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The effects of blade tenderization (BT), two aging methods (dry (D) and wet (W)), and aging time (2 and 23 d) on tenderness, color, and sensory properties of Longissimus lumborum muscles from 12 cull Holstein cows were evaluated. Dry-aged loins had higher combined trim and aging losses than control (C) for both D- and W-aging, mostly because of excess trim losses. BT steaks had WBSF of 33.13 N while C steaks had WBSF of 41.46 N (P = 0.09). Aging decreased WBSF. Blade tenderized steaks had higher cook loss than C steaks. Aging, W-aging, and BT × W-aging improved myofibrillar (sensory) tenderness scores. Aging and/or BT improves sensory panel tenderness cull cow Longissimus lumborum steaks. Aging and blade tenderization combined can increase tenderness and value of Longissimus steaks from cull Holstein cows.  相似文献   
This 2 × 2 factorial design experiment was conducted to compare the performance of spring-calving Holstein dairy cows (HOL, n = 34) with Swedish Red × Jersey/Holstein crossbred (SR × J/HOL, n = 34) dairy cows within low and medium concentrate input grassland-based dairy systems. The experiment commenced when cows calved and encompassed 1 full lactation. Cows were offered diets containing grass silage and concentrates [70:30 dry matter (DM) ratio, and 40:60 DM ratio, for low and medium, respectively] until turnout, grazed grass plus either 1.0 or 4.0 kg of concentrate/d during the grazing period (low and medium, respectively), and grass silage and concentrates (85:15 DM ratio, and 70:30 DM ratio, for low and medium, respectively) from rehousing and until drying off. No significant genotype × system interactions were present for any of the feed intake or full-lactation milk production data examined. Full-lactation concentrate DM intakes were 769 and 1,902 kg/cow for the low and medium systems, respectively, whereas HOL cows had a higher total DM intake than SR × J/HOL cows in early lactation, but not in late lactation. Although HOL cows had a higher lactation milk yield than SR × J/HOL cows, the latter produced milk with a higher fat and protein content, and thus fat plus protein yield was unaffected by genotype. Milk produced by the SR × J/HOL cows had a higher degree of saturation of fatty acids than milk produced by the HOL cows, and the somatic cell score of milk produced by the former was also higher. Throughout the lactation, HOL cows were on average 30 kg heavier than SR × J/HOL cows, whereas the SR × J/HOL cows had a higher body condition score than the HOL cows. Holstein cows had a higher incidence of mastitis and ovarian dysfunction that SR × J/HOL cows.  相似文献   
Seven Holstein cows (BW = 639.4 +/- 28.8 kg, age = 62.6 +/- 6.9 mo, parity = 3.1 +/- 0.4 yr) (mean +/- SE) were used to measure uterine blood flow using a transit time ultrasonic flow meter. Ultrasonic flow probes were implanted (d 218 +/- 4 of gestation) around both uterine arteries (n = 3) or the gravid uterine artery (n = 4) to measure variations in uterine blood flow through this vessel in response to postural change (standing and lying). Implantation of the ultrasonic blood flow probe was successful in all 7 cows. Uterine blood flow was measured for 22.9, 23.1, and 21.4 h/d on d 226, 248, and 269 of gestation, respectively. Cows exhibited normal durations of gestation (272.8 +/- 1.6 d), gave birth to normal healthy calves (birth weight = 41.5 +/- 3.0 kg), and did not retain their placenta. Uterine blood flow to the gravid horn during lying was greater than during standing on d 226 (standing vs. lying, 8.04 vs. 8.79 L/min, respectively), d 248 (9.87 vs. 11.06 L/min), and d 269 (8.15 vs. 9.74 L/min) of gestation. Cows spent nearly 50% of their time lying during our observations at all gestational ages. Greater blood supply to the gravid uterus was observed during lying than during standing in this study.  相似文献   
Effect of heat stress on nonreturn rate in Holsteins: fixed-model analyses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between reproductive traits and heat stress. Nonreturn rate at 45 d (NR45) was analyzed in a fixed-effect model that included the temperature-humidity index (THI) from a nearby weather station as a measurement of heat stress. Data consisted of 150,200 first inseminations at first and later parities of 110,860 Holstein cows from 550 herds in Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida with weather information from 16 weather stations. THI on the day of the insemination, 2 d prior, 5 d prior, 5, 10, 20, and 30 d after insemination were studied as independent variables. The THI on the day of insemination showed the highest effect on NR45, followed by 2 d prior, 5 d prior, and 5 d after insemination, but no relationship was found with THI at 10, 20, and 30 d after insemination. NR45 showed a decrease of 0.005 per unit increase in THI on the day of insemination for THI >68. First and later parities presented similar thresholds but responded differently to an increase in THI, with NR45 being significantly lower and more susceptible to increases of THI in cows in their first parity than in later parities (0.008 vs. 0.005 decrease). Threshold for sensitivity to heat stress changed with the states, with Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee having thresholds of 70, 70, and 66, respectively. The decrease in NR45 per unit increase of THI was 0.007, 0.005, and 0.006 for Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee, respectively. With respect to only the Florida data, the final fixed-effect model used was NR45 = herd(year) + month(year) + month(year) + age(parity) + days in milk + 100d milk + THI + error. Animals with more than 150 d in milk (DIM) had a 0.16 lower NR45 than animals with less than 60 DIM at insemination. Lower milk-producing animals showed 0.08 higher NR45 than higher-producing animals. A difference of 0.10 in NR45 was observed between THI lower than 70 and THI 84. This variation in NR45 caused by THI changes is sufficient to merit further studies to examine genetic components of heat tolerance for this trait.  相似文献   
对扬州大学实验农牧场7头中国荷斯坦牛泌乳早期乳常规营养成分、酸度及乳蛋白组分的相对含量进行研究。结果表明,产犊后1h的乳脂率、乳蛋白含量、总固形物含量、滴定酸度、密度最高,而pH值最低,随后乳脂率、乳蛋白率、总固形物含量、滴定酸度密度急剧下降,到60h时接近常乳水平,而pH值逐渐上升,到第7d时接近常乳水平。产犊后1h初乳中免疫球蛋白的相对含量最高,为20.6%,到第5d时接近常乳水平。研究表明,产犊后3d内所产的乳最具有开发价值。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) content on the feeding behavior, digestion, ruminal fermentation parameters, and growth of 8- to 10-mo-old dairy heifers and to predict the adequacy of dietary fiber in growing dairy heifers. Twenty-four Holstein dairy heifers (245 ± 10.8 d of age, 305.6 ± 8.5 kg initial live weight) were randomly divided into 4 treatments with 6 replicates as a completely randomized design. During the 60-d period with a 10-d adaptation, heifers were offered 1 of 4 diets, which were chemically identical but included different peNDF8.0 (particle size is >8 mm and <19 mm) content (% DM): 10.8, 13.5, 18.0, or 19.8%, which was achieved by chopping forage into different lengths (fine = 1 cm, short = 3 cm, medium = 5 cm, and long = 7 cm). The concentrate and silage were mixed and fed restrictedly and exclusive of forage (Chinese ryegrass hay) were offered ad libitum. The body weight and frame size of the heifers were measured every 15 d during the experimental period. Samples of the rumen content (2 h after the morning feeding) were taken for pH, ammonia, and volatile fatty acid determination. The dry matter intake and average daily gain of the heifers were not significantly affected by peNDF8.0 content. The body frame size (including withers height, body length, and heart girth) of the heifers was not increased significantly by enhanced peNDF8.0 content. Ruminal pH and ammonia concentration were both increased with increasing dietary peNDF8.0 content. The ruminal total volatile fatty acid concentration and percentage of acetate and butyrate profiles were not significantly affected by dietary peNDF8.0 content. However, the enhanced peNDF8.0 content led to a decrease in the propionate percentage. The ratio of acetate to propionate in the 13.5% treatment was highest among the treatments. Increasing the particle size and dietary peNDF8.0 content resulted in increased eating and chewing time but had no effect on rumination time. Heifer total eating and chewing time and eating and chewing time per kilogram of dry matter intake were increased with increasing dietary peNDF8.0 content. The apparent digestibility of acid detergent fiber and crude protein was improved with an increasing content of dietary peNDF8.0. The results suggest that an optimal or advisable dietary particle size and peNDF8.0 content improves chewing activity, rumen fluid pH, and ruminal fermentation. The data based on feeding behavioral and growth responses of heifers as well as rumen fermentation and digestion by improving total eating and chewing time indicate that 18.0% dietary peNDF8.0 content is the most suitable for 8- to 10-mo-old Holstein heifers.  相似文献   
Confidence intervals for blood parameters used for nutritional and metabolic profile testing in cattle were calculated for clinically normal lactating Holstein cows, taking into account the effects of parity, stage of lactation, and season. Blood samples were collected from 740 cows in 33 Italian dairy herds according to a predefined protocol. Herds were visited during summer and the following winter, sampling 12 lactating cows at each visit (4 primiparous and 8 multiparous). Six cows were selected from the early-lactation group (days in milk: 10 to 89) and the other 6 were selected from the mid-lactation group (days in milk: 90 to 215). Cow selection criteria excluded animals clinically exposed to periparturient diseases as well as animals not considered in good health by a veterinary clinical examination. For each blood variable, outliers were identified and discarded. Data were then analyzed for their Gaussian distribution and variables with not normal distribution were log-transformed to adjust for lack of normality. Herd mean values were calculated for each blood parameter according to 3 main classification factors: parity (primiparous vs. multiparous), stage of lactation (early vs. mid) and season of production (summer vs. winter). The resulting data set was statistically analyzed using a mixed model with the fixed effects of these factors, their interactions, and the random effect of herd. General 95% confidence intervals were calculated for blood variables that showed a relevant herd variance component such as albumin, triglycerides, aspartate, urea, glucose, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, direct and total bilirubin, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. For the remaining parameters, specific confidence intervals were calculated for each level of the significant main factors. Parity affected blood concentration of total protein, globulin, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transferase, creatinine kinase, and phosphorus. Blood nonesterified fatty acids, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, creatinine kinase and cholesterol were influenced by stage of lactation. The season of production had a significant effect on total protein, globulin, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine. The outcomes of this work will improve the accuracy of the biochemical profile as a tool for dairy practitioners to assess the metabolic status of lactating Holstein cows.  相似文献   
Milk samples from 203 Holstein cows were phenotyped for genetic variants αs1‐casein, β‐casein, κ‐casein and β‐lactoglobulin using starch‐gel electrophoresis. All of the four milk protein loci exhibited polymorphism with allele frequencies of 0.862 ± 0.017 for αs1‐casein B, 0.966 ± 0.0009 for β‐casein A, 0.712 ± 0.0224 for κ‐casein A and 0.567 ± 0.0245 for β‐lactoglobulin B. The mean heterozygosity estimated over all the four milk protein loci was 0.3015. Genetic equilibrium was observed among all of the loci investigated, except κ‐casein. Chi‐squared tests revealed that there was no significant linkage among studied milk protein phenotypes.  相似文献   
Lactoferrin plays an important role in the innate immune system, with well-characterized antibacterial, antiviral, and immune modulatory properties. The objective of this study was to determine the allele and haplotype frequency of polymorphisms at positions −586, −190, and −28 of the bovine lactoferrin promoter in Holstein-Friesians and to quantify their association with performance using phenotypic data on progeny from 848 sires. Associations between genotypes and performance were quantified using weighted mixed models with genotyped individuals included as a random effect, and average expected relationships among individuals accounted for through a numerator relationship matrix. The dependent variables were daughter yield deviation for production traits and deregressed predicted transmitting ability for calving interval and functional survival. The C to T polymorphism at −586, which distorts a putative activating protein 2 (AP-2) binding site, was associated with a shorter calving interval and higher somatic cell score. The G to A polymorphism at −190, located in a putative selective promoter factor 1 (SP-1) binding site, was associated with a longer calving interval and decreased functional survival. A third polymorphism (A to C) at position −28, found within the noncanonical TATA box, had a tendency to associate with functional survival. On the basis of the data we proposed a haplotype combination that was associated with improved reproductive performance in the Holstein-Friesian breed. We hypothesized that the observable phenotypic associations with lactoferrin promoter polymorphisms can potentially be explained by allele-specific differences in constitutive or inducible levels of gene expression. The lack of a pleiotropic effect of the single nucleotide polymorphisms studied on both fertility and milk production traits strengthens the importance of these polymorphisms, or at least the lactoferrin promoter, in selection for improved fertility.  相似文献   
The objectives of these trials were to investigate the performance of Jersey steers in relation to Holsteins under current management practices when fed diets differing in energy density and subsequent effects on carcass characteristics. In experiment 1, twelve Jersey and 12 Holstein steers were offered dietary treatments with differing roughage levels. Roughage levels investigated on a dry matter basis were 55% reduced to 25% versus 25% followed by 12.5% (HIGH and LOW, respectively) with all animals receiving the same finishing diet containing 6.5% roughage. Holstein steers were heavier than Jerseys at the initiation of the trial (228 vs. 116 kg). A diet response was observed for gain efficiency during the first period in which LOW was greater than HIGH. Holstein steers had higher dry matter intakes and rates of gain than Jerseys. However, gain efficiency was better for Jersey steers during the first and last periods. Carcass traits were influenced by breed but not diet. Holsteins had heavier hot carcass weights, greater dressing percentages, more backfat, and larger longissimus muscle area, whereas marbling scores were similar to Jerseys. The increased efficiency of Jersey steers and significant reduction in carcass value due to light carcass weights suggested that Jersey steers should be fed to heavier live weights. Experiment 2 utilized 85 steers to investigate continuous feeding of a low-roughage, high-concentrate diet versus a phase-feeding strategy. Jersey (n = 40) and Holstein (n = 45) steers were assigned to a diet containing 20% corn silage on a dry matter basis (HEN) or a phase-feeding program (PHASE) in which corn silage was reduced from 60 to 40% followed by the same diet as HEN. Initial body weights were similar for dietary treatments but differed by breed. A diet response was observed for live weight at the end of the first and second period, first period average daily gain (ADG), overall ADG, and days on feed with HEN having higher ADG than PHASE and fewer days on feed. Breed affected all body weight and gain variables with Holsteins being heavier and gaining more rapidly than Jersey steers. Jersey carcasses were lighter, had the highest percentage trim loss, least amount of backfat, and lowest numerical yield grade. Holstein steers had a greater propensity for gain, whereas the Jersey steers were equally or more efficient. These findings suggest that phase feeding Jersey steers higher-roughage diets has minimal effect on carcass traits.  相似文献   
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