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FDO Provider for SuperMap的设计与实现
引用本文:周旭,梁军,石伟伟. FDO Provider for SuperMap的设计与实现[J]. 计算机工程, 2010, 36(8): 55-57
作者姓名:周旭  梁军  石伟伟
作者单位:1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100039;北京超图软件股份有限公司,北京,100085
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101;北京超图软件股份有限公司,北京,100085
3. 北京超图软件股份有限公司,北京,100085
摘    要:针对在CAD环境中无法直接访问和编辑GIS系统中空间数据的问题,研究开源要素数据对象(FDO)空间数据访问引擎中的数据提供者(PDO Provider)的4个关键部分的实现技术:数据连接,数据模型之间的映射,坐标系统的识别以及数据的读写访问操作。设计并实现FDO Provider for SuperMap。结果表明,该系统可以使在AutoCAD Map 3D等CAD软件中直接访问和编辑国产主流的SuperMap GIS软件中的数据。

关 键 词:要素数据对象  空间数据引擎  超图  计算机辅助设计

Design and Implementation of FDO Provider for SuperMap
ZHOU Xu,LIANG Jun,SHI Wei-wei. Design and Implementation of FDO Provider for SuperMap[J]. Computer Engineering, 2010, 36(8): 55-57
Authors:ZHOU Xu  LIANG Jun  SHI Wei-wei
Affiliation:(1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101;2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039; 3. Beijing SuperMap Software Co., Ltd., Beijing 100085)
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that it can not access and edit spatial data of GIS system directly in CAD environment, the four key technologies of realizing open source Feature Data Objects(FDO) Provider are studied, including data connection, mapping between the data models, recognition of coordinate systems and read/write data access operation. It designs and implements FDO Provider for SuperMap. The results show the CAD software such as AutoCAD Map 3D has the capability to access and edit the SuperMap GIS data directly based on the system.
Keywords:Feature Data Objects(FDO)  spatial data engine  SuperMap  CAD
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