.  相似文献   
讨论了采用针孔摄像机进行摄像机沿光轴运动下的场景三维重建的方法.基于摄像机轴向运动的特点和性质,利用该方法找到图像间的缩放因子,进而解决了轴向运动下的特征匹配;采用Sturm的摄像机自标定方法得到摄像机的内外参数;从而实现了摄像机沿光轴运动下的场景三维重建.  相似文献   
摄像机自标定是三维重建技术的基本问题 ,得到许多学者的大力研究 .为了简化摄像机自标定过程 ,一般假设摄像机内参数中的倾斜因子为零 ,然后对主点和焦距进行自标定 .但在摄像机模型为完全的射影模型时 ,即当倾斜因子 (Skew Factor)值较大时 ,则使用上述假设得到的自标定参数误差较大 ,有时甚至无法得到结果 .为了对倾斜因子值较大的摄像机进行准确标定 ,提出了一种当摄像机的倾斜因子已知但不为零时的摄像机自标定方法 ,试验结果证明该方法可以得到比较准确的摄像机内参数 ,并可使得后续的三维重建得到较好的结果 .  相似文献   
文章对比了轧制油过滤中添加纤维素前后板式过滤器压力上升情况,确定了纤维素在铝板带轧制油过滤中应用的可行性;并通过优化试验,确定了纤维素在轧制油过滤过程中的最佳添加方式及比例。使用纤维素后可降低成本,提高生产效率,并且减轻企业环保压力。  相似文献   
目前我国现有的学术型研究生培养模式对于面向实际应用方面的教学和培养比较缺乏,导致学生在就业时缺乏竞争力。文章针对这种情况,分析现有学术型研究生培养中存在的问题,提出面向应用的培养建议。  相似文献   
A key problem that plagues cera self-calibration, nely that the classical self-calibration algorithms are very sensitive to the initial values of the cera intrinsic pareters, is analyzed and a practical solution is provided. The effect of the cera intrinsic pareters, mainly the principal point and the skew factor is first discussed. Then a practical method via a controlled motion of the cera is introduced so as to obtain an accurate estimation of these pareters. Feasibility of this approach is illustrated by carrying out comprehensive experiments using synthetic data as well as real image sequences. Unreasonable initial values can often make self-calibration impossible, yet a precise initialization guarantees a better and successful reconstruction. Trying to obtain a more reasonable initialization is worthwhile the effort in cera self-calibration.  相似文献   
基于特征轮廓的灰度图像定位三维物体方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了一种基于特征轮廓的从三维灰度图像确定三维物体位置和姿态的方法,该方法首先建立物体的三维网页模型,检测模型上的特征点,并建立该物体的特征轮廓模型,然后检测输入图像中物体上的特征点,形成特征轮廓,并与特征轮廓模型相匹配,就可得到该物体在三维空间中的姿态;最后使用最小二乘法对物体进行精确定位,实验证明,该方法在物体遮挡情况下不是很严重时,可以快速精确地从灰度图像定位三维物体。  相似文献   
在计算机视觉领域,三维网面的简化不仅要求保持物体形状和拓扑关系,还要求保持物体表面法线,纹理,颜色和边缘等物体特征,以使计算机视觉系统能有效地表示,描述,识别和理解物体和场景,为此讨论了一种基于边操作(边收缩,边分裂),并具有颜色或灰度纹理特征保持的三维网面的简化算法,该算法将网面不对称最大距离作为形状改变测度,将邻域内颜色或灰度最大改变量作为纹理改变测试,从而在大量简化模型数据的同时,有效地保持了模型的几何形状,拓扑关系,颜色或灰度特征,以及网面顶点均匀分布。  相似文献   
A key problem that plagues camera self-calibration, namely that the classical self-calibration algorithms are very sensitive to the initial values of the camera intrinsic parameters, is analyzed and a practical solution is provided, The effect of the camera intrinsic parameters, mainly the principal point and the skew factor is first discussed. Then a practical method via a controlled motion of the camera is introduced so as to obtain an accurate estimation of these parameters. Feasibility of this approach is illustrated by carrying out comprehensive experiments using synthetic data as well as real image sequences. Unreasonable initial values can often make self-calibration impossible, yet a precise initialization guarantees a better and successful reconstruction. Trying to obtain a more reasonable initialization is worthwhile the effort in camera self-calibration.  相似文献   
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