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引用本文:孙兆远,侯会绒. 萌发糙米中多酚物质超声提取工艺的优化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2011, 37(2)
作者姓名:孙兆远  侯会绒
摘    要:以萌发糙米为原料提取多酚类化合物,探讨超声作用时间、乙醇浓度、料液比等因素对总酚得率的影响。应用Box-Behnken中心组合实验和响应面分析法,最终确定萌发糙米中多酚类物质提取适宜条件为超声作用时间11.08 min、乙醇体积分数80%、料液比(g∶mL)为1∶17.62,此条件下多酚提取得率为60.13μg/g。

关 键 词:萌发糙米  多酚  超声提取  响应曲面

Optimization of Ultrasonic Extraction of Polyphenol in Pre-germinated Brown Rice by Response Surface Analysis
Sun Zhao-yuan,Hou Hui-rong. Optimization of Ultrasonic Extraction of Polyphenol in Pre-germinated Brown Rice by Response Surface Analysis[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2011, 37(2)
Authors:Sun Zhao-yuan  Hou Hui-rong
Abstract:Studies were made on extracting polyphenol from pre-germinated brown rice.The effects of ultrasonic extraction time,ethanol concentration and proportion of material and solution on yield were discussed.Box-Behnken center-united experiment design and response surface methodology were used to optimize the extraction technology of polyphenol of pre-germinated brown rice.The optimal conditions of extraction were concluded as follows: ultrasonic extraction time 11.08min,ethanol concentration 80%,proportion of material and solution 1∶ 17.62.the actual detection value of polyphenol extraction rate was 60.13 μg/g,that is almost equal to the predictable value.
Keywords:pre-germinated brown rice  polyphenol  ultrasonic extraction  response surface analysis
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