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An Iterative Learning Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Network Design
Authors:Chiang‐Ju Chien  Li‐Chen Fu
In this paper, a feedforward neural network with sigmoid hidden units is used to design a neural network based iterative learning controller for nonlinear systems with state dependent input gains. No prior offline training phase is necessary, and only a single neural network is employed. All the weights of the neurons are tuned during the iteration process in order to achieve the desired learning performance. The adaptive laws for the weights of neurons and the analysis of learning performance are determined via Lyapunov‐like analysis. A projection learning algorithm is used to prevent drifting of weights. It is shown that the tracking error vector will asymptotically converges to zero as the iteration goes to infinity, and the all adjustable parameters as well as internal signals remain bounded.
Keywords:Iterative learning control  neural network  adaptive control  nonlinear system
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