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基于卷积神经网络的光学遥感图像检索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种基于深度卷积神经网络的光学遥感图像检索方法。首先,通过多层卷积神经网络对遥感图像进行卷积和池化处理,得到每幅图像的特征图,抽取高层特征构建图像特征库;在此过程中使用特征图完成网络模型参数和Softmax分类器的训练。然后,借助Softmax分类器在图像检索阶段对查询图像引入类别反馈,提高图像检索准确度,并根据查询图像特征和图像特征库中特征向量之间的距离,按相似程度由大到小进行排序,得到最终的检索结果。在高分辨率遥感图像数据库中进行了实验,结果显示:针对水体、植被、建筑、农田、裸地等5类图像的平均检索准确度约98.4%,增加飞机、舰船后7类遥感图像的平均检索准确度约95.9%;类别信息的引入有效提高了遥感图像的检索速度和准确度,检索时间减少了约17.6%;与颜色、纹理、词袋模型的对比实验表明,利用深度卷积神经网络抽取的高层信息能够更好地描述图像内容。实验表明该方法能够有效提高光学遥感图像的检索速度和准确度。  相似文献   
针对传统网页排序算法Okapi BM25通常会出现网页与查询关键词领域无关的领域漂移现象,以及改进算法需要人工建立领域向量的问题,提出了一种基于BM25和Softmax回归分类模型的网页搜索排序算法。该方法首先对网页文本进行数据预处理并利用词袋模型进行网页文本的向量表示,之后通过少量的网页数据来训练Softmax回归分类模型,来预测测试网页数据的类别分数,并与BM25信息检索的分数结合在一起,得到最终的网页排序结果。实验结果显示该检索算法无须人工建立领域向量,即可达到很好的网页排序结果。  相似文献   
针对传统浅层的入侵检测方法无法有效解决高维网络入侵数据的问题,提出了一种基于堆叠稀疏去噪自编码器(SSDA)的入侵检测方法。首先,利用SSDA对入侵数据进行降维操作;然后,将高度抽象后的低维数据作为输入,利用softmax分类器进行入侵检测;最后,又在SSDA方法的基础之上提出了一种改进模型(ISSDA),即在传统稀疏去噪自编码器的基础上增加新的约束条件,以此来提高深度网络对原始入侵数据的解码能力以及模型的入侵检测性能。实验结果证明,ISSDA方法与SSDA方法相比,对4种类型的攻击的检测准确率提高了将近5%,也有效地降低了误报率。  相似文献   
天然气管道泄漏监测正在进入大数据时代,针对传统方法存在的采集数据冗余、特征提取及识别受主观因素影响较大等问题,结合压缩感知与深度学习理论,提出一种在变换域进行泄漏信号的压缩采集、在压缩感知域进行自适应特征提取及识别的智能天然气管道泄漏孔径识别方法。通过随机高斯矩阵获取压缩采集数据,并通过深度学习挖掘测量信号中隐藏的泄漏孔径信息,经稀疏滤波实现特征的自动筛选,最后研究了softmax回归实现孔径的高精度分类识别。实验结果表明,该方法实现了监测数据的压缩,对压缩感知域采集信号的识别性能明显优于传统方法。  相似文献   
基于稀疏自编码深度神经网络的林火图像分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对林火与相似目标很难区分的问题,提出一种基于稀疏自编码深度神经网络的林火图像分类新方法。采用无监督的特征学习算法稀疏自编码从无标签图像小块中学习特征参数,完成深度神经网络的训练;利用学习到的特征从原始大小分类图像中提取特征并卷积和均值池化特征;对卷积和池化后的特征采用softmax回归来训练最终softmax分类器。实验结果表明,跟传统的BP神经网络相比,新方法能够更有效区分林火与红旗、红叶等类似物体。  相似文献   
为解决手机螺丝自动化锁附过程中的锁附结果检测问题,该文提出一种基于加权核K均值分类算法的改进算法。由于加权径向基核函数的K均值算法的计算速度较慢,文章将径向基核函数进行泰勒展开并取前三项进行简化,提高了计算速度。另外,采用软最大决策规则,保证每次迭代的高收敛速度和低计算复杂度。改进的算法较传统的核K均值算法在解决螺丝锁附结果分类问题上具有相同的精度但是计算速度更快。  相似文献   
As they have nutritional, therapeutic, so values, plants were regarded as important and they’re the main source of humankind’s energy supply. Plant pathogens will affect its leaves at a certain time during crop cultivation, leading to substantial harm to crop productivity & economic selling price. In the agriculture industry, the identification of fungal diseases plays a vital role. However, it requires immense labor, greater planning time, and extensive knowledge of plant pathogens. Computerized approaches are developed and tested by different researchers to classify plant disease identification, and that in many cases they have also had important results several times. Therefore, the proposed study presents a new framework for the recognition of fruits and vegetable diseases. This work comprises of the two phases wherein the phase-I improved localization model is presented that comprises of the two different types of the deep learning models such as You Only Look Once (YOLO)v2 and Open Exchange Neural (ONNX) model. The localization model is constructed by the combination of the deep features that are extracted from the ONNX model and features learning has been done through the convolutional-05 layer and transferred as input to the YOLOv2 model. The localized images passed as input to classify the different types of plant diseases. The classification model is constructed by ensembling the deep features learning, where features are extracted dimension of from pre-trained Efficientnetb0 model and supplied to next 07 layers of the convolutional neural network such as 01 features input, 01 ReLU, 01 Batch-normalization, 02 fully-connected. The proposed model classifies the plant input images into associated labels with approximately 95% prediction scores that are far better as compared to current published work in this domain.  相似文献   

Deep metric learning has become a general method for person re-identification (ReID) recently. Existing methods train ReID model with various loss functions to learn feature representation and identify pedestrian. However, the interaction between person features and classification vectors in the training process is rarely concerned. Distribution of pedestrian features will greatly affect convergence of the model and the pedestrian similarity computing in the test phase. In this paper, we formulate improved softmax function to learn pedestrian features and classification vectors. Our method applies pedestrian feature representation to be scattered across the coordinate space and embedding hypersphere to solve the classification problem. Then, we propose an end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) framework with improved softmax function to improve the performance of pedestrian features. Finally, experiments are performed on four challenging datasets. The results demonstrate that our work is competitive compared to the state-of-the-art.  相似文献   
The recently developed machine learning (ML) models have the ability to obtain high detection rate using biomedical signals. Therefore, this article develops an Optimal Sparse Autoencoder based Sleep Stage Classification Model on Electroencephalography (EEG) Biomedical Signals, named OSAE-SSCEEG technique. The major intention of the OSAE-SSCEEG technique is to find the sleep stage disorders using the EEG biomedical signals. The OSAE-SSCEEG technique primarily undergoes preprocessing using min-max data normalization approach. Moreover, the classification of sleep stages takes place using the Sparse Autoencoder with Smoothed Regularization (SAE-SR) with softmax (SM) approach. Finally, the parameter optimization of the SAE-SR technique is carried out by the use of Coyote Optimization Algorithm (COA) and it leads to boosted classification efficiency. In order to ensure the enhanced performance of the OSAE-SSCEEG technique, a wide ranging simulation analysis is performed and the obtained results demonstrate the betterment of the OSAE-SSCEEG technique over the recent methods.  相似文献   
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