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引用本文:李 斌,解建仓,胡彦华,姜仁贵. 基于B/S模式的防汛水雨情整合查询系统研究[J]. 水资源与水工程学报, 2015, 26(4): 12-17
作者姓名:李 斌  解建仓  胡彦华  姜仁贵
作者单位:(1.西安理工大学 水利水电学院, 陕西 西安 710048; 2.陕西省水利厅, 陕西 西安 710004)
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51109175、51109177); 西北旱区生态水利工程国家重点实验室培育基地研究项目(2013ZZKT-5)
摘    要:针对当前防汛工作中存在的数据分散和数据异构问题,本文设计并开发了一套基于B/S模式的防汛水雨情整合查询系统,并应用到陕西省防汛工作中。提出了系统的目标和任务,对系统总体结构、功能及其关键技术进行设计。应用实例表明:基于B/S模式的防汛水雨情整合查询系统较好地实现了水雨情信息的实时监测,雨量信息的多模式查询,河道、水库信息的高效组织、管理与展示。特别是在2010年陕南暴雨、2013年延安特大暴雨期间,防汛指挥部门通过该系统迅速收集汛情信息,提前预警,为人员撤离赢得宝贵时间,最大限度地减轻了损失,发挥了巨大的社会效益。系统整合效果较好,应用可靠,极大地提高了防汛分析与快速应对能力,具有较好的实用价值和应用前景。

关 键 词:防汛; B/S模式; 水雨情查询; 防汛信息化

Study on flood control hydrological information integration and query system based on B/S mode
LI Bin,XIE Jiancang,HU Yanhu,JIANG Rengui. Study on flood control hydrological information integration and query system based on B/S mode[J]. Journal of water resources and water engineering, 2015, 26(4): 12-17
Authors:LI Bin  XIE Jiancang  HU Yanhu  JIANG Rengui
Abstract:Aimed at the problems of distributed and heterogeneous data in flood control works, the paper designed and developed a flood control hydrological information integration query system based on browser/server (B/S) mode which was applied to flood control works in Shaanxi province.It proposed object and task of the system and designed overall structure, function and key technology for the system.Application example showed that the system can realize the real time monitoring of hydrological information,the multimode querying of rainfall information and the efficient organization, management and display of the river and reservoir information. Especially during periods of rainstorm in southern Shaanxi in 2010 and severe rainstorm in Yan'an city in 2013, the flood control department got flood information quickly by the system, provided early warning,and let people evacuate quickly and minimize the disaster loss and thus generated great economic benefits. The system has better integration effect and its application is reliable,and can enhance the flood control analysis and rapid response capability.The system has good practical value and application prospect.
Keywords:flood control   browser/server (B/S) model   hydrological information query   flood control information
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