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A novel framework based on a data-driven approach for modelling the behaviour of organisms in chemical plume tracing
Authors:Kei Okajima  Shunsuke Shigaki  Takanobu Suko  Duc-Nhat Luong  Cesar Hernandez Reyes  Yuya Hattori  Kazushi Sanada  Daisuke Kurabayashi
Abstract:We propose a data-driven approach for modelling an organism''s behaviour instead of conventional model-based strategies in chemical plume tracing (CPT). CPT models based on this approach show promise in faithfully reproducing organisms’ CPT behaviour. To construct the data-driven CPT model, a training dataset of the odour stimuli input toward the organism is needed, along with an output of the organism’s CPT behaviour. To this end, we constructed a measurement system comprising an array of alcohol sensors for the measurement of the input and a camera for tracking the output in a real scenario. Then, we determined a transfer function describing the input–output relationship as a stochastic process by applying Gaussian process regression, and established the data-driven CPT model based on measurements of the organism’s CPT behaviour. Through CPT experiments in simulations and a real environment, we evaluated the performance of the data-driven CPT model and compared its success rate with those obtained from conventional model-based strategies. As a result, the proposed data-driven CPT model demonstrated a better success rate than those obtained from conventional model-based strategies. Moreover, we considered that the data-driven CPT model could reflect the aspect of an organism’s adaptability that modulated its behaviour with respect to the surrounding environment. However, these useful results came from the CPT experiments conducted in simple settings of simulations and a real environment. If making the condition of the CPT experiments more complex, we confirmed that the data-driven CPT model would be less effective for locating an odour source. In this way, this paper not only poses major contributions toward the development of a novel framework based on a data-driven approach for modelling an organism’s CPT behaviour, but also displays a research limitation of a data-driven approach at this stage.
Keywords:chemical plume tracing   data-driven model   sensor array   wind tunnel   Gaussian process regression
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