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High Speed Quantum Key Distribution Over Optical Fiber Network System
Authors:Lijun Ma  Alan Mink  Xiao Tang
Affiliation:Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Abstract:The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has developed a number of complete fiber-based high-speed quantum key distribution (QKD) systems that includes an 850 nm QKD system for a local area network (LAN), a 1310 nm QKD system for a metropolitan area network (MAN), and a 3-node quantum network controlled by a network manager. This paper discusses the key techniques used to implement these systems, which include polarization recovery, noise reduction, frequency up-conversion detection based on a periodically polled lithium nitrate (PPLN) waveguide, custom high-speed data handling boards and quantum network management. Using our quantum network, a QKD secured video surveillance application has been demonstrated. Our intention is to show the feasibility and sophistication of QKD systems based on current technology.
Keywords:detection time bin shift   fiber network   frequency up-conversion detection   quantum key distribution   BB84   B92
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