Abstract: | To control the flow around a flat plate, a small rod was set upstream of the plate. The chord length of the plate, D, was 50 mm. The diameter of the rod, d, and the distance between the axes of the rod and plate, L, were varied. The Reynolds number ranged from 1.3 × 104 to 7.7 × 104. For the cases without vortex shedding from the rod, the shear layer from the rod reattaches to the front face of the plate. Consequently, quasi-stationary vortices are formed between the rod and the plate. In this case, at d/D = 0.4 and L/D = 1.4 to 2.0, the maximum reduction of total drag coefficient is 20 to 30%. The average heat transfer on each face increases and the overall heat transfer increases by about 40 to 50% compared with values obtained without the rod in place. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(2): 99–113, 1998 |