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本文以乾隆《京城全图》为依托,讨论了明代至民国时期合院式住宅在京城的使用与流布情况。指出明代朱元璋制定的适用于大官人之“样房”可以看作后世标准合院的先导,它强调了与廊院相关的一正两副型院落的官宅身份,并促成这种院落获得了较大的流布空间;乾隆时期京城一正两副型住宅的采用是有限的,而标准合院更少;民国时期,由于社会的错动以及北京人口的增长,不但造成一正两副型住宅数量的增加以及合院的“平民化”,并且连曾经十分少见的抄手游廊也成了所谓北京“典型民居”的必配要件。  相似文献   
近二三十年来,都市的规模及其人口密度增长得非常迅速。为此,如何设计好都市住宅成为建筑师面临的严峻挑战。本文通过对遍及世界各地的最具影响的集合住宅的研究,阐明了凹空间的住宅(围合型的庭院住宅)将成为未来都市住宅设计发展趋势的观点。  相似文献   
本文从形态整合的角度分析了报福镇行政中心与旅游集散中心详细规划。规划整合报福镇老街原有的传统城镇结构肌理,突出“街巷”和“院落”,重新建构具有人文理念的空间形态,实现城镇形态上的关联耦合,复原人性化的空间尺度;建筑上通过对报福镇老建筑特色的提炼,进行创新式的继承,以现代建筑语言来抽象表达传统的地方建筑风貌。  相似文献   
谷建 《工业建筑》2005,35(10):90-91
《大宅门》的原汁原味在于其潜意识里的文化内涵与北京城的契合,我们可以跨过这座大宅门看到里面的北京城。这种文化基因也浸润着这座城市的方方面面,深厚而浓重,影响着城市面貌、建筑、社会风气和经济生活。  相似文献   
《Architectural Design》2007,77(6):42-45
Rahul Mehrotra maintains a diverse and active role as an architect, urban activist, writer and teacher. His book Bombay: The Cities Within (1995), with Sharada Dwivedi, is a major enquiry into the history and sociology of India's vivacious and contentious urbanism. He finds his city of practice - Mumbai - a mine for quarrying architectural ideations and languages. Unlike most regions in India that may have to adhere to a conformist cultural agenda, Mumbai offers a conceptual freedom in traversing the traditional and contemporary as the city has its particular plurality in the intertwining epochs, attitudes and ‘coming together and moving apart of the past and present’. Multiplicity is thus axiomatic in Mehrotra's interpretation of the city, although this is transferred in his architecture as a dialogical juxtaposition of public and private, exteriority and interiority, natural and industrial materials, and the traditional and contemporary. Interiority, arising both from reasons of climate and urban conditions, is an abiding theme in Mehrotra's work and is articulated through reified courtyards and walls that also retain an intimate conversation with the larger landscape. From residences to large complexes, he uses these elements with great craft and finesse to create dramatic spaces with changing palettes of materials, colours and phenomenally modulated differences between the exterior and interior.‘In our projects, the approach has been to abstract and interpret spatial arrangements as well as building vocabulary,’ he says. ‘The idea is to combine materials, to juxtapose conventional craftsmanship with industrial materials and traditional spatial arrangements with contemporary space organisation. In short, to give expression to the multiple worlds, pluralism and dualities that so vividly characterise the Asian landscape.’ Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The project to design a villa in Mongolia in China provided Rafi Segal with an opportunity to rethink the relationship between the natural and the built, blurring the boundaries between the agricultural and the domestic. The house and rural landscape are unified through the main roof structure, a furrowed surface that resembles a ploughed field planted with crops and local flora. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
西安话觉巷清真大寺始建于唐朝,历经宋、元、明、清多次重修,沿衍扩建,形成现在规模,至今保存完整,这是一座古老的清真寺,也是西安地区现存的一组完整的古建筑群。这个寺是以中国古建筑木构架大屋顶传统的独特形式结合了伊斯兰教的装饰艺术,满足了宗教活动的使用功能,形成了雄伟壮丽的形象。全寺分四进院落,每进庭院为传统四合院模式,设厅、殿、门楼前后贯通,主殿、亭阁、楼台、牌坊均排列在中轴线上,共计殿、厅、厢庑一百八十余间,均为木结构。这座寺院对于研究中国古代建筑和伊斯兰教建筑,是一重要实物。  相似文献   
东莞莞城市民广场设计从城市脉络人手,整合资源,以工程建设带动城市片区的更新与复兴,并回应岭南的地域气候特征,创造舒适宜人的现代多功能办公空间环境。  相似文献   
针对目前学界对中国传统建筑院落声场特征研究不足的情况,选择沈阳故宫博物院的三个室外院落声场作为研究对象,首先在所选院落内放置12面体作为连续声源,对其相邻各进院落的声压级进行测量,目的是分析故宫院落内声环境的私密程度,然后采用声音切断法对故宫院落的重要声学指标混响时间T10进行系统测试。研究成果将有利于了解古代宫殿院落的声场特征,并为后续的研究奠定扎实的基础。  相似文献   
传统庭院的生态设计大多遵循朴素的自然规律,并在长期实践经验总结的基础上来满足人们居住环境的舒适性需求。论文在定性研究的基础上,借助数字技术对庭院空间布局、比例尺度对风环境的影响,及生态缓冲空间对热环境的影响展开模拟分析,清晰还原与再现传统庭院的生态效应和作用机理,以期重新认识和评价江南传统庭院的生态价值,审视其热工状况与环境适应性,这对节约能源,改善建筑热工状况,提高环境舒适度无疑具有积极作用。  相似文献   
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