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引用本文:陈阿莲,冯丽娜,杜春水,张承慧. 基于支持向量机的局部阴影条件下光伏阵列建模[J]. 电工技术学报, 2011, 26(3): 140-146
作者姓名:陈阿莲  冯丽娜  杜春水  张承慧
基金项目:国家自然科学青年基金(51007049); 山东省中青年科学家科研奖励基金(BS2010NJ010); 山东省自主创新重大科技专项计划(2006zz11)项目资助
摘    要:由于周围高大建筑物、树木等的遮挡,光伏阵列经常处在局部阴影中.而光伏阵列是光伏发电系统的关键部分,其电气特性容易受到光伏电池温度、太阳光辐射强度和负载阻抗等因素的影响.为了能够获得光伏阵列最大输出功率,建立其电气特性模型尤为重要.本文首先基于光伏阵列的工作原理,提出了一种快速建立局部阴影下光伏阵列数学模型的方法.然后,...

关 键 词:局部阴影  光伏阵列  支持向量机  遗传算法

Modeling of Photovoltaic Array Based on Support Vector Machines Under Partial Shaded Conditions
Chen Alian Feng Lina Du Chunshui Zhang Chenghui. Modeling of Photovoltaic Array Based on Support Vector Machines Under Partial Shaded Conditions[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2011, 26(3): 140-146
Authors:Chen Alian Feng Lina Du Chunshui Zhang Chenghui
Affiliation:Chen Alian Feng Lina Du Chunshui Zhang Chenghui(Shandong University Jinan 250061 China)
Abstract:Due to shadow caused by neighboring buildings and trees,photovoltaic (PV) array often works under shaded conditions.PV array is the key part of a PV generation system,and its electrical characteristics are susceptible to temperature,solar radiation intensity and load impedance and other factors.In order to extracting maximum power of the PV array,the electrical model of PV array is required.Firstly,a method to quickly draw the voltage-current characteristic curve of partial shaded PV array is presented base...
Keywords:Partial shaded  photovoltaic array  support vector machines  genetic algorithm  
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