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The next generation models for crops and agro-ecosystems
Authors:ZHU XinGuang     ZHANG GuiLian   THOLEN Danny   WANG Yu   XIN ChangPeng & SONG QingFeng Plant Systems Biology Group  CAS-MPG Partner Institute    Key Laboratory for Computational Biology  Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences  Chinese Academy of Sciences  Shanghai   China
Affiliation:ZHU XinGuang 1,2,ZHANG GuiLian 1,THOLEN Danny 1,WANG Yu 1,XIN ChangPeng 1 & SONG QingFeng 1 1 Plant Systems Biology Group,CAS-MPG Partner Institute and Key Laboratory for Computational Biology,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031,China,2 Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology,Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences,Shanghai 200032
Growth in population, decrease in arable land area, and change in climate are endangering our food security. Precision agriculture has the potential to increase crop productivity thorough tailored agricultural practices for different growing areas. Many models of crops and agro-ecosystems capable of predicting interaction between plants and environments have been developed for precision agriculture. Currently, there are several representative categories of crop and agro-ecosystem models, including the de Wi...
Keywords:crop models  ecosystem models  crop yields  nonlinear analysis  photosynthesis  
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