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当前K-匿名成为解决隐私保护的重要模型,但其不能解决同质攻击造成的属性泄露。对K-匿名模型进行了扩展,提出一种新的基于敏感属性值泄露个数期望的匿名模型,该模型能很好地解决属性泄露问题,同时通过实验证明了该模型的可行性。  相似文献   
K-匿名是数据发布应用场景下重要的隐私保护模型。近年来数据集K-匿名化的算法得到广泛的研究,Median Mondrian算法是目前唯一的多维K-匿名划分方法。文中研究了Median Mondrian算法,指出其不能有效地平衡数据划分精度与数据隐私安全性之间的矛盾,由此提出基于熵测度机制的多维K-匿名划分方法以及评估K-匿名化结果安全性的测量标准。实验表明该算法是可行的,能有效地提高数据安全性。  相似文献   
随着增强现实技术和基于位置服务(LBS)技术的发展,增强现实的应用也越来越广泛,LBS是增强现实的一个重要应用,用户位置隐私的泄漏是LBS用户的重要威胁,因此对用户位置隐私的管理就显得非常重要。论文首先分析用户位置隐私保护的重要性,接着介绍用户位置隐私泄露的类型,并分析和比较目前已有的用户位置隐私保护方法的优缺点,最后提出含有集中受信任的第三方模型的用户位置隐私保护方法,该方法优化了现有的用户位置隐私保护方法,可以有效地实现用户位置隐私的保护。  相似文献   
空间K-匿名技术主要用于隐私保护,防止个人信息泄露。目前的主要方法都基于用户-匿名器-基于位置的服务(location based services,LBS)模型。提出了一种基于位置敏感哈希分割的空间K-匿名共匿算法。这种算法在保距性和共匿性方面都可以满足要求,而且算法具有适度的计算复杂度。最后,针对有效性(最小化匿名空间区域)和效率(构建代价)做了实验,证明所提出的算法具有良好的性能。  相似文献   
位置K-匿名技术被广泛应用于LBS隐私保护中,然而大多数基于K-匿名机制的研究缺少对攻击者背景知识的考虑,针对此,提出了一种抵御基于历史轨迹预测攻击的动态匿名算法。该方法以滑动窗口约束的方式挑选出与用户基轨迹相似的历史轨迹对用户位置进行预测,并对存在预测风险的位置动态添加历史数据以抵御预测攻击。与同类算法相比,实验结果表明该算法具有更好的预测性能,且在同等隐私需求下降低了用户的隐私披露风险。  相似文献   
在数据共享的同时,如何保证数据的隐私性是一个重要的问题.泛化方法是数据隐私保护的一种重要方法,但现有的泛化算法不能处理连续属性,数据错误率比较高.在K-anonymity模型基础上,提出了一种扩展泛化算法EGA(Extended Generalization Algorithm),该算法在满足给定K值的条件下,用相对不具体的值最小限度地替换敏感数据,并实现了对离散属性和连续属性的处理.实验结果表明,与现有泛化算法相比,提出的算法具有运行效率高、数据错误率低、能保持敏感数据分类特性等优点.  相似文献   
近年来,可穿戴设备被广泛地被应用于日常生活。用户量增加造成的可穿戴设备数据重发布是导致隐私泄漏的一个重要原因。为此,数据匿名化重发布方法受到了广泛关注。然而,现有的数据匿名化重发布方法存在两个方面的不足:一方面,现有的数据匿名化重发布算法可能会造成严重的信息损失或用户隐私数据的泄漏;另一方面,现有的数据匿名化重发布算法在兼顾保护用户隐私和减少信息损失的情况下会造成较高的发布成本。为了兼顾隐私安全和数据可用性,并且提高数据重发布算法的效率,结合可穿戴设备自身的特点,提出基于聚类的数据匿名化重发布算法,该算法直接对增量数据进行基于聚类匿名化操作,使数据匿名化重发布更为高效。此外,在数据量较大的应用场景中,基于聚类的数据匿名化重发布算法可以有效减少信息损失。实验结果表明,基于聚类的数据匿名化重发布算法能够在保证用户隐私安全的前提下减少信息的损失并且提高执行效率。  相似文献   
在位置隐私保护中,现有的方法很多都是针对用户单个位置的隐私保护,而现实情况是,用户始终处在一个连续运动的状态中,在每一个地点都有可能发出位置查询服务,由此可以产生一个用户运动的轨迹。因此如何保证这条轨迹不被攻击者识别出来就是连续查询条件下要解决的问题。针对轨迹隐私保护问题,文章提出一种基于假轨迹的轨迹隐私保护方法,在用户连续查询形成运行轨迹的同时,算法根据用户自身设定的隐私度参数要求,生成符合要求的假位置和假轨迹,通过降低攻击者的识别概率来提高轨迹隐私保护度。模拟仿真实验结果证明,与随机生成假轨迹的方法相比,在隐私保护度较高的情形下,文章方法在时间消耗和假轨迹的生成数目上都有一定的优势。  相似文献   
In the arena of internet of things, everyone has the ability to share every aspect of their lives with other people. Social media is the most popular and effective medium to provide communication. Social media has gripped our lives in a dramatic way. Privacy of users data lying with the service providers needs to be preserved when published for the purpose of research as the release of sensitive personal information of an individual may pose security threats. This has become an important research area nowadays. To some extent, the concepts of anonymization that were earlier used to preserve privacy of relational microdata have been applied to preserve privacy of social networks data. Anonymizing social networks data is challenging as it is a complex structure with users connected to one another graphically and the most important is to preserve the structural properties of the graph depicting the social network relationships while applying such concepts. Recent studies based upon K-anonymity and L-diversity help to preserve privacy of online social networks data and subsequently identify attacks that arise while applying these techniques in different scenarios. K-anonymity equalizes the degree of the nodes to prevent the data from identity disclosure but it cannot preserve sensitive information and also cannot handle attacks arising due to background knowledge and homogeneity. To cope up with the drawbacks of K anonymity, L-diversity was introduced that protects the sensitive labels of the users. In this paper, a novel technique has been proposed which implements the combined features of K-anonymity and L-diversity. Our proposed approach has been validated using the data of real time social network–Twitter (most popular microblogging network). The performance of the proposed technique has been measured by the metrics, such as average path length, average change in sensitive labels, and remaining ratio of top influential users. It thus becomes evident from the results that the values of these parameters attained with the proposed technique for the anonymized graph has minimal variation to that of original structural graph. So, it is possible to retain the utility without compromising privacy while publishing social networks data. Further, the performance of the proposed technique has been discussed by calculating the information loss that addresses the concern of preserving privacy with the least variation of actual content viz info loss.  相似文献   
In view of the security and effectiveness of the current location privacy protection scheme,we propose a K-anonymous location privacy protection scheme for the mobile terminal.In this scheme,2K valid dummy locations are obtained from the cloaking regions,and then K-1 better locations are selected from them according to the position entropy,so as to achieve a better anonymous effect.The secure and efficient oblivious transfer protocol is adopted,which avoids the dependence on the trusted anonymous center,improves the scheme's efficiency,and realizes the requirement of querying multiple interest points at one time.Security analysis shows that the scheme not only satisfies the unforgeability,but also resists the playback attack.Meanwhile,simulation indicates that the scheme can improve the execution efficiency,enhance the level of privacy protection,and reduce the communication overhead.  相似文献   
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