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作者姓名:许义兴  薛珊珊
摘    要:茶园村 茶园村的油菜花开了,一垄一垄地点缀在山坡上,如同在山水画中涂抺了一笔一笔的黄色笔触,从山谷中沿着溪流上溯,是云雾遮掩的层层大山. 茶园村是2008年5月12日汶川大地震的灾区,位于甘肃省文县中庙乡,这里层峦叠嶂,气候温和湿润,终年云雾缭绕,有陇上江南之称.

关 键 词:建筑师  新建筑  设计师  学校  民间  灾后重建  茶园  甘肃省  建造  走向

Abstract:Architects Xu Yixing and Xue Shanshan worked with Green Camel Bell to design and construct the grass brick schoolhouse for Chayuan Village,Gansu.Construction commenced in November 2009 and less than a year later,nine students and one teacher began classes.By September 2011,local school district officials had integrated the new school into its oversight and over twenty students registered for classes.During design and construction,Xu and Xue realized that while they understood modern architecture and engineering,nevertheless the villagers knew about traditional construction,craftsmanship and aesthetics.This experience has led Xu and Xue to propose a more participatory model of rural development,in which urban trained architects go to the countryside to learn from and work with villagers,who in turn would become"barefoot"architects,not formally licensed but trained to build sustainable,local architecture.The historical model for this type of rural-urban collaboration were barefoot doctors,who followed Mao Zedong’s call to bring basic healthcare to China’s rural hinterlands.
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