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Although rainfall input uncertainties are widely identified as being a key factor in hydrological models, the rainfall uncertainty is typically not included in the parameter identification and model output uncertainty analysis of complex distributed models such as SWAT and in maritime climate zones. This paper presents a methodology to assess the uncertainty of semi-distributed hydrological models by including, in addition to a list of model parameters, additional unknown factors in the calibration algorithm to account for the rainfall uncertainty (using multiplication factors for each separately identified rainfall event) and for the heteroscedastic nature of the errors of the stream flow. We used the Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis algorithm (DREAM(zs)) to infer the parameter posterior distributions and the output uncertainties of a SWAT model of the River Senne (Belgium). Explicitly considering heteroscedasticity and rainfall uncertainty leads to more realistic parameter values, better representation of water balance components and prediction uncertainty intervals.  相似文献   
山前平原地下水侧向补给潜力空间变异模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SWAT模型利用分辨率较高的DEM数据,可以估算山前地下水侧向补给的空间变异,并可以计算不同降水年型下补给量的差别。模拟需要对研究区进行填洼、流向确定、汇流和河网水系的提取四步运算,并对河道临界支撑面积的取值进行分析。分别模拟了平水年和丰水年两种降雨年型下研究区13个出水口的地下水侧向补给潜力。在研究区,由于地形的变化,导致山与平原交接断面上出水口的集水面积变异非常大,因此山前平原所接受的地下水侧向补给量的空间变异也非常大。不同的降雨年型下,降雨量转化为地下水侧向补给量的比例也不同。平水年的转化比例较小,丰水年的转化比例较大。应用SWAT模型时,与ArcView的拓展模块有机结合,可以更方便提取完整的大流域,划分出合理的子流域。  相似文献   
Climate change, besides global warming, is expected to intensify the hydrological cycle, which can impact watershed nutrient yields and affect water quality in the receiving water bodies. The Mahabad Dam Reservoir in northwest Iran is a eutrophic reservoir due to excessive watershed nutrient input, which could be exacerbated due to climate change. In this regard, a holistic approach was employed by linking a climate model (CanESM2), watershed-scale model (SWAT), and reservoir water quality model (CE-QUAL-W2). The triple model investigates the cumulative climate change effects on hydrological parameters, watershed yields, and the reservoir’s water quality. The SDSM model downscaled the output of the climate model under moderate (RCP4.5) and extreme (RCP8.5) scenarios for the periods of 2021–2040 and 2041–2060. The impact of future climate conditions was investigated on the watershed runoff and total phosphorus (TP) load, and consequently, water quality status in the dam’s reservoir. The results of comparing future conditions (2021–2060) with observed present values under moderate to extreme climate scenarios showed a 4–7% temperature increase and a 6–11% precipitation decrease. Moreover, the SWAT model showed a 9–16% decline in streamflow and a 12–18% decline in the watershed TP load for the same comparative period. Finally, CE-QUAL-W2 model results showed a 3–8% increase in the reservoir water temperature and a 10–16% increase in TP concentration. It indicates that climate change would intensify the thermal stratification and eutrophication level in the reservoir, especially during the year’s warm months. This finding specifies an alarming condition that demands serious preventive and corrective measures.  相似文献   
Selection of strategies that help reduce riverine inputs requires numerical models that accurately quantify hydrologic processes. While numerous models exist, information on how to evaluate and select the most robust models is limited. Toward this end, we developed a comprehensive approach that helps evaluate watershed models in their ability to simulate flow regimes critical to downstream ecosystem services. We demonstrated the method using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), the Hydrological Simulation Program–FORTRAN (HSPF) model, and Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model (DLBRM) applied to the Maumee River Basin (USA). The approach helped in identifying that each model simulated flows within acceptable ranges. However, each was limited in its ability to simulate flows triggered by extreme weather events, owing to algorithms not being optimized for such events and mismatched physiographic watershed conditions. Ultimately, we found HSPF to best predict river flow, whereas SWAT offered the most flexibility for evaluating agricultural management practices.  相似文献   
Constructed and restored wetlands can be effective sinks for particulate and dissolved phosphorus (P) if properly managed, but identifying suitable P retention wetland locations remains challenging. From a landscape perspective, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models identify locations within target watersheds with high nutrient loads that exhibit appropriate site characteristics and hydrodynamics. However, soil properties vary at the field scale, dictating the capacity of wetland systems to remove P and ultimately determining if a given wetland will operate as a sink or source of P over time. Land ownership and site access further complicate identification of P retention wetland locations. As a result, optimization and identification of P retention wetland locations requires analysis at both 1) watershed and 2) field scales, and 3) public engagement. In response, a survey effort linked SWAT model results that identified locations with target watersheds with field soil P storage capacity data and interested landowners. Results suggest that several locations recommended for their high SWAT-predicted P loading and landowner interest were in fact not well suited for project implementation due to soil P saturation and legacy P constraints. These findings highlight the need to couple watershed models with field scale soils analysis to identify locations for P retention wetlands in order to avoid unintended P release. Additionally, increased collaboration with social scientists and others familiar with public engagement strategies is needed to improve outreach activities targeting regional water quality improvements. Practical applications for nutrient retention wetland site selection are also discussed.  相似文献   
基于大气数据驱动水文模型的输出结果开展水循环模拟研究是大气和水文学界的研究热点。利用中国大气同化驱动数据集CMADS驱动SWAT模型,模拟2009~2016年期间洱海流域关键水循环要素的时空分布特征。结果表明:①CMADS数据集可很好地驱动SWAT模型,在洱海流域适用性较好,可用于水循环模拟研究。②从时间上看,洱海流域年降水量、实际蒸散和年产水量均呈现出先减少后增加的趋势,分别以4.6,29.3,15.0 mm/a的速率递增,多年平均降水量、多年平均实际蒸散发和多年平均产水量分别为792.8,565.5,286.1 mm。从空间上看,洱海西部降水最丰沛,东部地区次之,北部地区最低;实际蒸散发空间差异性相对较小,高值区主要分布于洱海湖区周围;产水量空间分布差异性较大,洱海西部产水量最大,其次为洱海北部和东部山区。③湿润度呈现出增加的趋势,而产水系数表现出减少的趋势,多年平均湿润度和产水系数分别为0.61和0.43;实际蒸散发与降水变化趋势一致,但与潜在蒸散发变化趋势相反,表明水分条件是限制洱海流域潜热的主要因子。  相似文献   
Runoff simulation is highly significant for hydrological monitoring, flood peak simulation, water resource management, and basin protection. Runoff simulation by distributed hydrological models, such as the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model which is the most widely used, is becoming a hotspot for hydrological forecasting research. However, parameter calibration is inefficient and inaccurate for the SWAT model. An automatic parameter calibration (APC) method of the SWAT model was developed by hybrid of the genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Multi‐station and multi‐period runoff simulation and accuracy analysis were conducted in the basin of the Zhangjiang River on the basis of this hybrid algorithm. For example, in the Yaoxiaba Station, the calibration results produced an R2 of 0.87 and Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) index of 0.85, while verification results revealed an R2 of 0.83 and NSE of 0.83. Results of this study show that the proposed method can effectively improve the efficiency and simulation accuracy of the model parameters. It can be concluded that the feasibility and applicability of GA‐PSO as an APC method for the SWAT model were confirmed via case studies. The proposed method can provide theoretical guidance for many hydrological research fields, such as hydrological simulation, flood prevention, and forecasting.  相似文献   
随着大规模水文模拟需求的不断提高,如何解决计算需求问题逐渐成为水文研究的一个热点.SWAT(soil and water assessment tool)模型在进行大规模水文模拟时有着良好的适应性与准确度,但其敏感度分析模块由于计算量过高,计算时长往往长达数月之久.为了加快SWAT敏感度分析的运行速度,针对SWAT敏感度分析模块的特点,基于MPI提出了一种高效的主—从式并行计算框架,并在此框架的基础上,通过将正演过程并行化,在敏感度分析的主—从并行框架中引入通信子空间的操作,将并行化的正演与主—从式的外层并行框架相结合,得到一种混合式的敏感度分析并行框架,大大提高了对参数集合的敏感度分析速度,将SWAT敏感度分析模块使用的处理器数量从原始的单核串行一跃提升到百核的数量级.最后通过天山北坡流域的模拟验证了此并行框架的可行性.  相似文献   
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a physically-based watershed-scale model, holds promise as a means to predict tributary sediment and nutrient loads to the Laurentian Great Lakes. In the present study, model performance is compared across six watersheds draining into Lake Erie to determine the applicability of SWAT to watersheds of differing characteristics. After initial model parameterization, the Huron, Raisin, Maumee, Sandusky, Cuyahoga, and Grand SWAT models were calibrated (1998-2001) and confirmed, or validated (2002-2005), individually for stream water discharge, sediment loads, and nutrient loads (total P, soluble reactive P, total N, and nitrate) based on available datasets. SWAT effectively predicted hydrology and sediments across a range of watershed characteristics. SWAT estimation of nutrient loads was weaker although still satisfactory at least two-thirds of the time across all nutrient parameters and watersheds. SWAT model performance was most satisfactory in agricultural and forested watersheds, and was less so in urbanized settings. Model performance was influenced by the availability of observational data with high sampling frequency and long duration for calibration and confirmation evaluation. In some instances, it appeared that parameter adjustments that improved calibration of hydrology negatively affected subsequent sediment and nutrient calibration, suggesting trade-offs in calibrating for hydrologic vs. water quality model performance. Despite these considerations, SWAT accurately predicted average stream discharge, sediment loads, and nutrient loads for the Raisin, Maumee, Sandusky, and Grand watersheds such that future use of these SWAT models for various scenario testing is reasonable and warranted.  相似文献   
The SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was used to evaluate the impacts of a climate scenario based on IPCC A1B emissions on flows in the Volta River basin in West Africa for 2021–2050 and 2071–2100, using 1983–2012 as the reference period. Overall, the simulation indicates increased variability and a decrease of up to 40% in river flow as a consequence of decreasing rainfall and increasing temperature. In particular, the analysis shows smaller absolute but greater relative changes in the hydrology of the northern (upper) part of the basin, particularly at the end of the century.  相似文献   
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