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引用本文:陈焕飞,任果. 感应电动机参数对厂用电切换方式的影响[J]. 电力系统及其自动化学报, 2009, 21(6)
作者姓名:陈焕飞  任果
作者单位:1. 海南电网公司计划发展部,海口,570203
2. 四川省电力设计院,成都,610072
摘    要:厂用电快速切换是提高负荷供电可靠性的一种重要手段.鉴于现代负荷以感应电动机为主,文中以一个典型发电厂为例,采用PSCAD/EMTDC深入分析感应电动机参数对快速切换、同期捕捉切换和残压切换的三种电源切换方式的影响.研究发现电动机惯性常数和负荷转矩负载率主要影响快速切换和同期捕捉切换;而残压切换方式主要受电动机转子电阻,励磁电抗和负荷转矩负载率的影响.该文对于研制更为有效的厂用电切换装置具有一定的参考意义.

关 键 词:发电厂  感应电动机  负荷参数  厂用电切换

Influence of Induction Motor Load Parameters on Power Supply Transfer
CHEN Huan-fei,REN Guo. Influence of Induction Motor Load Parameters on Power Supply Transfer[J]. Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA, 2009, 21(6)
Authors:CHEN Huan-fei  REN Guo
Affiliation:CHEN Huan-fei1,REN Guo2(1.Hainan Power Grid Corporation of Southern China Power Grid,Haikou 570203,China,2.Sichuan Electric Power Design Institute,Chengdu 610072,China)
Abstract:Power supply transfer technique is helpful to improve the reliability of power supplying.For induction motors are the main load in the modern factories,a typical power plant was used as an example to investigate the influence of some induction motor parameters on the high-speed,synchronization capture and residual voltage transfers with PSCAD/EMTDC simulation.It is revealed that the inertia constant and load rate of the induction motors have significant influence to the high-speed and synchronization captur...
Keywords:power plant  induction motor  load parameter  power supply transfer
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