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引用本文:姬海涛. 厚煤层放顶煤工作面防灭火技术研究[J]. 河北化工, 2014, 0(7): 55-56,59
摘    要:随着综采放顶煤技术的推广和应用,矿井生产逐步向高产高效集约化发展。但由于该方法冒落高度大、采空区遗煤多、漏风严重,使得煤层自然发火几率增高,矿井自燃火灾事故增多,厚煤层和特厚煤层的采空区内自燃火灾次数占采空区发火总数的84%。针对这一问题山西兴县金地煤业有限公司为例,介绍综合防灭火技术,保证工作面开采的安全。

关 键 词:厚煤层  放顶煤  综合防灭火技术

Thick Coal Seam Top Coal Caving Working Face Fire Prevention Technology Research
JI Hai-tao. Thick Coal Seam Top Coal Caving Working Face Fire Prevention Technology Research[J]. Hebei Chemical Engineering and Industry, 2014, 0(7): 55-56,59
Authors:JI Hai-tao
Affiliation:JI Hai-tao;Shanxi Jindi Coking Corporation Ltd.,Jizhong Energy Handan Group;
Abstract:Along with the promotion and application of the fully mechanized caving coal face technology, with the high yield and etticient mine production intensive development. But, this method goaf coal caving height was large, with severe air leakage, made the coal seam spontaneous combustion risk increase, the mine spontaneous fire accidents increased thick coal seam and super thick seam goaf spontaneous combustion fire number accounted for 84% of the goaf ignition total number. In order to solve this problem in Shanxi Province Xingxian Jindi Coal Corporation, the comprehensive fire prevention technology was introduced, which ensured the safety of coal mining.
Keywords:thick coal seam  top coal caving  comprehensive fire-fighting technology
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