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空间基因蕴含着聚落与环境互动形成的空间信息, 在空间特色传承上有着重要作用。由于新疆天山北坡地区聚落 在独特的自然环境中形成了互动演化的聚落空间形态,因此以 其为研究对象,通过卫星影像图和三维数据采集其中的12个 典型聚落样本,在从自然环境、空间片段形态、聚落形态、路 网形态和拓扑连接五方面提取空间基因的基础上,构建聚落 空间基因图谱,运用因子分析与聚类分析方法,对聚落进行分 类,阐释其背后蕴含的环境-空间互动影响模式,并提出保护 与改造建议,以期为不同地区乡村聚落空间基因研究提供借 鉴,为聚落类型划分、乡村特色保护与发展提供研究思路。  相似文献   
As Senior Architect to the Basilica of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona, Mark Burry has been ‘thinking parametrically’ for almost his entire career. Here he describes how his longstanding role overseeing the completion of Antoni Gaudí's masterpiece has afforded unique insights into the work of a great geometer and parametric thinker. Burry places the contribution of Gaudí alongside that of Frei Otto – the other eminent 20th-century Proto-Parametricist.  相似文献   
No More Stopping     
The dissolution of the conventional breaking points in the construction and completion phases of a building's delivery has blurred ‘the distinction between the production of design intent and the transmission of information’. Here Richard Garber , Director of the School of Architecture at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), advocates that architects should use this as an opportunity to widen their remit, gaining agency and with it responsibility and the financial rewards to practice. Here he draws from the examples of UNStudio, GLUCK+ and his own New-York based practice, GRO Architects.  相似文献   
本文以秦岭北麓沿线为研究区位,以建筑风格为研究角度。在对秦岭北麓区位特殊性分析的基础上,探讨自然环境和建筑风格的关系,并从气候特征、地貌水系、文化影响三个方面探讨了秦岭北麓自然环境对其沿线建筑风格的影响,最后以西安院子作为案例,加以分析说明。希望在对秦岭北麓特殊区位下的建筑风格探讨的同时,达到建筑风格与环境和谐发展下的保护秦岭生态环境的目的。  相似文献   
太行山山前断裂是Ⅲ级构造单元太行山隆起与冀中台陷的边界,查明其具体位置对区域的深部热储调查评价具有重要意义。为此,本文在前期区域重力和航磁等物探工作的基础上开展大地电磁勘探工作。通过布设5条大地电磁剖面,实现了对Ⅲ级构造单元界限的详细勘探。通过对4000 m以浅地层进行反演解译,并结合区域重磁勘探成果及地质资料,确定了区域性断裂及其次生断裂的位置、产状、走向等,重新绘制了Ⅲ级构造单元界限。结果显示界限中段向东偏移2 km左右,南段和北段与原界限重合或小有差异。该结果与深地震反射剖面探测结果基本吻合。本文研究成果将对该区域地热勘探工作有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
快速推进的城市化正在给中国城乡生态环境和文化环境带来极大的影响,以济南历史上的名胜地区鹊华为例,建议规划建设济南“鹊华历史文化公园“,希望在城乡统筹、可持续发展思想指导下,探索具有保护自然、改善生态、发扬文化、重振河山等多方面效益的人居环境建设新模式.  相似文献   
丁叉叉山地区金红石矿床位于柴北缘成矿带东端,为近年新发现的大型金红石矿床。矿床产于古元古界金水口群地层榴辉岩体中,严格受榴辉岩体的控制。呈条带状、透镜状产出,近东西向展布。成因类型属榴辉岩型金红石矿床,成矿时期为加里东期。在总结区内矿床地质特征的基础上,进而与国内苏鲁榴辉岩金红石矿床、省内鱼卡榴辉岩型金红石矿床等典型矿床对比分析,研究表明:区内榴辉岩成矿条件有利,保存条件良好,具有较好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
甫沙-克里阳地区位于西昆仑山弧形构造带的东段,是研究西昆仑山前冲断带变形特征的关键区域。在详细地面地质调查和钻井分析的基础上,利用最近完成的高分辨率地震资料,对甫沙-克里阳地区的新生代构造变形特征进行了研究。认为研究区自南向北由甫沙、柯克亚和固满-合什塔格3排构造带组成,其中甫沙构造带的结构特征在横向上有较大差异;3排构造带变形时间由南向北变新,冲断带表现为“前展式”的变形,同一排构造带的变形存在着由西向东迁移的特征;研究区新生代总缩短量为54.5km,缩短率为35.9%;新生代构造变形对研究区的油气聚集具有重要的控制作用,甫沙构造带的深层构造是下一步最有利的勘探领域。  相似文献   
页岩中不同赋存状态原油的分离成为当前较为关注的问题。采用极性逐渐增强的正己烷、二氯甲烷和三氯甲烷对祁连山木里煤田钻孔的含油页岩样品进行连续抽提,对各抽提物分别做族组分和定量色谱—质谱分析。研究结果表明:正己烷冷浸泡抽提物主要为页岩内自由态烃类,以饱和烃为主;而三氯甲烷索氏抽提物则主要为吸附态烃类,其中极性组分含量高,且碳数较高的正构烷烃丰度高;随溶剂极性的增加,连续抽提物生标参数C_(29)ααα甾烷20S/(20S+20R)与C_(24)四环萜烷/C_(26)三环萜烷比值逐渐增加,而C_(21)/C_(23)三环萜烷比值逐渐减小,但C_(23)三环萜烷/C_(30)藿烷和C_(31)升藿烷22S/(22S+22R)比值基本保持不变,另外部分参数比值则表现为无规律性的变化;尽管各种抽提物烃类组成和分子参数存在一定的差异,但各类化合物分布模式和部分参数值差异很小,表明3种连续抽提物(不同赋存状态的烃类)均为页岩内本源烃,而非外来烃。  相似文献   
Dams disrupt the flow of water and sediment and thus have the potential to affect the downstream geomorphic characteristics of a river. Though there are some well‐known and common geomorphic responses to dams, such as bed armouring, the response downstream from any particular dam is dependent on local conditions. Herein, we investigate the response of the upper Santa Ana River in southern California, USA, to the construction of a large dam at the transition from mountains to valley, using calculations of bedload transport capacity on the mainstem below the dam and for major tributaries. Approximate sediment budgets were constructed for downstream reaches to estimate deposition and erosion rates for sand, gravel, and cobble particle sizes. Our results indicate that the classical response of bed armouring and erosion is likely limited to a short reach immediately below the dam. Farther downstream, though transport capacity is reduced by flow regulation by the dam, the channel reaches are likely to remain depositional but with reduced deposition rates. Persistent deposition, as opposed to erosion, is the result of the replenishment of flow and sediment supply by large downstream tributaries. In addition, the calculations indicate that the composition of the bed is unlikely to change substantially in downstream reaches. A Monte Carlo approach was employed to estimate the uncertainty in the sediment budget predictions. The impacts of the dam on the geomorphic character of the river downstream could have implications for native fish that rely on coarse substrate that supports their food base.  相似文献   
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