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Finite element analysis of effects of soft zones on formability of laser welded advanced high strength steels

Applications of advanced high strength steels in tailor welded blanks are a major focus to reduce vehicle weight and manufacturing cost, and to improve part performance. In the present work, formability of two types of laser welded steels in biaxial stretch forming has been studied. Laser welded blanks of the dual phase steel showed larger reduction of formability than those of high strength low alloy steel. This was due to formation of soft zones in the outer heat affected zone of dual phase steel where strain localisation and fracture occurred. Finite element simulations of dome testing incorporating local weld zone properties were able to accurately predict experimentally observed behaviour including deformation patterns and failure locations. In particular, the simulations have shown that under matching of the softened heat affected zone leads to reduced formability by localisation of strain; and that the fracture location changes from radial to circumferential plane when the flow curve of soft zone is evenly matched with the base metal. It was also concluded that the width of the soft zone has minor influence on formability during biaxial stretch forming.
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