Abstract: | ZnCdS films were formed by in situ chemical doping of CdS with Zn in a chemical bath. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of CdS films after Zn doping showed a more disordered nature, consisting of reflections from Zn0.049Cd0.951S (JCPDS 40-834) as well as CdS greenockite (hexagonal, JCPDS 41-1049) and hawleyite (cubic, JCPDS 10-0454) phases. A comparison of the optical transmittance spectra for undoped and Zn-doped films showed that the cut-off wavelength was modified after Zn doping, indicating the presence of impurity states in the band gap. Zn-doped films showed an increase in dark conductivity after annealing at about 200°C. These films exhibit promising characteristics for application in solar cell and photodetector structures. |