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Applying a coupled expert system to quality control charts
Authors:Vinod Lall

Joseph Stanislao


Aero-manufacturing & Engineering Technology North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, USA

College of Engineering and Architecture North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, USA

Quality control charts are a common tool used for control of a manufacturing process. Expert systems can serve as a valuable tool to automate the different phases in the use of quality control charts. The authors have developed a coupled expert system to select a proper control chart, optimize the design of the selected control chart, analyze the chart to identify an out-of-control process and suggest the reason(s) for an out-of-control process. The intent of this paper is to discuss the main features of this coupled expert system.

An expert system shell called PCPLUS helps a user select the most appropriate control chart and identify the reason(s) for a process to be out-of-control. FORTRAN was used to implement the modules for design, plotting, and analysis of the selected control chart.

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