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Physical evaluation of popped cereal snacks with spent hen meat
Authors:Lee S O  Min J S  Kim I S  Lee M

Laboratory of Muscle Food Science and Technology, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Suwon 441-744, South Korea

Various blends of spent hen meat and grains (potato starch, corn starch, and rice flour) were popped using a popping machine. Lowest bulk density was observed in the snack with 1:2 ratio of meat and potato starch. Except for the popped snack with meat and rice flour, as the starch content increased, bulk density decreased gradually. Popped snacks with grains only were higher in L* value than those with meat and grains. The a* and b* values increased with increasing meat content. All popped snacks were significantly different (P<0.001) in bulk density, color, and breaking force. As the grain content of snacks increased, the size of the air cells also increased. Results of scanning electron microscopic and optical microscopic observations revealed the popping degree of snack with starch and spent hen meat was affected by the presence of meat. The optimum ratios of meat to grain for high expansion ratio were determined to be 1:2 and 1:3 of meat to corn starch and potato starch.
Keywords:Spent hen   Potato starch   Corn starch   Rice flour   Popped snack
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