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引用本文:杨英杰. 论学校德育工作的超前性[J]. 河南机电高等专科学校学报, 2000, 8(3): 14-15,43
摘    要:超前性是学校德育工作的一个根本性特点。德育的超前性不仅包括德育目标异向和德育内容的超前性,而且包括德育原则和方法的超前性。学校德育工作的超前性是符合事物发展规律以及人的思想认识和发展规律的,具有深刻的理论依据。只有认真抓好对学生思想品德的超前性教育,才能使对学生的思想品德教育具有感梁力的说服力,取得预期效果。

关 键 词:学校 德育工作 超前性

Analysis on the Character of In-advance of the Moral Education at School
YANG Yingjie Basic Coures. Analysis on the Character of In-advance of the Moral Education at School[J]. Journal of Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College, 2000, 8(3): 14-15,43
Authors:YANG Yingjie Basic Coures
Affiliation:YANG Yingjie Basic Coures Department of Xinxiang Education College Xinxiang China,453000
Abstract:The Character of inadvance include not only the different directions of object and content,but also the principles and methods of the moral education at school.The inadvance conform the laws of objects development and people's ideological cognition which has profound theoredical basis.If only make the inadvance education of students' moral done well,that can make the education to students' moral with the strength of convincing and infection.
Keywords:school  moral education work  in-advance
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