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An energy-efficient plasma methane pyrolysis process for high yields of carbon black and hydrogen
Affiliation:1. PSL Research University, MINES ParisTech, PERSEE - Centre Procédés, Énergies Renouvelables et Systèmes énergétiques, 1 Rue Claude Daunesse, 06904, Sophia Antipolis, France;2. MONOLITH Materials, 662 Laurel Street, Suite 201, San Carlos, CA 94070, USA
Abstract:A novel thermal plasma process was developed, which enables economically viable commercial-scale hydrogen and carbon black production. Key aspects of this process are detailed in this work. Selectivity and yield of both solid, high-value carbon and gaseous hydrogen are given particular attention. For the first time, technical viability is demonstrated through lab scale reactor data which indicate methane feedstock conversions of >99%, hydrogen selectivity of >95%, solid recovery of >90%, and the ability to produce carbon particles of varying crystallinity having the potential to replace traditional furnace carbon black. The energy intensity of this process was established based on real-time operation data from the first commercial plant utilizing this process. In its current stage, this technology uses around 25 kWh per kg of H2 produced, much less than water electrolysis which requires approximately 60 kWh per kg of H2 produced. This energy intensity is expected to be reduced to 18–20 kWh per kg of hydrogen with improved heat recovery and energy optimization.
Keywords:Thermal plasma  Carbon black  Hydrogen  Methane pyrolysis  Methane decomposition
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