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Loss of the thalamic nuclei for "head direction" impairs performance on spatial memory tasks in rats.
Authors:Wilton, L. A. K.   Baird, A. L.   Muir, Janice L.   Honey, R. C.   Aggleton, John P.
Abstract:This study sought to characterize the effects of removing the nuclei of primary importance in relaying the thalamic head direction signal to the hippocampal formation (the anterior dorsal [AD] and lateral dorsal [LD] nuclei) on the performance of a variety of spatial and nonspatial tasks. The results indicate that combined excitotoxic lesions of the AD and LD nuclei produce marked deficits on a variety of spatial tasks. These tasks included T-maze alternation and the ability to locate a hidden platform set at a fixed distance and fixed direction from a beacon in a Morris water maze. Although object recognition appeared unaffected, marked impairments were found in the ability to detect when an object was placed in a novel position (object-in-place memory). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)
Keywords:thalamic nuclei   spatial memory   head direction signal   rats   hippocampal formation   excitotoxic lesions
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